Local Health Center, Primary Health Care Flashcards
is a community-based and patient-directed organization
Barangay Health Center
Its goal is to provide first aid, maternal and child health care, diagnosis of social diseases, and other basic health services to all the members of the community it is serving
Barangay Health Center
Some districts may share a Barangay Health Center due to:
(1) close proximity to one another
(2) lack of manpower.
Fundamentals of Barangay Health Center
> There should be one Barangay Health Center per district.
It should cater to health center patients who represent the population served.
It should be able to provide primary health care services.
Most medicines are given for free. There is a drug subsidy for expensive medicines.
Services rendered should be free for the members of the community.
Who Barangay Health Centers serve
Barangay residents of all ages.
Barangay residents of all races and ethnicities.
Barangay residents with or without health insurance.
International conference on Primary Health Care
Alma-Ata, USSR, September 6-12, 1978
Alma-Ata Declaration
is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
essential health care based on practical, scientifically
sound and socially acceptable methods and
technology made universally accessible
through full participation of the community, and at a
cost that the community and country can afford to
first level of contact of individuals, the family, and
community with the national health system
brings healthcare as close as possible to where
people live and work
Primary Health Care
Basic Principles of Primary Health Care
- Community Participation
- Inter sectoral Collaboration
- Integration of Health Services
- Equity
- Self Reliance
individuals and families assume responsibility for their own health and those of the community
Community Participation
coordination of health activities with other sectors (education, finance, agriculture, information, etc.)
Inter-sectoral Collaboration
coordination of primary health care components into a whole program and made available at all times including referrals
Integration of Health Services
resources are accessible and affordable to all
- use of technological and scientifically sound methods
- maintained by the community
- in terms of human resources, money, and materials
Self Reliance
Components / Elements of Primary Health Care
- immunization
- maternal and child care
- essential drugs
- food and nutrition
- Education
- Illness and Injury
- Water and Sanitation
- Vectors abd Reservoirs
Prevention of infectious diseases (measles, meningitis, pertusis, tuberculosis, yellow fever, etc.)
pregnant women and women of child-bearing age (15-49 years) are targets for special care
children under 5 years of age vulnerable to childhood killer diseases
includes family planning
Maternal and Child Health Care
vital drugs should be available and affordable at all levels
Provision of Essential Drugs
food must be adequate, affordable and balanced in terms of nutrients
Food and Nutrition
The community should be informed of health problem and methods of prevention and control
Adequate provision of curative services for common ailments and injuries
Illness and Injury
safe water supply
clean disposal of wastes
Water and Sanitation
endemic diseases regulated through control or eradication of vectors and animal reservoirs
Vector and reservoirs
11 Basic Requirements for a sound PHC
8 A’s, 3 C’s
- Appropriateness 7. Assessability
- Adequacy 8. Accountability
- Affordability 9. Completeness
- Accessibility 10. Comprehensiveness
- Acceptability 11. Continuity
- Availability
services has to be properly selected and carried out by
trained personnel in the proper way
‒ service proportionate to requirement
‒ sufficient volume of care to meet demands and needs
cost should be within the means and resources of the individual and the country
‒ reachable, convenient services
‒ geographic, economic, cultural accessibility
depends on
satisfactory communication between health care providers and patients
patient trust
patient’s belief in confidentiality and privacy of
information shared with providers
‒ care can be obtained whenever people need it
‒ can be readily evaluated
feasibility of regular review of financial records by certified public accountants
requires adequate attention to all aspects of a medical
problem (prevention, early detection, diagnosis,
treatment, follow-up measures, rehabilitation)
care is provided for all types of health problems
management of patient care over time is coordinated among providers
GOBI – major program which means
Growth Monitoring
Oral Rehydration Techniques
GOBI FFF means
Growth Monitoring Oral Rehydration Techniques Breastfeeding Immunization Food Supplementation Female literacy Family planning
Addresses most important problems in the community by providing preventive, curative, and rehabilitative services
Primary Health Care
more complex problems are dealt with
comprises curative services
provided by the district hospitals
Secondary Health Care
offers super-specialist care
provided by regional/central level institution
provide training programs
Tertiary Health Care
“Health TO the people”
health is sole responsibility of the doctor (eg. medical
Hospital- or Clinic-based
“Health FOR the people”
health is a joint responsibility of the doctor and other health professionals, with the community members are potential beneficiaries
“Health WITH the people”
active discussion, planning, decision making
processes are shared by health professionals and community members
“social change” – people find ways to gain control over their lives
“Health BY the people”
highest form of participation
health is the responsibility of every individual
people as managers of health programs and