LM 1.2: Male Reproductive System Flashcards


what are the 4 functional components of the male reproductive system?

  1. the testes or male gonads, paired organs lying in the scrotal sac, are responsible for production of the male gametes, spermatozoa, and secretion of male sex hormones, principally testosterone
  2. a system of ducts, consisting of e erent ductules, epididymis, vas deferens and ejaculatory duct which collects, stores and carries spermatozoa from each testis. The ejaculatory ducts converge on the urethra, from which spermatozoa are expelled into the female reproductive tract during copulation
  3. two exocrine glands, the paired seminal vesicles and the single prostate gland, secrete a nutritive and lubricating uid medium called seminal uid in which spermatozoa are conveyed to the female reproductive tract. Semen, the fl uid expelled during ejaculation, consists of seminal uid and spermatozoa, plus some desquamated duct-lining cells
  4. the penis and a pair of small accessory glands (the bulbourethral glands of Cowper) which secrete a uid which lubricates the urethra for the passage of semen during ejaculation
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