Liver abscesses and cysts Flashcards
Define liver abscess/cyst.
Liver infection resulting in walled off collection of pus or cyst fluid.
What are the risk factors for liver abscesses?
- Biliary tract disease
- Age >50 years
- Underlying malignancy
- DM
- Interventional biliary or hepatic procedures
- Living or visiting an area endemic for amoebiasis
- Cirrhosis
- Liver transplantation
- Alcoholism - may increase risk
- Male sex
- Cardiopulmonary disease
- Immunocompromised
- Penetrating abdominal trauma
- IBD, pancreatitis, appendicitism diverticulitis or peritonitis
- Bacteraemia,endocarditis or intravascular infection
What is the aetiology of liver abscesses?
Pyogenic - E coli, Klebsiella, enterococcus, bacteroides, streptococci, staphylococci. 60% caused by biliary disease (gallstones, strictures, congenital cysts), cyryptogenic (15%)
Amoebic - Entamoeba histolytica
Hydatid cyst - Tapeworm Echinococcus granulosis
Other - Tuberculosis, fungal due to candida.
What is the most common underlying condition in people with pyogenic liver abscesses?
Biliary tract disease
When do fungal liver abscesses usually occur?
In immunocompromised hosts
How common are liver abscesses?
Pyogenic - incidence 0.8 in 100,000 with mean age 60 years, most common liver abscess in industrialised world.
Amoebic - most common type worldwide (10% of world’s population has been infected)
Hydatid disease - common in sheep-rearing countries
What is the pathophysiology of liver abscesses?
Liver abscesses form by spread of infection from 1 of the following sources:
- Biliary tree
- Portal vein - drains GI tract, gall bladder and pancreas.
- Hepatic vein
- Extension of contiguous infection
- Penetrating trauma incl. iatrogenic
How do liver abscesses present?
- Fever, malaise, nausea, anorexia, night sweats, weight loss
- RUQ pain or epigastric pain which may be referred to shoulder (diaphragmatic irritation)
- Jaundice, diarrhoea, pyrexia of unknown origin
- Ask about foreign travel
What are the signs of liver abscesses on examination?
- Fever (continuous or spiking), jaundice
- Tender hepatomegaly, right lobe affected more commonly than left
- Dullness to percussion and decreased breath sounds at right lung base caused by reactive pleural effusion
What investigations would you do for liver abscesses/cysts?
- FBC - mild anaemia, leukocytosis, increased eosinophils in hydatid disease
- LFTs - increased AlkPhos, high bilirubin
- Raised ESR and CRP
- Blood cultures
- Amoebic and hydatid serology
Stool microscopy, cultures - for E histolytica and tapeworm eggs
Liver US or CT/MRI - localises structure of mass
CXR - right pleural effusion or atelectasis, raised hemidiaphragm
Aspiration and culture of abscess material - most pyogenic liver abscesses are polymicrobial. Amoebic abscesses contain anchovy sauce fluid of necrotic hepatocytes and trophozoites
What is the diagnosis?
A healthy 55-year-old man presents with a 1-week history of fevers, chills, fatigue, and anorexia, followed by right shoulder pain, paroxysmal cough, and generalised abdominal pain. He is ill-appearing, and his physical examination is notable for a temperature of 38.3°C (101°F) and a tender liver edge that is palpated approximately 2 cm below the right costal margin. Percussion or movement worsens the pain.
Liver abscess = most common presenting symptoms are fever, chills, and RUQ pain. Right-sided pulmonary symptoms may also occur. Can present in an insidious manner.
What is the management of a liver abscess?
Antibiotics - IV metronidazole + cefuroxime/ciprofloxacin - antibiotics initially IV then 4-6weeks oral
Drainage - needle aspiration under USS, indwelling catheter under CT guidance, open or laparoscpic surgery.
NB: for abscesses <3cm, abx alone may be sufficient to treat the abscess.
What are the complications of liver abscess?
- Metastatic complications - more common with Klebsiella
- Sepsis
- Abscess rupture
- Subphrenic abscess
- Fistula to adjacent organs
- Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm
- Abdominal or hepatic venous thrombosis
- Liver failure
- Acute pancreatitis
- Abscess recurrence
Which genetic condition commonly presents with liver cysts?
What are some differentials for a liver cyst?
- Mucinous cystic neoplasm
- Necrotic malignancy
- Hepatic abscess
- Haemangioma
- Hamartoma
How do you diagnose liver cysts?
Usually imaging is sufficient
If suspicious → aspiration for cytology
Do patients with liver cysts need follow up?
Usually no as simple cysts do not have malignant potential
What are the causes of liver cysts?
- Infectious e.g. parasitic or non parasitic as discussed in previous cards
- Polycystic liver/kidney disease
- Von Hippel Lindau
- Old age
- Female
- Estrogen exposure - multiple pregnancy, oral contraceptives, HRT
What are the clinical features of liver cysts?
Usually asymptomatic
If large → hepatomegaly, abdo pain, bile duct infections or obstruction
Rarely haemorrhage, rupture, infection