Livestock Performance Characteristics Flashcards
Bovine birth weight?
60-100 ibs
Bovine reproduction?
Bovine age of weaning (actual practice)?
6-9 months
Bovine age of weaning (std reporting)?
205 days
Bovine weaning weight?
450-550 ibs
Bovine usual market weight
1,000-1,350 ibs
Bovine age when market?
18-21 months for stocker/ yearling
12-15 months for feedlot
Bovine rate of gain on feed
Birth—–> weaning:
1.8-2.4 ibs gain/day
Bovine rate of gain on feed
Growing phase:
1.3-2.0 ibs gain/day
Bovine rate of gain on feed
Finishing (feedlot) :
3.0-4.5 ibs gain/day
Bovine Ibs feed/ Ibs gain in pasture or high roughage diet
9-12 ibs
Bovine Ibs feed/ Ibs gain in high grain diet?
5-6.4 ibs
Bovine dressing percent
Porcine reproduction
12 born/litter
10+ weaned
Porcine birth weight
2.7-3.3 ibs
Porcine age at weaning ( actual practice)
2-4 weeks
Porcine age at weaning ( std reporting)
21 day litter weight
Porcine weaning weight at 3 weeks
12-15 ibs
Porcine weaning weight at 4 weeks
15-20 ibs
Porcine usual market weight
250-290 ibs
Porcine age when market
5-7 months
Porcine rate of gain on fees
1.7-2.2 ibs gain/day
Porcine ib feed/ ib of gain
2.5-3.2 ib feed/ ib gain
Porcine dressing percent
70-72 %
Ovine reproduction (farm flock)
160-180% lamb crop
Ovine reproduction ( range flock)
120-130 % lamb crop
Ovine birth weight ( singles)
10-12 ibs
Ovine birth weight ( twins)
7-9 ibs
Ovine age of weaning ( actual practice)
3-6 months
Ovine age at weaning ( std reporting)
90 days
Ovine weaning weight
70-90 ibs
Ovine usual market weight
90-120 ibs
Ovine rate of gain on feed ( pasture)
0.4 ib gain/day
Ovine rate of gain on feed ( feedlot)
0.6-0.7 ibs gain/day
Ovine ib feed/ ib gain
6-8 ib feed/ ib gain
Ovine dressing percent
Equine reproduction
90% foaling rate
Equine birth weight
100-120 ibs
Equine age at weaning (actual practice)
4-6 months
Equine weaning weight
400-600 ibs