localisation of function in the brain Flashcards
out phsyical and psychological abilities all come from specific brain areas
bfeore this discrovery longed belived holsitic theory was correct, assumed that the whole brain is involved in all brain processes
hemispheres of brain
brain split into two halves (hemispheres)
each hemisphere is dominant for difefrent abilities (hemispheric lacterisaltion)
left hemisphere is dominant for language processing
right hemisphere is dominant for spatial processing
also contralacteral-left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and the right hemsiphere controls the left side of the body
outler layerrs of each hemisphere is called cellerburm cortex-which consists of grey matter which seperates us intellectually with animals
lobes of the brain
frontal lobe-back of lobe contains the motor area. where the brain processes movement
pariental lobe-forn of lobe contains somotsensory lobe, where brain processes touch
occupital lobe-contains visual area. brain processes sight
temoral lobe-contains audiaorty area, brai provesses what you hear
language areas of the brain
language restricted to left side of the brain
paul broca-identified small area in left frontal lobe responsible for speech production
area called braocs area
damage to this area=broacs aphasia which is slow speech and lacks flucency
karl wernicke-identifiedd small area in left temperol lobe repsonsible for lanaguage comprehension
aarea called wernickes area
damage to area=wernicke apahasia which is producing nonsense words
strength of localitsion of brain
phineas gagem
working on railroad
involved in accident where tampering iron went through his skull
survived but before accident was calm, researved perosn wheras after was quick tempered and agression
suggests frontal lobe may have something to do with mood regualtion
weakness of localisation of brain
not all localised
karl lashley suggests some higher cognive functions are not localised but instead distributed in a more holisitc way
sturided this by removing 10 and 50 percent of cortex in brains of rats trying to get through a maze
learning of maze appeared to involve every area of the cortex ratherr than a speciifc lobe or area