Automata and Formal Languages Flashcards
Define a register machine. Explain what inputs are for a register machine.
Define the halting set.
A register machine R consists of
(i) A sequence of registers R_1, R_2, .., where at each time t, R_i(t) in N_0
(ii) A finite program. That is, a finite number of states S_0, …, S_n where S_0 = terminal, S_1 = start. Each state has an instruction (j, +, k) or (j, -, k, l).
(j,+,k) means add 1 to register j then go to STATE k.
(j,-,k,l) means if R_j!=0, subtract 1 from R_j and go to state k, otherwise go to state l.
An input is for some k>=1, a k-tuple (n_1,…, n_k) in N^k. Then set R_1=n_1,…,R_k=n_k,R_j=0 for all j>k.
Define a partial function, a total function. What does it mean for a partial function to be computable by a program P?
Define a partial recursive function. Prove that partial recursive implies partial computable.
Prove that partial computable implies partial recursive
What does it mean for a partial function to be recursive or computable? What does it mean for a set X in N^k to be recursive, computable, or decidable? What does it mean for a set to be recursively enumerable?
What is meant by P_n. What is meant by f_{n,k}. Find a function that is not partial recursive.
Properties of r.e. sets
Prove TFAE. In particular, prove that (b)==>(a).
(a) E is r.e., that is phi(n) = {1 if n in E, undefined else is partial recursive.
(b) E is the image of a partial recursive function on N^k
(c) E is the domain of a partial recursive function on 1-variable
(d) E is the image of an injective total recursive function. i.e., “E can be listed.”
(a) ==>(c) is immediate
(a) ==>(b) Consider a register machine computing phi(n). Just add another register R_N, copy R_1 to R_N at the start, then copy R_N to R_1 just before halting. This gives phi’(n) = {n if n in E, 0 else. This implies (b)
(c) ==>(a) is immediate.
(b) ==>(a). Given program P_n, do the following process called Q. Given x in N for Q, run the zig-zag process (having ordered N^k) to compute f_n,k(.) for each input . Each time f_n,k(.) halts, compare the output to x, and halt if equal.
(a) ==>(d). We know E is the domain of a partial recursive function g. If E is finite, it is trivial. Let E be infinite. We begin a diagonal process which starts computing g(n) for each n. Then we define f(1) as the first n for which g(n) halts, f(2) as the second, and so on. Thus f is total recursive and has image d.
Show that E is recursive iff E and N\E are re.
==> clear
<=== E and N\E are the domains of f and g resp. We can make f output 1 and g output 0. So simply define h(n) which is f(n) if it halts or g(n) if g halts (by going through the steps diagonally).
What is W_n and how are they related to re sets?
Show that re unions of W_n is re and finite intersections are re.
What is a universal program? Show that one exists.
A universal program can simulate any machine on any input.
We show there exists a partial recursive u s.t
u(n,k,m)= {r if n codes a program P_n, m codes a k-tuple (m_0,…,m_{k-1}) and f_{n,k}(m_0,…,m_{k-1) halts with r, and does not halt else}
Which is actually trivial.
Define the halting set. Define K. Show that K is ri.e., but K, H are not recursive.
H = {(n,m): n codes a program and f_{n,1}(m) halts }
K = {n : n codes a program and f_{n,1}(n) halts}
N\K is not r.e. Suppose N\K= W_N for some N.
Then N in K iff f_N(N) halts iff N in W_N iff N not in K.
Define the halting set. Define K. Show that K is ri.e., but K, H are not recursive.
H = {(n,m): n codes a program and f_{n,1}(m) halts }
K = {n : n codes a program and f_{n,1}(n) halts}
N\K is not r.e. Suppose N\K= W_N for some N.
Then N in K iff f_N(N) halts iff N in W_N iff N not in K.
What does it mean for A to many to one reduce to B. Why is it called “many-to-one reduction”?
How is many-to-one reduction a useful notion in proving if a set is r.e. or recursive?
A in N many to one reduces to B in N if there is a total recursive function f : N–>N such that x in A iff f(x) in B. Thus the question of membership in A “reduces” to the question of membership in B in a many-to-one fashion, since potentially many x in A may map to the same f(x).
We denote it as A <= B, since B is in a since harder than A (solving membership in B solves A).
The following are clear, since given x in A, we may compute f(x) and then check membership in B.
- If B r.e. then so is A
- If B recursive, so is A
- A <= B iff N\A <= N\B.
State and prove the s-m-n theorem.
A partial function h : N^{m+n}–>N is partial recursive iff there exists a total recursive g : N^m –> N such that for all (e_1,…,e_m,x_1,…,x_n),
h(e_1,…,x_n)=f_{g(e_1,…,e_m),n}(x_1,…,x_n), where equality also extends to undefinedess (i.e., LHS defined iff RHS defined).
It’s actually trivial. For existence, we fix e_1,…,e_n and then we have an algorithm taking in (x_1,…,x_n) and outputting h(e_1,…,e_m, x_1,.., x_n), and so we can compute the code of this algorithm in a total way.
Conversely, if we have written h in this form, then it is partial recursive since we just have an algorithm which given e_1,…,x_n, first computes M = g(e_1,..,e_m). Then if M is defined, uses f_{M,n} on x_1,…,x_n.
Explain why the halting set is the strongest r.e. set under many to one reductions.
We know that if X <= K, then X is r.e. (as K is).
Now suppose X is r.e. We very cleverly define f:N^2–>N such that
f(e, n) = { 1 if e in X, undefined else.
So f is r.e., and by the s-m-n theorem,
So e in X iff f_{g(e),1)(g(e)) halts iff g(e) in K, and so X <= K (!)