Liver diseases Flashcards
Signs of liver disease
palmar erythema, clubbing, flapping tremor, jaundice, spider angioma, gynecomastia, scant body hair, scratch marks, ascities, hepatomegaly, caput medusa, hemorrhoids, small testies
Liver disease tests
ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin
less than 5x normal elevation, ALT
chronic heb B/C, acute A-E, EBV, CMV, steatosis, hemochromatosis, medications, toxins, autoimmune hepatitis, alpha-1-antitrypsin, wilson disease, celiac disease
Liver function tests
ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin
enzymes found in hepatocytes, released when liver is damaged, ALT specific for liver, AST also in skeletal and cardiac
less than 5x normal elevation, ALT
chronic heb B/C, acute A-E, EBV, CMV, steatosis, hemochromatosis, medications, toxins, autoimmune hepatitis, alpha-1-antitrypsin, wilson disease, celiac disease
less than 5 x normal elevation, AST
alcohol related, steatosis, cirrhosis
less than 5x normal elevation non-hepatic source
hemolysis, myopathy, thyroid disease, strenuous exerise
greater than 15 x AST/ALT
acute viral hepatitis, ischemic hepatitis, sepsis, hemorrhage, MI, autoimmune hepatitis, wilson disease, acute bile duct obstr, hepatic artery ligation, Budd-Chiari syndrome, toxins
Alkaline phosphatase
hepatocytes that line bile canaliculi, level raised in biliary obstruction, also in bone and placenta
water insoluble product of heme metabolism, reticuloendothelial cells in spleen, liver and bone marrow produce, taken up by liver and conjugated to become water soluble
Common causes of jaundice
increase destruction of RBS, high free bilirubin in plasma, high urobilinogen in urine, obstruction of bile duct or damage to liver cells
Tests of liver function
prothrombin time/ INR, albumin
Prothrombin time/ INR
measure of VIt K dependent clotting factors, liver activates vit k so if clotting factors not produced liver is damaged
Hepatitis A
RNA virus, fecal oral, incubate 15-50 days, anti hepatitis A IgM, treat/prevent vaccine, immune serum globulin, good prognosis
Hepatocellular disease
increased transaminases, viral hep, drugs, alcohol, autoimmune, NASH, hemochromatosis
Cholestatic disease
increased alk phos/ bilirubin, maybe transaminases; gallstones, primary biliary cirrhosis, sclerosing cholangitis, pancreatic cancer
Acute vs chronic viral hepatitis
acute has IgM antibodies, chronic has IgG antibodies
Hepatitis A
RNA virus, fecal oral, incubate 15-50 days, anti hepatitis A IgM
Hepatitis B
DNA virus, surface and core, can present with arthralgias, glomerulonephritis, urticaria, parenteral or sexual route, bodies rxn to virus not vice versa
Hep B Immunized or previously exposed pt have
negative HBsAG and positive IgG antiHBcore
Hepatitis C
RNA virus, blood born, IV drug and blood transfusion, anti HCV antibody, 85% develop chronic
Complications of Hep C
cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma (1-4% per year), cryoglobulinemia, prophyria cutanea tarda, alcohol increases risk