LIVER Flashcards
MELD score needed to safely perform liver surgery
MELD less than or equal to 8
MELD score needed to get on the transplant list
9 or greater
Extra MELD score points given for transplant
20 extra MELD score points are given for transplant
What part of the liver is a hemangioma found
On the edge
Most common benign liver tumor
Do not biopsy
Do not operate– Unless, damage control bleeding over so vessel
Management of bleeding ruptured adenoma
Do not operate– Unless, damage control bleeding over so vessel
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
If no malignancy found on work up:
If isolated collection:
if diffuse disease
If present for years:
Laboratory test for ecchinocucus AND amoeba
Treatment of ecchinocucus
Albendazole Failure in medical therapy rule out biliary tree communication with ERCP? Surgery Aspirate Hypertonic sailing Sclerosis 20 minutes Pack omentum
Treatment of amoeba
first Metronidazole only!
If not better in three days:
If not better in seven days:
Aspirate and without superinfection
If failed aspiration: percutaneous drain
If feel percutaneous drain surgery
Treatment of abscess
Most common RIGHT
Need to check if there is an intra-abdominal source!
CT guided drainage
Antibiotics - zosyn
If not resolved in three weeks of drainage then open drainage through 12 rib
Always biopsy abscess to rule out cancer
May need colonoscopy afterwards
If multiple abscesses drain one entry with antibiotics see if it resolves
Treatment of fungus abscess
amphotericin B
Treatment of tuberculosis abscess
Test of ameba
Complement fixation
ELISA (same as ecchino)
Test for echinococcal
“electrifying case if spilage”
Indirect hemagglutinin / ELISA
ELISA / complement fixation; and test for echino electrophoresis/ ELISA all neg - what lab test is next
Mycobacterium for ruling out tuberculosis
stool O and P
Treatment of hemangioma
just watch
but once ssx: then reasonable to resect
“dragging sensation”
Fill cavity with omentum
Ped patient with platelets 20 with hemangioma
this is platelet trapping syndrome
NEEDS surgery
Fill cavity with omentum
if work up uncertain
sulfer coloid scan for Kuffer cells
Management of ruptured adenoma bleeding like down town
Just get hemostasis
find vessel to sew
If cant find vessel:
go to IR
Medications for ascites
spiranolactone (xs aldosterone tx)
Vaptan (binds vasopressin)
“Ventral hernia Captain”
Treatement of encephalopathy
Branch chain amino acids
Neomycin - decreases bacteria that makes ammonia in the gut