Liver Function Flashcards
the liver weighs?
liver is located?
beneath and attached to the diaphragm
liver is protected by?
the lower rib cage
liver is held in place by?
ligamentous attachments
right lobe is approx.?
6x larger than the left lobe
2 types of blood supply; consists : ?
Hepatic Artery; 25% - oxygen-rich
Portal Vein; 75% - nutrient-rich
a chief metabolic organ
liver is composed of 2 cells which are?
Kupffer Cells
it is considered as a liver macrophage
Kupffer cells
functional unit of the liver
Portal triad consists of:
hepatic artery
portal vein
bile duct
liver has the capacity to?
regenerate by cell division and hypertrophy
during Lobectomy, the patient can survive as long as only _______ is taken
Enumerate the Flow of Blood
Hepatic artery & Portal vein - Hepatic sinusoids - Central Canal
Enumerate the Flow of Waste Products in Hepatocytes
Bile Canal - Intrahepatic ducts - Right or Left Hepatic ducts - Common hepatic duct - Common bile duct - duodenum of the small intestine
example of a waste product
5 functions of the Liver
Synthetic Function
Conjugated Function
Detoxification and Drug Metabolism
Excretion and Secretory Functions
capable to CREATE substances
Synthetic function
examples of CHO
Glycogen & Glucose
examples of Lipids
Lipoproteins, VLDL, cholesterol
examples of Clotting factor
Fibrinogen & Calcium
Normal amount of Albumin
12g per day
Almost all proteins are synthesised in the liver except for
Bilirubin Metabolism
Conjugation Function
How many bilirubin (conjugated) is produced daily?
200-300 mg
Average lifespan of RBCs
120 days
RBCs will be phagocytosed by the ____________ which is seen either in the ________, _______, or ___________.
Macrophages ; spleen, liver or red bone marrow
the phagocytosed RBCs breakdown into
HEME and Globin
this is further metabolized into amino acids
inside the Heme is a
porphyrin ring and iron
Iron is transferred or carried to the liver through a carrier protein, known as
Fe 3+
Ferric Iron
storage form of iron
heme is oxidized by the enzyme; once it’s oxidized, it will become __________
heme oxygenase ; biliverdin
Biliverdin is reduced by the enzyme
Biliverdin Reductase
Once the Biliverdin undergoes reduction, it’ll become
unconjugated bilirubin
carrier protein of unconjugated bilirubin
where will unconjugated bilirubin go?
if not in the liver, albumin will carry it to the hepatocyte
B1 will enter the hepatocyte through either of the 2 methods which are:
Passive Diffusion
Receptor Mediated Endocytosis
substances found inside the Hepatocytes
Y & Z Proteins & Ligandin
B1 goes inside the Hepatocyte, what would happen?
Y&Z proteins will form complex with B1
What substance will join to Y&Z Proteins and B1 to form another complex
what happens after B1, Y&Z proteins and Ligandin will form complex?
they’ll go to the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum of the Hepatocyte
this is where the conjugation of B1 will take place
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum of the Hepatocyte
the enzyme that will conjugate B1 to B2
uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (UDPGT)
this is present in the intestine and will convert B2 to Mesobilirubin
Intestinal bacteria
Intestinal Bacteria will convert B2 to?
Mesobilirubin will be converted into
Mesobilirubinogen will become
80% of the urobilinogen will become;
which is the reason why feces is color
stercobilin; brown
the remaining 20% of urobilinogen will not become either
Extrahepatic circulation or Systemic Circulation
the urobilinogen is reabsorbed into the blood and goes either into the liver for reexcretion in the bile or the urine
extrahepatic circulation
urobilinogen may go to the kidney, then go to the urinary bladder
systemic circulation
one substance that causes the yellow coloration of the urine
primary substance that causes the yellow coloration of urine
Delta Bilirubin
B2 + Albumin
Formula for Total Bilirubin
B1 + B2 + Delta bilirubin
Formula for B1
Total bilirubin - B2
protects body from potentially harmful substances absorbed from GIT and toxic by-products of metabolism
detoxification and drug metabolism
examples of harmful substances
ammonia from the urea cycle
excretion of bile - bile sats, pigments, cholesterol
excretory and secretory functions
Bile Acids
Cholic acid - conjugated cholic acid - cholate
Chenodeoxycholic acid - conjugated chenodeoxycholic acid - chenodeoxycholate
bile salts are formed by conjugating
glycine and taurine
fat soluble vitamins
A,D,E, & K
water soluble vitamin
UDPGT transfers _________________ to each of the two _______________ side chains of bilirubin to form _________________
glucuronic acid
propionic acid
bilirubin glucuronide