Live Your Dream English Flashcards
Zostaneme v tom hoteli
We will stay at / in the hotel
Môj brat nebol v tom hoteli.
My brother wasn’t at / in the hotel.
Tá recepčná nepracuje v tom hoteli.
The receptionist doesn’t work in the hotel.
My sme neboli v tom hoteli.
We weren’t at / in the hotel.
Budete bývať v tom hoteli?
Zostanete v tom hoteli?
Will you stay at / in the hotel?
Pôjde tvoja sestra do toho hotela?
Will your sister go to the hotel?
My pôjdeme do toho hotela za dva dni.
We will go to the hotel in two days.
Moji kamaráti nie sú v tom hoteli.
My friends aren’t at / in the hotel.
Jack išiel do toho hotela pred dvomi týždňami.
Jack went to the hotel two weeks ago.
Ja som nepracoval v tom hoteli.
I didn’t work in the hotel.
Zostaneš v tom hoteli?
Will you stay at / in the hotel?
Moji rodičia boli v tom hoteli minulý rok.
My parents were at / in the hotel last year.
Máš rád hoteli?
Do you like hotels?
Nebudem pracovať v tom hoteli.
I won’t work in the hotel.
Bol si včera v tom hoteli?
Were you at / in the hotel yesterday?
Lucy nezostane v tom hoteli.
Lucy won’t stay at / in the hotel.
Bude John pracovať v tom hoteli?
Will John work in the hotel?
Pracoval si v tom hoteli?
Did you work in the hotel?
Zajtra pôjdeme na ten hrad.
We will go to the castle tomorrow.
Bol si na tom hrade?
Were you at the castle?
Jack chodieva na ten hrad.
Jack goes to the castle.
Budeš na tom hrade?
Will you be at the castle?
Pôjde on na ten hrad somnou?
Will he go to the castle with me?
Išiel si na ten hrad?
Did you go to the castle?
Ona nepríde na ten hrad.
She won’t come to the castle.
Ja nepôjdem na ten hrad.
I won’t go to the castle.
Videl si ten hrad?
Did you see the castle?
Postavili oni ten hrad?
Did they build the castle?
Ste na tom hrade?
Are you at the castle?
Nechodievam na ten hrad.
I don’t go to the castle.
Bola tvoja sestra na tom hrade?
Was your sister at the castle?
Oni postavili ten hrad pred tristo rokmi.
They built the castle three hundred years ago.
Vidím ten hrad.
I see the castle.
Jack neprišiel na ten hrad.
Jack didn’t come to the castle.
Budete opravovať ten hrad?
Will you fix the castle?
Musím ísť do knižnice.
I have to go to the library.
Kedy si bola v knižnici?
When were you at / in the library?
Prečo chceš byť knihovníkom?
Why do you want to be a librarian.
On chce pracovať ako knihovník.
He wants to work as a librarian.
Lucy pôjde do knižnice zajtra.
Lucy will go to the library tomorrow.
Jack potreboval ísť do knižnice.
Jack needed to go to the library.
Ten knihovník chcel somnou hovoriť.
The librarian wanted to speak with me.
Ona nemusí ísť do knižnice.
She doesn’t have to go to the library.
Budeš sa zajtra učiť v knižnici?
Will you learn at the library tomorrow?
Pre koho sú tie knihy?
Who are the books for?
Rád študujem v knižnici.
I like to study at the library.
Oni budú musieť navštíviť tú knižnicu.
They will have to visit the library.
Ako dlho si pracoval ako knihovník?
How long were you working as a librarian?
Kedy bola postavená tá knižnica?
When was the library built?
Kam chce ísť ten knihovník?
Where does the librarian want to go?
On nechcel byť knihovníkom.
He didn’t want to be a librarian.
Budeme študovať v knižnici.
We will study at / in the library.
Ona sa nechcela stať detektívom.
She didn’t want to become a detective.
Musel som byť detektívom.
I had to be a detective.
Ten detektív práve pracuje v tom dome.
The detective is working in the house.
Potreboval si vidieť toho detektíva?
Did you need to see the detective?
Kde si videl toho detektíva?
Where did you see the detective?
S kým tam pracoval ten detektív?
Who did the detective work there with?
Chce somnou ten detektív hovoriť?
Does the detective want to speak with me?
Moja sestra sa nebude chcieť stretnúť s tým detektívom.
My sister won’t want to meet the detective.
Prečo tam ten detektív prišiel?
Why did the detective come there?
Kedy to ten detektív našiel?
When did the detective find it?
Ten detektív tam pracoval od druhej do šiestej.
The detective was working there from two to six.
Bude to ten detektív hľadať celú noc?
Will the detective be looking for it all night?
Musím byť detektívom?
Do I have to be a detective?
Moji rodičia tam stretli nejakých detektívov?
My parents met some detectives there.
Ten detektív to nechce robiť každý deň.
The detective doesn’t want to do it every day.
Pre koho prišiel ten detektív?
Who did the detective come for?
Chceli tvoji priatelia hovoriť s tým detektívom?
Did your friends want to speak with the detective?
Chceli tvoji priatelia hovoriť s tým detektívom?
Did your friends want to speak with the detective?
Tá pekáreň bola práve otvorená.
The bakery has just been opened.
V poslednej dobe chodím do pekárne.
I have been going to the bakery recently.
Koľko pekární si dnes už videl?
How many bakeries have you seen today?
Ako dlho už pracuješ v tej pekárni?
How long have you been working in the bakery?
Koľko pekární si doposiaľ navštívil?
