hemispheric lacterislaition and split brain research Flashcards
corpus callossum
bundle of nerve fibres which join the two halves of the brain together
division of the two hemispheres by surgery, occasionally been done to improve epilepsy
left hemisphere
language centre area of brain
controls the right hand
recoveds info from the right visual field
right hemisphere
focuses on visuo spatial tasks
controls the left hand
recives infro from the left visual field
hemispheric lacterilisation
assumption that the two hemispheres of the brain are functionally different
sperrys split brain research
quasi experiment
11 partcipants
they were epileptics who could not be treated by drugs. had already had their corpus collosum split. no ethical issues
procedure-particiapnt had to gaze at fixtation point on an upright translucent screen
slides were projected either side of fixtation point at rate of one pic per 1/10 second
if tactile task tasks with obejcts were carried out with the ps hands underneath so the ps themsleves could not see what they were doing, had to use feel only