local political life Flashcards
What is the board of four called?
What are the quattuorviri?
magistrates of the city. Voted in each year for one year terms. Two diff types of magistrates
Who could hold the position?
men of honour and wealth. Required to make generous contributions to the city. One had to hold the office of Aedile before running for Duumvir.
List the board of four:
- Duumviri/Duoviri (2 senior magistrates)
- Aediles (2 junior magistrates)
to make sure not too much power in one person
each have different responsibilities and decisions to make
List the responsibilities of the Duoviri:
- administered the electoral vote
- responsible for criminal and civil cases
- make judgements about electoral candidates w/out required qualification and unworthy decurions (A member of a municipal senate in ancient Rome that ran local government.)
What did the Duoviri do every 5 years?
there would be an election for magistrates called Quinquennales. they had the responsibility of taking census and controlling morality.
responsibilities of Aediles?
- admin. scared and public buildings
- maintained roads and sewerage systems
- regulated town’s market
- maintained public order
- sponsored spectacles and theatre
Physical upkeep of land
What is city Council called?
Ordo Decurionum
Who could the position of Ordo Decurionum?
- distinguished and influential citizens, many ex-magistrates = experienced and wise regarding city and running of it.
- only freeborn citizens, except those unworthy e.g. actors
How many members in Ordo Decurionum?
200 members (decurions)
Responsibilities of Ordo Decurionum?
- debated and voted on issues affecting the admin of city(city finance, religious matters and public business) and advised the Board of Four.
- advised magistrates and helped make decisions
- every 5 years, list of decurions revised
Who could the position of People’s assembly?
- city divided into voting precincts and members voted as individuals or as part of guild.
- voting by ballot
How many ppl were their in People’s Assembly?
the whole city of men aged over 25
adult male citizens of city
Responsibilities of People’s Assembly?
- elect magistrates -> annually in March/Spring
- vote by ballots: tablet placed on urn
- candidates for magistracies had to receive an absolute majority of voting precincts.
- not compulsory, done by interest
What was the political life in P and H like?
self-governing in local matters and enjoyed considerable autonomy (independence/freedom)
Who did P and H still have to answer to?
Rome and subject to imperial decree.
When did the Emperor interfere?
rarely interfered, except when empire security and local order threatened.
What were like about politics?
Most people were very politically aware and enthusiastic, evident in shrines and dedicatory statues, thousands of electoral notices painted on walls
WHo could only hold high political positions?
Only male citizens could vote and hold positions
When was political activity most intense?
before annual elections in March
Evidence of intense political activity in Pompeii?
Ciero says that “competition was so fierce, that it was harder to gain a position in P than in Rome.”
Who were the Duoviri and Aediles?
magistrates: men of wealth and honour, not paid but required to make generous contributed to city and keep ppl happy by sponsoring spectacular shows and dedicating building and statues, hence needed to be wealthy and free, mainly freeborn.
What did the magistrates preside over?
the City Council and People’ Assembly
Legislature: City Council (ordo Decurionum) how long in position?
seat on council was for life, only became available with death or disgrace of member
What are the privileges of Quattuoviri?
- wear purple edged toga
- reserved seat at public performances : theatre and ampitheatre
- associated with emperor worship, e.g. Augustales, integral part of political life, many magistrates were a part of this body.
How was elections and candidates promoted?
half of electoral manifesto and propaganda in P relate to election of March 79AD
never promote self, done by others. make electoral promises and boast about what they did in past.
Not everyone is always happy with elected magistrates, with some graffiti drew caricatures and gave advice on how to properly run city.
How was votes for next election ensured for citizens of Pompeii?
the relationships with their clients
what is patron?
a wealthy (usually male) citizen who gave time, money, connection to people of lower classes. Expected to help, write slogans/graffiti on buildings, talk to others = popularity increase. e.g. building of Eumachia
What is Client?
someone who received money, time etc. from their richer patrons in return for political support. This might be done by word of mouth, writing graffiti etc.