LO1; Understand types and signs of abuse Flashcards
LO1.1 - Types of abuse
What does the UK government’s guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children define abuse of a child as?
LO1.1; Types of abuse
Defines abuse of a child as:
A form of maltreatment of a child, someone may abuse or neglect a child, inflicting harm.
Children may be abused in a family, in an institution or community setting by those who are known to them or, more rarely by others (e.g. the internet) may be abused by an adult or adults, or another child/children
LO1.1 - Types of abuse
What does the Action on Elder Abuse (AEA), a national charity, define abuse in relation to older adults as?
LO1.1; Types of abuse
Defines abuse in relation to older adults as:
As single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there’s an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older adult
LO1.1 - Types of abuse
What are the different types of abuse?
Types of abuse:
- Physical
- Emotional/Psychological
- Neglect
- Sexual
- Financial
- Institutional
- Bullying
- Exploitation/Mate Crime
- Discrimination
LO1.2 - Signs of different types of abuse
What are the signs of Physical Abuse?
LO1.2; Signs of different types of abuse
- Bruises
- Scratches
- Burns
- Weight loss/gain (due to lack of/too much food)
- Finger/bite marks
LO1.2 - Signs of different types of abuse
What are the signs of Sexual Abuse?
LO1.2; Signs of different types of abuse
- Bleeding around the genital area
- Incontinence (no bladder control)
- Pregnancy
- Unexplained stomach pains/cramps (too young/old to start a period)
LO1.2 - Signs of different types of abuse
What are the signs of Emotional/Mental/Psychological Abuse?
LO1.2; Signs of different types of abuse
- Avoiding eye contact
- Fearful + anxious
- Self-harming
- Feeling worthless
- Incontinence (no bladder control)
LO1.2 - Signs of different types of abuse
What are the signs of Neglect Abuse?
LO1.2; Signs of different types of abuse
- Poor personal hygiene
- Malnourishment
- Untreated medical conditions
- Dirty surroundings
LO1.2 - Signs of different types of abuse
What are the signs of Financial Abuse?
LO1.2; Signs of different types of abuse
- Unexplained lack of money
- Unpaid bills
- Possesions disappearing
- Sudden change in wills
- Power of attorney
LO1.2 - Signs of different types of abuse
What are the signs of Institutional Abuse?
LO1.2; Signs of different types of abuse
- Low standards of care
- Inadequate of staff
- Lack of access to care
- Lack of visitors
- Not upholding individuals’ rights
What is a Sign of abuse?
A sign of abuse is something that can be seen (something physical)
What is a Symptom of abuse?
A symptom of abuse is used to describe the behaviours/feelings a person may experience
LO1 - Types of Abuse; Past Exam Questions
Identify four different types of abuse (Jun ‘19)
Any four from:
- physical
- institutional
- bullying
- neglect
- sexual
- exploitation/mate crime
- discrimination
- financial
- emotional
LO1 - Types of Abuse; Past Exam Questions
Josh is 15 years old. At school, a boy called Mark pushes Josh over and takes his phone. Josh’s friend says he’ll get the phone back for him but it’ll cost him £5
Later that day in the changing rooms, Mark hides Josh’s clothes and takes pictures of him. He threatens to post the pictures online
Identify three types of abuse that Josh is experiencing and give an example for each (Jan ‘18)
One mark for each identification, three required
One mark for each example, three required
Types + Examples
- physical; pushing over/hiding clothes
- sexual; photos of him/threat of ‘sexting’ /posting the
images online - emotional / psychological; whole experience/threatened to post images online
- financial; has to pay to get his phone returned
- exploitation/mate crime; taking of phone/has to pay to
get his phone returned /photos of him - bullying; hiding clothes/threatening to post images
online/threat of ‘sexting’
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
What are the symptoms of Physical Abuse?
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
- anxious or fearful
- less confident
- withdrawn
- reluctant to undress
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
What are the symptoms of Sexual Abuse?
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
- withdrawn
- frustrated + aggressive
- displaying inappropriate uninhibited sexual behaviour
- reluctant to undress
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
What are the symptoms of Emotional/mental/psychological Abuse?
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
- changes in eating + sleeping
- low self esteem
- having mood swings
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
What are the symptoms of Neglect Abuse?
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
- depression
- suicidal thoughts
- become passive
- losing interest in themselves + values in life
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
What are the symptoms of Financial Abuse?
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
- anxious over money
- e.g. worries over uniform + equipment
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
What are the symptoms of Institutional Abuse?
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
- passive
- frustrated
- socially withdrawn
- losing interest in themselves + others
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
What are the symptoms of Bullying?
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
- fearful of going out
- suicidal thoughts
- low self esteem
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
What are the symptoms of Discrimination?
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
- withdrawn
- anxious
- low self esteem
- frustrated
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
What are the symptoms of Exploitation/mate crime?
LO1.2; Symptoms of different types of abuse
Exploitation/mate crime:
- mood swings
- changes in friends
- low self esteem
- withdrawn
LO1 - Types and signs of abuse; Past Exam Questions
Read the following inspection report on Silverleaf College for Deaf Students
‘During an inspection, several shocking examples of abuse were seen at Silverleaf College for Deaf Students. Residents were harm by the very people who should have been caring for them. The leadership team didn’t take enough steps to prevent abuse, or to tackle a culture where vulnerable adults weren’t protected.
- Vulnerable residents weren’t being supervised in a swimming pool (which was open to the public) + and no lifeguard was on duty
- Serious medication errors had occurred, including a person being given a double dose of a sedative
- There was no evidence that incidents were being recorded appropriately and being learned from
- Residents were being teased for their physical and learning disabilities
- When a resident ripped their shirt a member of staff hit the resident with the shirt and told them that their activities would be withdrawn
- That a resident had a hot cup of tea placed on their arm
LO1 - Types and signs of abuse; Past Exam Questions
Physical: resident hit/hot cup of tea being placed on arm
Neglect: not supervised in a swimming/no lifeguard/medication errors
Institutional: the leadership didn’t take enough steps to prevent abuse/didn’t tackle culture/no evidence being recorded appropriately and being learnt from
Discrimination: Residents being teased
Emotional/psychological: being told their activities would be withdrawn
Bullying: resident hit/hot cup of tea placed on arm/told that their activities would be withdrawn