Llegar Flashcards
To arrive
To get
I arrive.
I arrive in a half hour.
Llego en media hora.
You arrive.
What time are you arriving?
Tú llegas.
¿A qué hora llegas?
I just arrived.
Acabo de llegar.
You already arrived.
Tú ya llegaste.
Yes, I arrived.
Sí, ya llegue.
He / she arrives.
I am so hungry and the pizza hasn’t gotten here yet.
Él / Ella llega.
Tengo mucha hambre, y todavía no llega la pizza.
Well…Let’s enjoy (one has to enjoy) the little tea until the pizza (arrives) gets here.
Bueno … hay que disfrutar el tecito en lo que llega la pizza.
What time did Pau tell you she would get here? (What time told you Pau she would arrive).
¿A qué hora te dijo Pau que llegaba?
¿A qué hora te dijo Pau que llegaría? (Chat GPT)
Chat GTP says. No, “llegaba” would not be appropriate in this context. “Llegaba” is the imperfect past tense in Spanish, indicating a continuous or repeated action in the past. In your sentence, you are asking about a specific point in time when Pau said she would arrive, which requires the use of the conditional tense. It is asking about a future hypothetical situation (when Pau said she would arrive). The verb “llegaría” is in the conditional tense, not the preterite. I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous response.
So, the correct translation is: “¿A qué hora te dijo Pau que llegaría?” = What time did Pau tell you she would get here?
The translation of “¿A qué hora te dijo Pau que llegaba?” into English is: “What time did Pau tell you she would arrive?”
Pau gets here in about 20 minutes.
Pau llega como en veinte minutos.
While it gets here. Until it gets here.
En lo que llega.
We arrive
Nosotros llegamos
in the back seat
en el asiento trasero
Are we there yet?
¿Ya casi llegamos?
We are going to pass by where there are a lot of street food vendors.
Vamos a pasar por donde hay muchos puestos de comida.
Do you want us to bring something?
¿Quieres que llevenos algo?
If you can get some tacos or something to eat it would be good.
Si pueden pasar por unos tacos o algo de comer estaría bien.
It is that the pizza hasn’t gotten here (arrived) yet.
Es que todavía no ha llegado la pizza.
You all arrive. They arrive.
Ustedes llegan. Ellos llegan.
Who was it? It was Pau and her mom. They say they are almost here.
¿Quién era? Eran Pau y su mamá. Dicen que ya casi llegan.
Hey. But what a pain. Still the food has not arrived.
Oye, Pero, que pena. Todaviá no llega la comida.
If they arrive before the pizza does, I’ll die of shame.
Si llegan antes que la pizza, me voy a morir de vergüenza.
Do you guys manage to see what it says in here?
¿Ustedes llegan a ver qué dice aquí?