How many bakeries have you visited so far?
Peter ešte nepracoval v tej pekárni.
Peter hasn’t worked in the bakery yet.
Moja sestra nikdy nebola v pekárni.
My sister has never been to the bakery.
Tá pekáreň ešte nebola postavená.
The bakery hasn’t been built yet.
Môj otec pracuje v pekárni od svojich 20 rokov.
My father has been working in the bakery since he was twenty.
S kým si išiel včera do tej pekárne?
Who did you go to the bakery yesterday with?
Až do tejto chvíle som nebol v pekárni.
I haven’t been to the bakery until now.
Ako dlho si nenavštívil tú pekáreň?
How long haven’t you visited the bakery?
Pracoval Jack niekedy v pekárni?
Has Jack ever worked in the bakery?
Tá pekáreň už bola postavená.
The bakery has already been built.
Išiel si v poslednej dobe do pekárne?
Have you gone to the bakery recently?
Have you been to the bakery recently?
Moja sestra pracuje v tej pekárni už desať rokov.
My sister has been working in the bakery for ten years.
Práve sa to stalo.
It has just happened.
To sa ešte nestalo.
It hasn’t happened yet.
Stalo sa to niekedy?
Has it ever happened?
Tá nehoda sa už stala.
The accident has already happened.
To sa včera nestalo.
It didn’t happen yesterday.
Ako dlho sa to už deje?
How long has it been happening?
V poslednej dobe sa stávajú tie nehody.
The accidents have been happening recently.
Tá nehoda sa ešte nestala.
The accident hasn’t happened yet.
Tá nehoda sa nikdy nestala.
The accident has never happened.
Prečo sa tá nehoda stala?
Why did the accident happen?
To sa deje už dve hodiny.
It has been happening for two hours.
Stalo sa to už dva krát.
It has happened twice.
To sa stalo doposiaľ dva krát.
It has happened twice so far.
Kde sa stala tá nehoda?
Where did the accident happen?
To sa deje od jeho pätnástich rokov.
It has been happening since he was fifteen.
Stalo sa to v poslednej dobe?
Has it happened recently?
To sa nikdy nestalo.
It has never happened.
Prečo sa to nestalo?
Why didn’t it happen?
Mal som ísť do toho hračkárstva.
I should have gone to the toy shop.
Môžeš ísť zajtra do toho hračkárstva?
Can you go to the toy shop tomorrow?
To určite muselo byť to hračkárstvo.
It must have been the toy shop.
Jack mi povedal, že išiel do toho hračkárstva.
Jack told me he had gone to the toy shop.
Moja sestra možno išla do toho hračkárstva.
My sister may / might have gone to the toy shop.
To možno nie je to hračkárstvo.
It may / might not be the toy shop.
Chcela by som navštíviť to hračkárstvo.
I would like to visit the toy shop.
Keď som so svojím synom, chodievame do hračkárstva.
When / If I am with my son, we go to the toy shop.
Keby som išiel do toho hračkárstva, tak by som našiel to auto.
If I had gone to the toy shop, I would have found the car.
Išiel by si radšej do toho hračkárstva alebo do kina?
Would you rather go to the toy shop or to the cinema?
Môj otec sľúbil, že pôjdeme do toho hračkárstva.
My father promised we would go to the toy shop.
To auto už bolo vypredané, keď Jack prišiel do toho hračkárstva.
The car had already been sold when Jack came to the toy shop.
Mal by som kúpiť to hračkárstvo?
Should I buy the toy shop?
On možno nekúpil tú hračku v tom hračkárstve.
He may / might not have bought the toy at the toy shop.
Budem v tom hračkárstve pracovať už dve hodiny, keď moja dcéra príde.
I will have been working in the toy shop for two hours when my daughter comes.
Tá hračka nemohla byť kúpená v tom hračkárstve.
The toy couldn’t be bought at the toy shop.
Nemal som ísť do Švajčiarska.
I shouldn’t have gone to Switzerland.
Jack povedal, že nikdy nebol vo Švajčiarsku.
Jack said he had never been to Switzerland.
Bývala som vo Švajčiarsku už tri roky, keď si prišiel.
I had been living in Switzerland for three years when you came.
On možno nešiel do Švajčiarska.
He may / might not have gone to Switzerland.
Ty si určite musel byť vo Švajčiarsku.
You must have been in Switzerland.
Chceli by sme ísť do Švajčiarska.
We would like to go to Switzerland.
Keby som bol tebou, navštívil by som Švajčiarsko.
If I were you, I would visit Switzerland.
Keby som išiel do Švajčiarska, stretol by som ťa tam.
If I had gone to Switzerland, I would have met you there.
Išiel by si radšej do Švajčiarska alebo do Nemecka?
Would you rather go to Switzerland or Germany?
Nemohli sme navštíviť Švajčiarsko.
We couldn’t visit Switzerland.
On sľúbil, že nepôjde do Švajčiarska.
He promised he wouldn’t go to Switzerland.
Môžeš kúpiť ten výlet do Švajčiarska?
Can you buy the trip to Switzerland?
Mal by som pracovať vo Švajčiarsku?
Should I work in Switzerland?
Ona možno navštívi Švajčiarsko.
She may / might visit Switzerland.
Zistil som, že Peter pracuje vo Švajčiarsku.
I found out Peter worked in Switzerland.
On mi povedal, že bude žiť vo Švajčiarsku.
He told me he would live in Switzerland.
Keď som vo Švajčiarsku, cítim sa šťastný.
When / If I am in Switzerland, I feel happy.