Logic 15: Identity Flashcards
Why we need identity
Want to say more than one thing is F
Are limited with the existential quantifer, which says at least one thing is F
And the Universal quantifier that says everything is F
Identity and Distinctness
a = b says a is identical to b
a≠b says a is distinct from b
Other definition for distinctness
a≠b is the same as ¬(a=b)
In terms of identity and negation
Relations of identity and distinctness
They are dyadic predicates, like a “loves” b
- but behave in a special way
The behavior of “loves” can vary from model to model
- on some models Romeo loves Juliet, on others he doesn’t
- on some models love is always requited, on others it is not
The behavior of identity and distinctness is FIXED from model to model
- no matter the model, everything is identical to itself
- nothing in the domain is identical to any other thing in the domain
- nothing in the domain is distinct from itself
- everything in the domain is distinct from every other thing in the domain
- relations of identity and distinctness are held to be logically constant
There is more than one thing of a certain kind
Ex. There is more than one thing that is F
∃x∃y(Fx ∧ Fy ∧ x≠y)
there is some x and there is some y, and x is F, and y is F, and x and y are distinct from each other
- third conjunct is crucial
Want to say that there
are exactly two Fs
∃x∃y(Fx ∧ Fy ∧ x≠y)
says there are at least 2 F’s, but want to add another conjunct that says that there are no more Fs
… ∧ ∀z(Fz → (x=z ∨ y=z)))
and universal z, if F is z then (x is z OR y is z)
∃x∃y(Fx ∧ Fy ∧ x≠y ∧ ∀z(Fz → (x=z ∨ y=z)))
there are exactly three Fs
∃x∃y∃v(Fx ∧ Fy ∧ Fv ∧ x≠y ∧ x≠v ∧ y≠v ∧ ∀z(Fz → (x=z ∨ y=z ∨ v=z))))
where the exclusion clause is
∧ ∀z(Fz → (x=z ∨ y=z ∨ v=z))))
Rules for Identity and Distinctness
1) a sentence a=b is true on a model M iff a and b name the same thing on M
- recall that 2 names can refer to the same thing
- but one name cannot refer to multiple things
- Pat & Pat Pat can refer to me
- but unlike real life, Pat Pat can only refer to me and not someone else
thus, iff I(a) = I(b)
2) a≠b is true on a model M iff a and b name different things on M iff I(a) ≠ I(b)
Validity for Identity and Distinctness
The Indiscernibility of Identicals
aka LEIBNIZ’s Law
“if a and b are one and the same thing, every thing that is true of a is true of b, and vice versa”
if a and b are the very same thing, neither can be some way that the other is not, because it’s not really an “other”
Indiscernibility of Identicals Validity example
1) Samuel Clemens is Mark Twain
2) Mark Twain created Huckleberry Finn
C) Samuel Clemens created Huckleberry Finn
- valid because identity obeys the indiscernibility of identical
- if something is true of Mark Twain, and he just IS Samuel Clemens, then it is true of Clemens
Indiscernibility of Identicals
Leibniz’s Law
Indiscernibility of Identicals as Distinctness of Discernibles
Distinctness of Discernibles
“if there is some DIFFERENCE between a and b, then a and b are distinct”
where the indiscernibility of identicals say
“if P then Q” is equivalent to “If not Q then not P”
Validity example as distinctness of discernibles
1) Michelangelo created the statue David
2) Michelangelo did not create the marble from which David is formed
C) David is distinct from the marble from which David is formed