Logic 12: Natural Deduction Flashcards
Natural Deduction
Good for constructing an argument, starting from certain premises and seeing what we can prove from them
Starts from certain assumptions and uses rules on how to introduce and eliminate sentential connectives to get new sentences that depend on the assumptions we have made
What is a proof?
a list of lines, each which shows 1) the sentence we’ve generated, 2) what rule we used to generate it 3) what assumptions that sentence depends on
Conjunction rules
conjunction elimination ^E
conjunction introduction ^I
Conjunction elimination ^E
if you have proven a conjunction A^B from some set of assumptions X, then you can infer A and it will also rest on the assumptions in X, and you can infer B and it will rest on the assumptions in X
Conjunction introduction ^I
if you have proven a formula A from some set of assumptions X, and you have proven B from some set of assumptions Y, then you can infer A^B, and it will rest on the union of the assumptions in X and Y
(all the assumptions in X and all the assumptions in Y)
Example using conjunction
(A∧B)∧C ⊢ B∧C
1 1) (A∧B)∧C Ass 1 2) A∧B 1,∧E 1 3) B 2,∧E 1 4) C 1,∧E 1 5) B∧C 3,4,∧I
First Step
At line 1, we start by assuming the premise of our argument: “Ass”
every natural deduction proof will start out by assuming each premise of the argument
- an assumption depends for its truth on itself– we haven’t generated it from anything
- we’ve merely assumed it– write 1 on the far left
Conditional rules
conditional elimination →E
conditional introduction →I
Conditional elimination→E
if you’ve got a conditional A→B resting on some assumptions X, and you’ve got A resting on some assumptions Y, then you can infer B and it will rest on the union of X and Y
Conditional elimination example
A∧B, A→C ⊢ C
1 1) A∧B Ass
2 2) A→C Ass
1 3) A 1,∧E
1,2 4) C 2,3,→E
Conditional introduction →I
you can prove a conditional A→B by assuming A and proving B on that assumption
reasoning known as conditional proof
but we only assume A temporarily, once I conclude the conditional, we DISCHARGE the assumption that A
RULE: if I assume A, and then if I can infer B resting on A and some assumptions X, I can then infer A→B resting just on X
Conditional introduction example
A→B ⊢ (B→C)→(A→C).
1 1) A→B Ass 2 2) B→C Ass 3 3) A Ass 1,3 4) B 1,3,→E 1,2,3 5) C 2,4,→E 1,2 6) A→C 3,5,→I 1 7) (B→C)→(A→C) 2,6,→I
Assume whatever you like at any stage, and it will depend on itself.
n n) A Ass
If you’ve got A depending on set of assumptions X and B depending on set of
assumptions Y, infer A∧B, which will depend on the union of X and Y.
X n) A . . .
Y m) B . . .
X,Y o) A∧B n,m∧I
If you’ve got A∧B depending on set of assumptions X, infer A, which will depend on
assumptions X.
X n) A∧B . . .
X m) A n,∧E