Dermatology 3 Flashcards
Which bacteria account for a majority of the skin infections?
staph aureus and A beta hemoltic strep, S. aureus invades skin and causes impetigo, folliculitis, cellulitis and furuncles; strep invade traumatic lesions and cause impetigo, erysipelas, cellulitis and lymphangitis
common, contagious, superficial skin infection that is produced by strep, staph, or combo; bullous and nonbullous impetigo, both begin as vesicles w/ very thin, fragile roof consisting only of stratum corneum
What may follow impetigo
poststrep gn
Bullous impetigo
epidermolytic toxin, causes intraepidermal cleavage below or within the stratum granulosum, common in infants/children, 1+ vesicles enlarge-> bulla, clear and cloudy, thin flat, honey colored crust, disclosed+ bright red, inflamed, moist oozing base, tinea like scaling
Nonbullous impetigo
small vesicle or papule that ruptures to expose a red moist base, sequence of events- bac-> carriage on skin-> infection post trauma; honey-yellow to brown, firmly adherent crust accumulates as the lesion extends,
Nonbullous impetigo lesions
satellite lesions appear beyond periphery, usually appear on nose, mouth, and limbs, untreated lesions may last weeks, heal without scarring
Treatment of impetigo
prevent w/ mupirocin or triple abx TID, pt w/ recurrent impeigo should test for S. aureus, nares most common site, treat carriers, isolate until tx, oral abx- dicloxacillin, cephalosporin, mupirocin ointment
an infection of dermis and subcutaneous tissue, no clear distinction between infected and uninfected skin, H. influenzae is most common etiologic agent in children
acute inflammatory cellulitis w/ lymphatic involvement, infected area is raised, a distinct demarcation in involved and normal skin, lower legs, face and ears are most commonly involved, also called st. anthony’s fire due to its bright red intensity
Treatment of cellulitis
dicloxacillin or a cephalosporin, vancomycin in pts allergic to penicillin, cefotaxime and ceftriaxone are effective, rifampin prophylaxis for fam
H. Influenzae cellulitis treatment
must be prompt before gas formation/purulent collections, requires surgical drainage
inflammation of follicle, infection, chemical, or physical injury, superficial folliculitis is confined to upper part of hair follicle, manifests as painless, tender pusutles that heal w/out scarring; deeper lesions scar
Types of folliculitis that are painless or tender pustules
Staph, pseudofolliculitis barbae, candidiasis, acne, keratosis pilaris
Types of folliculitis that are painful
furuncle, carbuncle, cysic acne, pseudomonas folliculitis
Pseudofolliculitis barbae
foreign body to hair, cheeks and neck in individuals who have tight curls that become ingrown, blacks, tender, red papule or pusule occurs at point of entry and remains until hair is removed
Treatment of pseudofolliculitis barbae
permanent hair removal with laser assisted hair removal
Sycosis barbae
sycosis implies follicular inflammation of the entire depth of follicle, caused by S. aureus or dermatophyte fungi, men who begin shaving, fungal deep infection, bacterial-discrete papules, similar to p. barbae but more inflammation
Sycosis barbae treatment
localized infection can be treated with mupirocin, extensive treated w/ abx
walled-off collection of pus, painful, firm or fluctuant mass, prone in areas of friction, s. aureus, begins as deep, tender, firm, red papule that enlarges rapidly, may have fever, malaise, chills
Treatment of furuncle/carbuncle
warm compresses, localization and pointing of abscess,, incision, drainagge, packing, don’t drain until skin is thinned and mass is soft, culture and gram stain, abx, r/o diabetes in recurrent infection
Pseudomonas folliculitis
infects warm, moist areas, whirlpool, hot tub use, few to >50 pruritic, round urticarial plaques w/ central papule or pustule on all surfaces, self-limiting, 5% acitec acid wet compresses, silvadene cream, cipro 500mg-750 mg BID
Verruca vulgaris
Benign epidermal growth caused by HPVs, more than 100 different types discovered each year, transmitted by touch, sites of trauma, swimming pools, warts obscure normal skin lines, begin smooth, flesh colored-> dome shaped, gray
Verruca vulgaris treatment
requires several tx sessions, topical salicylic acid prep, liquid N, light electrocautery, blunt dissection for resistant/ very large lesions, cryotherapy
spray liquid N so 1-2 mm zone of frozen tissue is created and maintained for 5 secs, allow to thaw and repeat once or twice to increase cure rates, small blisters and sometimes bleeding appears, may repeat 2-4 weeks
Verruca plana (flat warts)
Pink, light brown or light yellow, flat topped papule .1-.5 cm, common on forehead, mouth, back of hands, shaved areas, resistant to tx
Treatment of verruca plana
aldara cream, liquid N or light electrocautery, 5-fluorouracil applied 1-2x for 3-5 weeks
Plantar warts
on soles, pt refer to many warts as plantar, occur at point of max pressure, head of metatarsal bones or heels
Corns can be distinguished from plantar warts by
paring the callus, corns have hard, painful, well demarcated, translucent central core, warts have central black dots
Black heel
horizontally arranged clusters of blue-black dots
Treatment of plantar warts
don’t treat unless painless, debride hyperkeratotic tissue, salicylic acid liquid, blunt dissection, aldara cream, cantharidin mixture w/podophyllin and salicylic acid, lasar treatment, cryosurgery