Logic 13: Predicate Logic Flashcards
Predicate Logic (QL)
A more complex system,
want to translate sentences and be able to note when they have stuff in common,
QL- quantifier logic
1) Obama is human.
2) Hillary is human.
In PL, they would be two different sentences. But being human is a common element here, and we want to note that.
3) Obama is male
4) Hillary is female
- no common elements in 3 and 4
But same people talked about in all sentences
Propositional Logic
The smallest unit is a complete sentence
has names and predicates as basic units, lets us build up complete sentences from them
is a predicate, for is human
is a name, for Obama
have various adicities- the number of slots that need to be filled by a name in order to get a complete sentence
predicates with adicity greater than one
more than one name is required to make a complete sentence
these predicates signify relations- ways in which things can stand to one another
dyadic predicates
two place predicates, signify dyadic relations
ex. is taller than, or is to the north of
can take 2 names to make a complete sentence
ex. can take “Obama” and “Hillary” and say “Obama is taller than Hillary”
things can stand in relations to themselves, we can use the one name twice to make a complete sentence with a dyadic predicate
ex. “is the same height as”
- “Nicole is the same height as Brad”
- “Nicole is the same height as Nicole”– everything is the same height as itself
monadic predicates
monadic predicates– have adicity one– only one name is required to make a complete sentence
signify properties
triadic predicates
three place predicates, signify triadic relations, will take 3 names and make a complete sentence
“…is between…and…”
“Kansas is between Colorado and Missouri”
can also have 4-place… 100-place predicates
dyadic example
"Obama and Hillary are both Democrats, and Obama is Hillary's boss" o: Obama h: Hillary D(x): x is a Democrat B(x,y): x is y's boss
What are Quantifiers?
When we want to say that something is a certain way without saying what thing in particular it is that is that way
– use quantifiers
ex. something is the president without saying that that thing is Obama
P(x), this says that x is the president
x is not a name for some thing, it is a VARIABLE– it is holding place for a name
- can bind that variable with a quantifier
QL Quantifiers
‘∃xF(x)’ says ‘something is F’
- existential
‘∀xF(x)’ says ‘everything is F’
- absolute
∃xF(x) = ¬∀x¬F(x)
(If something is F, it’s not the case that everything is not F.)
∀xF(x) = ¬∃x¬F(x)
(If everything is F, it’s not the case that something is not F.)
Quantifier examples
P(x): x is the President ∃xP(x): something is the president ∀xP(x): everything is the president ∃x¬P(x): something is not the president ∀x¬P(x): everything is not the president ¬∃xP(x): not something is the president = nothing is the president ¬∀xP(x): not everything is the president
PL vs. QL example 1
1) all humans are mortal
2) socrates is human
c) socrates is mortal
in PL:
1) P
2) Q
c) R
in QL: s: Socrates H(x): x is human M(x): x is mortal 1) ∀x(H(x)→M(x)) all, if human then mortal 2) H(s) C) M(s)