Livestock And Poultry PRODUCTION Operations Flashcards
Kinds of Poultry
Chicken Hatchery
Breeder Farm Operation
Broiler Operation
Layer Operation
Organic Farming
Farms that breed, hatch, grow, and market their own products at their own expense
Integrated grower farms
3 types of Broiler Operations
- Integrated Growing
- Independent Growing
- Contract Growing
Farms that grow chicken for the integrator. They grow broilers to about marketable age which is 36 to 42 days
Contract grower farms
The integrator provides the grower a minimum of
10,000 chick’s
35,000 kg feeds, vaccines
The grower provides
Watering equipment
Farms that have tie up with integrators or cooperatives. They buy and sell Broiler chickens at an agreed price
Contract-to-buy grower farms
Farms that buy Broiler chickens at the current market price and mix their own feeds they also sell these broilers once they grow
Independent commercial grower farns
Farms that produce hatching eggs for companies that supply the parent stock
Contract Breeding Farms
Farms that buy Parent stock and sell hatching eggs or day old chick’s to commercial growers
Independent or Commercial Breeder Farms
Farms that produce 100,000 or more broilers per harvest
Large commercial Farms
Farms that produce 21,000-99,000 per harvest
Medium commercial farms
Farms that produce 1000-20,000 broilers per harvest
Small commercial farms
Farms that do not produce more than 1000 broilers per harvest
Smallhold/backyard farms
Operation where an informal agreement between the farmer and owner where the farmer is the one the grows the chick’s until marketable.
Grow-out Operation
Common chicken layer breed in the world
Lohmann Layers
Who bred the Lohmann layers?
Lohmann Tierzucht
Very popular breed used for egg production in the Philippines
Dekalb White Layers
What makes dekalb layers suitable for commercial farming?
Mild temperament
Advantages of Dekalb white layers
Good livability
Large number of eggs laid
Good egg size
High quality eggs produced
Dekalb white layers eggs weigh an average of
63.1 grams
Layers known for their large eggs, adaptable to climate conditions, and calm temperament
Babcock White Layers
Organic breeds from Israel
Organic breed in France that is bred for their delicious flavor, strong disease resistance, robust sizes
SASSO breed
System that gradually encourages duck to feed whatever they find in the fiels
Herding System
Ducks are raised in complete confinement
Confinement System
Ducks are freed for a certain time to feed on snails, insects, weeds
Pasturing system
How long are ducks pasturized
5 months
When are ducks confined?
When they start laying eggs
Fertile eggs are incubated for____ the transferred to the hatchery for the remaining _____
18 days
3 days
Produces day old chicks
Chick Hatchery
Operation paired with chick hatchery
Breeder Farm Operation
The contract grower is assured of at least _____ batches per year
For a chicken to be sold organic, it must follow the
Organic foods production act of 1990
How do you determine feeds that are organic
If the feeds contain grains that us grown in the soil free of pesticide and fertilisers for a period of 3 years
The third party certifier must verify:
To be sure the Feeds are organic
- Farms and farm plan used for growing g chicken
- Feed mill where organic feed is mixed and equipment to deliver the feeds.
- Processing plant where birds are slaughtered and processed
What are the common kinds of Broiler strains
- Ross
- Cobb
- Hybro
- Avian
- Hubbard
- Starbro
What companies use Ross strain
San Miguel Foods Inc.
Tyson Agro-Ventures Inc.
What companies use Cobb strain?
Phil Malay
Cobb Vanters Phils
What company uses Hybro strain
Swift Foods Inc.
What company uses Avian strain
Tyson Agro-Ventures Inc.
What companies uses Hubbard strain?
Mat Agro
Universal Robina Corp.
What company uses Starbro strain
Universal Robina Corp.
Who developed the Dekalb White Layers
Hendrix ISA
Sells the weaklings or piglets
Feeder Pig Production
Buys weanlings and then fattens them for selling
Feeder Pig Production
Act of giving birth of a pig
Breeds their own pig finisher
Act of giving birth of a cow
Breeding pig gor genetic purposes
Stock operation
Pregnancy of a pig takes
114 days
Gestation in pigs take
3 months
Farrowing takes
1 month
Growing/Finishing in pigs take
3-4 months
Weanling to Finisher takes
8-9 months
General Features of Pigs
- Highly adaptable
- Intelligent and curious
- Responds to a predictable routine
- Social
- No sweat glands
- Omnivorous, simple stomach
- Motivated to root and chew
Production systems of Pigs
- All-in, all-out
- Segregated, single source in one room
- Co-mingled in the same room or site
- Continous flow
Pig with white hair and huge droopy ears
A cow-calf operator
Fattening cattle for slaughter purposes
Feeder cattle
Kinds of feeder cattle production
- Feedlot Fattening
- Extensive Fattening
- Backyard Fattening
- Stocker system
Calf is feeder with milk and has limited moving space
Veal production
Cow yearlings weigh
Finisher cow weighs
Yearlings to finisher cows take
180-200 days
Process of growing and developing calves from weaning weughts
Stocker System
Beef Breeds
- Angus
- Hereford
- Limousin
- Polled Hereford
- Beefeater
- Texas Longhorn
- Chianina
Beefeater is developed from
- Bradman
- Hereford
- Shorthorn
Animals are kept for dairy production
Dairy Operation
A registered entity engaged in any dairy operation
Dairy enterprise is divided into
- Communal
- Corporation
- Cooperative
- Individual
- Institutional
Dairy breeds
What is the triple purpose
Meat purposes
Classes of Buffalo fattened for market
- Retired work animals due to old age
- Feeder stocks that are about 2.5 - 3 years age, homegrown or purchased from the market
- Caravan below 3 years old thatbus not suitable for breeding or draft
Advantages if Carabao feedlot fattening
- Fast turnover of capital
- Animals are less prone to diseases because of fast turnover
- Housing does not need to be large
- Management is simple
What is tethering
Goat is tied while grazing
How long is the rope for tethering
6-10 meters
Only _____ are tethered _____ goats are kept loose
Animals freely graze at day for 8 hours and herded at night
Extensive production
Goats are stall fed in confinement
Intensive goat production
Advantages of intensive goat production
Efficient conversion of crop residue
Effective parasite control
Minimal damage to environment
Goats are only allowed to graze for 2 to 4 hours and kept in confinement after that
Semi-Intensive Production
Raising goat under established plantations of coconut, mango, tamarind, rubber
Integration into crop agriculture
breeds of goat
- Nubian
- Saanen
- Lamansha
- Tugged Burg
- Boer goat
- Angora
Dairy breeds of cow have
Triangular shaped body
Organ that produces milk
Pig breed that has white hair, droopy ears, and excellent maternal breed
Chester White
Mist registered purebred of cow that is black
Red and White face and horned
Originated in Englad
Cow breed