Health Policy Flashcards
a clear statement of intent:
- defines specific guidelines
- for adoption by specific institutions
- to achieve health objectives
Health Policy
Health Policy should be
1. aligned with international commitments, national directives and health agenda 2. evidence-based 3. disseminated to stakeholders upon approval 4. monitored in terms of implementation and performance
defines a vision for the future
outlines priorities and the expected roles of
different groups
builds consensus and informs people
Health Policy
Goal Of Health Policies
To provide access to quality care at an affordable cost
established by the government (e.g. DOH)
Public Policy
established by private organizations (e.g. NGO’s)
Private Policy
Forms Of Public Health Policies
- Laws
- Rules/Regulations
- Operational Decisions
- Judicial Decisions
Typology Of Health Laws
- Republic Acts by Congress (R.A. #) 1.
Implementing Rules and Regulations of a Republic Act (IRR of R.A. #) - Department of Health Administrative Orders – (DOH A.O. #)
- Presidential Executive Order (E.O. #)
- Presidential Proclamation Order (P.O. #)
Where do legislations, A.O.s, E.O.s emanate?
- Department of Health
- Office of the President and Cabinet
- The Senate and Lower House of Congress
- Civil Society Groups
Three Methods by Which a Bill Becomes a Law
- When the President signs it
- When the President vetoes it but the veto is overridden by two-thirds vote of all the members of each House; and
- When the President does not act upon the measure within thirty days after it shall have been presented to him
Presidential Decision Making On E.O.S And P.O.S
- Upon recommendation of the Secretary of Health or any Cabinet Secretary
- Processing and staff work by the Presidential Management Staff (PMS)
- Personal lobbying by the Cabinet Secretary with the President
- President signing the Executive Order or Presidential Proclamation
DOH Health Policy Decision Making
- Health researches and consultations spearheaded by Bureau of Health Policy Planning and Research
- Submission of completed staff work to the Management Committee of the DOH for deliberations and decision making
- Signing of the DOH Executive Order by the Secretary of Health
Steps In Policy Formulation
- Describe the problem
- Assess readiness for policy development
- Develop goals, objectives, and policy options
- Identify decision makers and influencers
- Build support for a policy
- Write and/or revise the policy
- Implement the policy
- Evaluate and monitor the policy
In describing the problem, you have to identify the following:
causes of the problem
impact of the problem
perception of the community
effect of previous solutions
Objectives should be
SMART specific measurable acceptable realistic time-bound
Include all of the following in your
the purpose of the policy, goals, & objectives;
a description of the regulations & sanctions;
procedures for non-compliance;
a plan for promoting & disseminating the policy;
a plan for monitoring & evaluating the policy.
How Do You Analyze Policy?
- Understand the problem
- Identify the Stakeholder
Groups with POWER to influence policy - Assess the policy’s impact on access to affordable quality care
- Examine the unintended consequences