Livy 1.21 Flashcards
Ad haec consultanda procurandaque multitudine omni a vi et armis conversa, et animi aliquid agendo occupati erant, et deorum adsidua insidens cura, cum interesse rebus humanis caeleste numen videretur, ea pietate omnium pectora imbuerat ut fides ac ius iurandum pro summo legum ac poenarum metu civitatem regerent.
The deliberations and arrangements of these matters diverted the whole crowd from violence and weapons, and their minds were occupied by some other excitement, and their constant occupation with the cares of the gods, since it seemed that the heavenly power felt concern for human affairs, had saturated the hearts of all with such piety, that trust and oaths in place fear of law and punishment ruled the nation.
Et cum ipsi se homines in regis velut unici exempli mores formarent, tum finitimi etiam populi, qui antea castra non urbem positam in medio ad sollicitandam omnium pacem crediderant, in eam verecundiam adducti sunt, ut civitatem totam in cultum versam deorum violari ducerent nefas.
And while his men were molding their habits just like the unique example of their king, the neighbouring people also, who before believed it was a camp not a city which had been placed in their midst in order to disturb the peace of everyone, were lead to such reverence for them that they thought it impious to injure a nation so wholly set on the worship of the gods.
Lucus erat quem medium ex opaco specu fons perenni rigabat aqua. Quo quia se persaepe Numa sine arbitris velut ad congressum deae inferebat, Camenis eum lucum sacravit, quod earum ibi concilia cum coniuge sua Egeria essent.
There was a grove which a spring with everlasting water was irraigating from the middle of a dark cave. Numa was very often going to this place without witnesses as if to meet the goddess, so he dedicated the grove to the Camenae, alleging that they held council there with his wife Egeria.
Et soli Fidei sollemne instituit. Ad id sacrarium flamines bigis curru arcuato vehi iussit manuque ad digitos usque inuoluta rem divinam facere, significantes fidem tutandam sedemque eius etiam in dexteris sacratam esse.
He also established an annual worship of Faith. To whose sanctuary he ordered that the flamens should drive in a two horse hooded chariot, and wrap their hands up to their fingers and make the divine sacrifice, signifying that faith must be protected and even in their right hands her seat is sacred.
Multa alia sacrificia locaque sacris faciendis quae Argeos pontifices vocant dedicavit. Omnium tamen maximum eius operum fuit tutela per omne regni tempus haud minor pacis quam regni.
He established many other rites and places of sacrifices, which the pontiffs call the Argei. However the greatest of all his works was that through whole time of his reign he guarded peace no less than his kingdom.
Ita duo deinceps reges, alius alia via, ille bello, hic pace, civitatem auxerunt. Romulus septem et triginta regnavit annos, Numa tres et quadraginta. Cum valida tum temperata et belli et pacis artibus erat civitas.
In this way two successive kings, each in different ways, one by war, the other by peace, strengthened the nation. Romulus ruled for thirty-seven years, Numa for forty-three. The nation was not only strong but was also disciplined in the arts of both war and peace.