Liver Flashcards
The right lobe is divided into what 2 segments?
Anterior & posterior
The left lobe is divided ________&_________.
Medial & lateral
The caudate lobe lies on the __________ surface btwn IVC and medial left lobe.
What supplies the caudate lobe?
Branches of left & right portal venous and hepatic arterial systems.
Segment I
Segment II
Left lateral superior
Segment III
Left lateral-inferior
Segment IVa
Left medial superior
Segment IVb
Left medial inferior
Segment V
Right anterior inferior
Segment VI
Right posterior inferior
Segment VII
Right posterior superior
Segment VIII
Right anterior superior
Intersegmental vessels: Location____________ appearance__________
Hepatic veins Course btwn the lobes & segments Non-echogenic walls
Intrasegmental vessels: Location____________ appearance__________
Portal triad course to the center of each segment Hyperechoic walls
Fibrofatty sheath of portal triad
Glisson’s capsule
Portal triad
Divides the ant. Segment of the rt lobe from the medial segment of the lt lobe.
Main lobar fissure
Located between the gb neck and the junction of the rt and lt Portal vein.
Main lobar fissure
Divides rt lobe into ant. and post. Segments Landmark is rt hepatic vein
Rt intersegmental fissure
Divides lt lobe into medial and lateral segments Landmark: lt hep vein, ascending pv, FALCIFORM ligament and LIGAMENTUM TERES.
Lt intersegmental fissure
Remnant of ductus venosus Separates lt lobe from caudate
Remnant of the umbilical vein
Remnant of the ductus venosus Runs from lt portal v to IVC seep rating lt lobe from caudate lobe
Direction of fetal circulation
Umbilical v, lt pv, ductus venosus, IVC
Flow towards the liver above the baseline
Hepatopetal (p for positive)
Flow away from the liver ( below the baseline )
Hepatofugal ( to flee)
Waveform toward liver with mild undulations
Low-velocity continuous flow
Portal triad
MPV, proper hep art, common hepatic duct
Hepatic vein waveforms are typically _______ reflecting rt atrial filling! contraction and relaxation.
Proper hepatic art runs parallel to the _____
Rt hep art (replaced) originates from the ______ and seen posterior to__________.
Hepatic art waveform demonstrates flow in diastole indicating a _________system
In a post liver tx a _________( no diastole) hep art waveform may suggest organ rejection.
High resistance
Parvus tardus hep art waveform suggests anatomic stenosis at Prox, mid , or dist
Parasitic infection associated with sheep and cattle raising countries. Larvae hatch in portal system and move into the liver.
Echinococcal cyst ( hydatid disease)
Presents as a cyst within a cyst( water lily sign) and assoc. with anaphylactic shock
Echinococcal cyst ( hydatid disease)
Major cause of portal hypertension worldwide Endemic areas: tropical zones
Sonographic presentation for schistosomiasis
Thickening and increased echogenicity of portal vein walls
Accumulation of triglycerides within hepatocytes.
Fatty infiltration
Genetically acquired disorder that results in the excess deposition of glycogen in the liver. Associated with diffuse fatty infiltration and hepatic adenomas
Glycogen storage disease
8 Miscellaneous causes of cirrhosis
Wilson’s disease (iron deposition) Autoimmune hepatitis Right side heart failure/tricuspid Primary biliary cirrhosis Primary sclerosing cholangitis Drug induced liver disease (Tylenol ) Venous outflow liver disease ( budd-chiari)
Abnormal liver functions include:
AST(sgot) ALT (sgpt) GGT LDH Conjugated bilirubin
Pv diameter suggesting portal hypertension
Greater than 13mm
2 major causes of portal hypertension
Cirrhosis and schistosomiasis
Portal hypertension is asymptomatic. Pt usually present with:
Sudden painless upper gi hemorrhage d/t rupture of esophageal varies that extend fro rt and lt gastric veins
Type of portal hypertension: Ex: blood cannot get to liver, pv thrombosis
Extrahepatic presinusoidal
Type of portal hypertension: Ex: blood cannt get through parenchyma , schistosomiasis
Intrahepatic presinusoidal
Type of portal hypertension: Ex: most common, cirrhosis
Type of portal hypertension: Ex: blood can’t get out of the liver, hepatic vein thrombosis
Intranet attic postsinusoidal
Sonographic findings of portal htn
Splenomegaly Ascites Portal systemic venous collaterals
2 techniques to lower portal pressure
TIPS portacaval shunt
Collaterals of the distal esophagus and gastric fundus and may lead to life threatening gi hemorrhage
Gastroesophageal varices
Re opening of the umbilical vein( ligamentum TERES) to act as collateral from the left portal vie to epigastric veins to IVC
Recanalizwd umbilical vein
Tortuous collateral veins seen in splenic and left renal hilum
Splenorenal varices
The veins of the retro peritoneal structures such as colon, duodenum, and pancreas anastomose with systemic tributaries
Intestinal varices
Physical signs of collaterals
Caput medusa ( tortuous collaterals arnd umbilicus) Hemorrhoids Ascites Dilated veins of ant. Abd wall
TIPSS is placed btwn a ________vein and a ________ vein. Typically the _____&_______.
