Liver pathology Flashcards
The normal liver weight
Describe the anatomical and functional areas of the liver
Hexagonal anatomical lobules based around hepatic vein
Acini functional zone that is entered along the line of two portal triads and extends out to points at two central veins on either side.Split into 3 zones, zone 1 closest to portal triads, zone 3 to veins
How much liver needs to be ‘lost’ before symptomatic
Functions of the liver
Protein productions, albumin
Clotting factors
Symptoms of liver failure
Low albumin- peripheral oedema Bleeding-loss of coagulation factors Low concentration- ammonia, toxins Jaundice, direct bilirubin Portal hypertension- varices, ascites
Features of a cirrhotic liver
Liver is smaller, nodules over the surface, increasing fibrosis around lobules.
Cellular activity in cirrhosis
The normally quiescent stellate cells become active and moves towards injured hepatocytes (chemotaxis), cells proliferate and cause fibrogenesis.
Inflammatory response from kupffer cells causes release of cytokines that result in cell apoptosis and chemotaxis of stellate cells which proliferate and cause fibrogenesis
Different causes of portal hypertension
Intrahepatic (cirrhosis) most common 90%
Prehepatic (thrombus within the portal vein)
Posthepatic (severe right sided heart failure)
What do patients with portal hypertension present with?
Ascites- fluid in the abdomen due to increased pressure pushing fluid out of vessels. Also low serum albumin lower blood osmolarity. Legs swelling maybe low albumin levels
Bruising- low clotting factors
Shunts- caput medusae, oesphageal varices, anal varices
Anglomata (spider veins)
Hepatic encephalopathy failure of the liver to detoxify substances (ammonia)
Hepatitis eitiologies
Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E most common (90%).
CMV herpes like virus present typically in immunosuppressed.
Epstein Barr (glandular fever).
Hepatitis A
DNA virsus
Self-limiting (doesn’t progress typically)
Spread by poor hygiene
Can be asymptomatic
May have malaise, fatigue, jaundice, elevated ALT, AST
Hepatitis B and C
DNA/ RNA virus
Spread by body fluids
Associated with chronic infection and the development of cirrhosis.
Can result in acute or chronic hepatitis
Damage caused by bodies immunological response to the antibodies on the hepatocytes
Complication of cirrhosis
Hepatitis B vs C prognosis
Hep B only 25% develop acute hepatitis, and 5% chronic. The majority of infections result in recovery.
Hep C most develop chronic hepatitis, more than 20% develop cirrhosis eventually. Increased risk of carcinoma
Autoimmune hepatitis, diagnosis and treatment.
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Diagnoses involves exclusion of viral and toxic causes. And also association with other autoimmune disorders (SLE etc.)
Patients may respond to immunosupressant therapy.
Drug and toxin induced liver injury
Predictable and non-predictable hepatotoxins.
Toxin maybe directly toxic to hepatocytes or the liver may convert a substance into a toxic form.
Pattern of injury; cholestasis, hepatocellular necrosis, fatty liver, granulomas, vascular lesions, neoplasms.
Most common toxins involved in liver injury
Paracetamol, acute
Alcohol. Acute and chronic
Alcoholic liver disease
Cell injury caused by reactive oxygen species and cytokines Changes in lipid metabolism Decreased export of lipoproteins All result in -hepatic steatosis -alcoholic hepatitis -cirrhosis
Non alcoholic fatty liver disease
Associated with metabolic syndromes, type 2 diabetes, obesity, dislipidaemia, hypertension.
Around 10% of patients with NASH will go on to develop cirrhosis.
Autosomal recessive genetic disorder whereby there is a mutation on the HFE (hereditary Fe) gene causing excessive absorption of iron.
Iron builds up in liver and patients can develop cirrhosis.
Circulatory diseases (portal hypertension) of the liver and their manifestations
Impaired blood inflow: portal vein obstruction (thrombosis). Cirrhosis. Manifestations- splenomegaly, intestinal congestions, varices.
Impaired intrahepatic blood flow: cirrhosis, sinusoid occulsion. Manifestations- ascites, varices, hepatomegaly, elevated transaminases.
Outflow obstruction: Hepatic vein thrombosis (Budd-chiari syndrome), right sided heart failure. Manifestations- ascites, hepatomegaly, abdo pain, elevated transaminases, jaundice.
Most common cause of elevated transaminase elevation
Hepatitis C
RNA virus
Spread through blood
Majority of people infected are unable to eliminate the virus
85% actutely infected end up with chronic infection
Liver cirrhosis
Irreversible scarring
Advanced liver disease
Liver initially enlarges then shrinks
Surface becomes irregular and nodular
Ulcerative colitis
A form of inflammatory bowel disease causing inflammation and ulcers in the colon.
Signs of chronic liver disease
Spider nevae
Budd chiari syndrome
Acute thrombosis of hepatic veins- outflow obstructed
Acutely congested liver, hepatocellular injury
Portal hypertension with ascites developing.
Presents with progressive sever upper ado pain, jaundice, hepatomegaly, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy.
Management of budd chiari