Equipment For Cattle Flashcards
Used to castrate. Uses robber bands
Elastrator with band
Chain that looped around calf leg and the handle hooked onto the chain to apply appropriate force on the calf to assist birth
Obstetrical chain and handle
Use to castrate. Round hallow tip
Use to castrate. Has a knife at the tip
Newberry castration knife
Equipment use yo dehorn (3)
- barnes dehorners
- scoop or tube dehorners
- electric dehorners
Animal identification equipment (6)
- allflex ear tagger
- metal eat tagger with enlarge metal tag
- allflex ear tag
- hot (A) and cold (U) branding iron
- paint stick
- tattoo pliers
Used to administer pills
Balling gun
Use to collect hardware that an animal might swallow
Rumen magnet
Use to trim or shear hoof
Hoof trimmer ( hoof shear)
Use to administer liquid medication or anthelmintic into the stomach of an animal
Drenching gun
Use to measure scrotal circumference of bulls
Scrotal tape
Use to measure heart girth circumference
Weight tape
Use ton determine frame size
Hip hight
Tools use to handling and restrain (4)
- halter
- lead rope for halter
- nose tongs
- hot shot ( shocking stick) (electric prod)
Use to keep cattle quite once squeezed pressure is applied
Squeeze chute
Use for catching and restraining cattle
Preferred over slide chutes because cattle cant see whats at the end of a curve untill is almost there
Curve chutes