Hepatic vein and portal vein. RHV&RPV
A petent TIPS should present with _________ flow.
Focal velocity increase in TIPS hepatafugal of MPV Hepatpedal of RPV or LPV
With TIPS and a recannalized umbilical vein flow of the LPV can be___________.
Hepatopetal or hepatofugal
Indication for liver transplant
Indications for liver transplantation in children
Biliary atresia
Model for end stage liver disease
Tumoral cause for portal vein thrombosis
HCC Mets Pancreatic carcinoma
Non-Tumoral causes for portal vein thrombosis
1 cause -cirrhosis Pancrastis Portal lymphadenopathy Hypercoagulation IBS Splenectomy Trauma
Numerous worm like venous collaterals that parallel the chronically thrombosis pv
Cavernous transformation
Disorder characterized by hepatic vein obstruction by thrombus or tumor. Typically seen in women taking birth control
Budd-chiari pt presents with: ascites, hepatosplenomegaly,enlarged caudate
With budd chiari the caudate lobe is often spared because the ________ drain directly into the inferior vena cava. Thus the ___________ enlarges with atrophy of rt and lt lobe.
Emissary veins Caudate lobe
Portal vein gas is associated with these two ischemic bowel diseases
Ulcerative colitis Crohns dz
In infants intrahepatic portal vein gas is caused by
Necrotizing entercolitis
Sonographic criteria of liver cyst
Anechoic Thin walled Acoustic enhancement
A hemorrhagic cysts presents with internal echoes, run pain and a decreasing ____________.
Differential diagnosis for liver cyst
Cystic tumor Abscess Polycystic liver diseas Hydadid Simple cyst
Benign solid liver mass more common in women Hallmark sign- central scar Aka- stealth lesion
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Liver lesion associated with birth control and/ or glycogen storage disease presenting with pain d/t tumor hemorrhage. Necrotic center is a key feature
Hepatic adenoma
Hyperechoic mass with propagation speed artifact and associated with tuberous sclerosis
Hepatic lipoma
Most common primary malignancy in the liver. Labs-increased AFP , ast,alt
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Common sonographic patterns Hyperechoic mets
Gi tract
Common sonographic patterns Hypoechoic mets
Common sonographic patterns Bull’s eye
Common sonographic patterns Calcified mets
Mucinous adenocarcinoma
Common sonographic patterns Cystic
Uncommon malignant liver neoplasm in infants and children most occurring prior to age 2. Incr. AFP Assoc. with beckwith-wiedemann and polyposis
An increase in AST without increase in ALT is seen with__________, heart failure, muscle injury…
AST aka_______
ALT aka _______
Most specific with liver disease
GGT Elevation indicates ________&________
Hepatocellular disease & biliary obstruction
Increased GGT+ increased ALP=
Biliary obstruction
Increased GGT + increased ALT=
Hepatocellular disease
elevated levels of _______ occurs with HCC
_______&________&________ are monitored prior to an invasive procedure to insure proper clotting
PY, PTT(inr) and platelets