Loftus And Palmer (1974) Flashcards
Where did the videos come from!
Seattle police dept
Evergreen road safety council
How many participants in experiment one and two?
Experiment one = 45
Experiment two = 150
What was the general aim?
To test whether the phrasing of questions about a car accident could alter participants memory of an event
What was the aim of experiment one?
To see whether using different verbs to describe a collision between two cars would effect estimates of the speed at which they are travelling when the crash took place
What was the experimental design? (1&2)
Independent measures design
How many films were participants shown in experiment one?
Seven films of car crashes
After watching the films, what were participants asked to do?(1)
Participants were asked to write an account of the accident and then to answer a series of questions
What was the critical question?(1)
About how fast were the cars going when they _______ each other?
What was the independent variable?(1)
The verb used in the critical question
hit, contacted, bumped, collided, smashed
What was the dependent variable?(1)
Mean speed estimate of the car
What was the data?(1)
Qualitative data
What did the results show?(1)
We are generally poor at estimating speed
What was the mean speed estimate in the smashed and hit groups?(1)
Smashed = 40.5 Hit = 34.0
2 possible reasons why speed estimated varied according to the verb used to describe the crash(1)
Response bias - verb indicates whether they should estimate high or low
Memory distortion - verb used in the question actually alters a participants memory of the crash
What was the aim of experiment two?
To investigate whether the different speed estimates found in experiment 1 were the result of a distortion in memory