LO4 Flashcards
Types of incidents and emergencies (10)
Exposure to infection
Exposure to chemicals
Aggressive and dangerous encounters
loss of water supply
other critical incidents
How can accidents be caused? (3)
poorly maintained areas or equipment
lack of mobility and awareness of potential hazards
poor working practices
consequences of poorly maintained areas or equipment
electrical injuries
scalds from hot water
examples of lack of mobility and awareness
residents with dementia
Risk factors to exposure to infections
weakened immune systems might mean individuals are more susceptible to bacterial infections such as MRSA and food poisoning
poor environmental conditions such as poor ventilation
poor working practices such as poor personal hygiene
How might someone be exposed to chemicals?
not thoroughly sterilising equipment or aids
What could be spilled?
bodily fluids and waste
How might intruders gain access to buildings?
poor maintenance such as broke windows and poor locks
What are the consequences of intruders?
could access electronic records ands info
loss of belongings - financial loss
Consequences of dangerous encounters
bruised eye if hit
fall down stairs
Why might a flood happen?
careless mistakes - leaving baths on
lack of maintenance checks
Consequences of floods
diseases can spread
belongings damaged
people having to relocate
financial loss
Responses to incidents and emergencies (4)
Evacuation procedures
follow up review of critical incidents and emergencies
report to relevant authorities
When reporting incidents what must be included?
Name of ill/injured person
Date, time and place
details of injury
ACT FAST (fire safety)
Act fast, do not panic, fire alarm
Control and contain fire if trained
Telephone fire brigade
Follow emergency procedure
Assist in ensuring everyone is in a safe place, outside
Support others to ensure no one stays behind or goes back
Try to remain calm - wait until fire brigade tells you it is safe to return