LLPs Flashcards
What governs LLPs?
Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000
What are the formalities of the creation of an LLP?
Registration with the registrar of companies
Cannot trade until it receives a certificate of incorporation
What information is required for the creation of an LLP?
Registered office
Names of members
Details of PSCs
What is significant about an LLP compared to a general partnership?
Distinct legal personality from members
What is required for the admission of a new member?
Unanimous consent of members
What happens if there is no designated member?
All members are responsible
What is the role of a designated member?
appoint auditors, submit annual confirmation statement, sign and file accounts, and comply with statutory filing requirements.
What is required when there are changes to membership / identity of designated member?
Registrar of companies must be notified within 14 days
Actual authority - when is a firm bound?
Done in a way showing an intention to bind the firm,
By any person actually authorised by the firm to undertake the act
Courts also recognise implied actual authority if the partners have allowed a partner without express actual authority to regularly do an act.
What is apparent / ostensible authority?
The act of a partner carrying on in the usual way of business of the kind carried out by the firm will bind the firm and the other partners unless:
The partner had no authority to act; and
The person with whom the partner was dealing either: (1) knew the partner had no authority to act, or (2) did not know or believe the person they were dealing with was a partner
What is the procedure for outgoing members?
Give notification to companies house within 14 days
Give reasonable notice to other members
What is a PSC?
Directly or indirectly holds rights over more than 25% of the assets on winding up
Directly or indirectly holds more than 25% of the rights to vote on those matters which are to be decided upon by a vote of the members of the LLP
Directly or indirectly holds the right to appoint or remove the majority of those entitled to take part in management
Otherwise has the right to exercise, or actually exercises, significant influence or control over a trust, or the members of a firm that is not a legal person but meets any of the other specified conditions in relation to the LLP
How is profit distributed?
Equally unless partnership agreement states otherwise
No right to be remunerated for acting in the business management of the LLP
How does indemnity operate?
LLP must indemnify each member in respect of payments made and personal liabilities incurred by the member in the conduct of the business of the LLP
How is it managed?
in absence of agreement, every member decides ordinary matters. No change to nature of business without consent of all members.
What does the duty to account mean?
Must account for competitor profits
Must account for anything conferring a personal benefit
What is the LLP required to file at Companies House?
The LLPs annual accounts;
An annual confirmations statement (a statement confirming or updating information on a file with Companies House);
Details of the appointment and removal of members;
Details of any changes to the details of the members; and
Details of any changes to the registered name or registered office of the LLP
What is the liability of members for debts of the LLP?
Limited to their capital contribution
Is there personal liability for LLP debts?
No save for the rules regarding wrongful and fraudulent trading under Insolvency Act 1986
How does voluntary striking off operate?
If the members of an LLP decide that it is no longer needed, or if the LLP is dormant and not trading, a majority of members may apply to the Registrar of Companies for the LLP to be struck of the register and dissolved
Can an LLP be involuntarily struck off the register?
Yes, if the registrar believes that the LLP is no longer carrying on business
When is it not possible for an LLP to be struck off?
The LLP has traded or otherwise carried on business in the last three months;
The LLP has changed its name in the last three months; or
The LLP is the subject of any insolvency proceedings
What notices are required for voluntary striking off?
Those making the application must notify the other members
Registrar of companies will place a notice in the London Gazette - struck off three months after this
How does insolvency operate?
LLP can be liquidated (voluntarily or compulsorily), put into administration or be the subject of a voluntary arrangement (a composition with its creditors)
a fixed charge receiver or an administrative receiver (that is, a receiver or manager of the whole, or substantially the whole, of an LLP’s property) may be appointed by certain secured creditors of the LLP
How does taxation operate?
Not a taxable person. Members are taxed individually (income tax)
Can an LLP grant a floating charge?