LO2: Understand health and social care values underpinning practice Flashcards
What is legislation?
What is the point of legislation?
Prevent discrimination Provides a framework for workers to follow Provides guidance for workers Sets the standards Provides a system of redress
What does redress mean?
To put something right or to get justice.
Police prosecution or being fined/sued
What is direct discrimination?
Intentionally putting someone at a disadvantage or treating them unfairly based on a particular characteristic
What is indirect discrimination?
When a policy, practice or rule applies to everybody but has a negative effect on some people
(Think - no headgear allowed)
What are the 5 pieces of legislation relevant to HSC?
General Data Protection Regulations (Data Protection Act 2018) Human Rights Act 1998 Equality Act 2010 Health and Social Care Act 2012 Care Act 2014
What do we mean by data when we are discussing GDPR
Any information an organisation has about you - address, DOB, contact number etc
What are the main points of the GDPR?
Data to be kept secure and confidential
Service users have a right to see what data is held about them
Information should only be collected and used for a specific purpose
Data should be limited to what is necessary
Data should be up to date and accurate
Data should not be kept longer than necessary
What are human rights?
Things that all humans are entitled to
What rights does the Human Rights Act say we should all have in care settings?
Right to life
Right to respect, privacy and family life
Right to liberty and security
Right to freedom from discrimination
Right to freedom of expression
Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
What re the 9 protected characteristics?
Age Disability Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy and maternity Race Religion Sex Sexual orientation
What are the main features of the Equality Act 2010
Direct and indirect discrimination on the basis of the protected characteristics is illegal
Reasonable adjustments have to be made for service users to access services
Reasonable adjustments have to be made for workers to be able to do their job
What are the key features of the Health and Social Care Act 2012?
No decision about me without me - patients must be consulted
Healthwatch was set up - Independent service who take the views of service users and communicates them to services and regulators (CQC)
What is a Local Authority?
Local council Responsible for how money is spent in local area Housing Education Social Services
What are the main features of the Care Act 2014?
Local Authorities must Assess the needs of children and adults with needs
Independent advocate to be made available to the service user if needed during assessment
Continuity of care must be in place if a person moves from another authority
Safeguarding boards in place to protect vulnerable adults and investigate abuse