Liturgics Flashcards
Table of Precedence
Table is a list of Holy Days that take precedence over feasts days of saints and such. They Mark significant times of the Church calendar as the church observes, remembers, and participates in the story of redemption each year
Minor propers
propers that you can omit, usually found in the missal
In the anglican communion, intriot is the name given to a hymn or metrical psalm which is sung at the start of service, a tradition which dates back to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England
Kyrie Eleison
Lord have Mercy, Christ have Mercy, Lord have mercy
Sursum Corda
“Lift up your hearts. Opening dialogue to eucharistic prayer. Structure is threefold: formal greeting, invitation, and thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion
Sacerdos, or sacerdotal
Latin for Priest or related to priestly office
Veni Creator Spiritus
Usually sung in the ordination and sometimes during requiem masses.
Agnus Dei
Hymn sung before the Eucharist. “Behold the lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world.
Te deum
Found in Morning Prayer after First lesson. It is a latin prayer dating very early in the western church
Venite, Exultemus Domino
Hymn song in MP before Psalm
Short general prayer of a particular structure used in Christian liturgy
the section of the BCP that has to do with Ordination of priests and Bishops and consecration of churches. BCP pg 529.
Small italic sentences between prayers and such during mass and ep and mp giving instructions on how to conduct said services
readings necessary and approprirate throughout the week for MP, EP, and Holy Eucharist
Nuptial Blessing
not something deacons can do. a blessing from the priest upan a man and a woman in a wedding bcp pg 304. Stole is wrapped around couples hands
Nicodemus Discourse
born again, baptism with spirit and water in the holy trinity.
Dismissal at the end of mass. Where mass gets his name
paragraphs after Holy Communion read by the priest to examine life before coming up to receive Eucharist. (Its optional)
Sanctus & Benedictus Qui Venit
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the Highest
Anno Domini
IN the year of our Lord Jesus Christ.
breaking of the host at the altar
passing of the peace. “Peace be with you and with thy spirit”
The sundays in “Gesimatide”
Judica Me Deus Psalm
Psalm 42. appointed to be read on the evening of the 8th day of each month.
serve, minister,
defintions of Fast and Abstinence
Table of fasts bcp pg 51
Fasting: no food at all
Abstinence: reducing quality and quantity of foodfood
Where in the BCP does it specifically say that we are in the communion of the catholic church
prayer to the people in the office of the visitation of the sick. alluded to in the creeds. prayer of the church. Discussion of the church in the office of instruction
Why does the BCPhave two different endings for the lords prayer
Scripturally there are two. We use short version for penitential contexts and the long version in celebratory contextxt
Order of Deacon’s Liturgy
Collect of Purity
Summary of the Law
Kyrie Elesion
Prayer for Spiritual Growth
The Collects
Holy Gospel
Nicene Creed
Offertory Verse
Presentation of Alms
Prayer for the Church
General Confession
Prayer of Humble Access
Agnes Dei
Holy Communion
Lord’s Prayer
Salutation & Dismissal
The Grace
Which is the mass vestment symbolizing purity
The alb
Who administers holy matrimony?
The bride and groom
What is the function of the priest or Bishop at matrimony?
Blesses the marriage
Although there is no probation in the prayer book on canon law, when is clergy forbidden to perform marriages, except for sound pastoral reasons
Lint in advent
What is the name of the liturgical towel used during holy communion to clean the chalice and Patten?
What is the general for standing, kneeling, and sitting on a person is not a sacred minister
We sit for instruction (epistle)we stand to praise God(gospel) we need to pray
What is the relationship of the te deum. that morning prayer to the gloria in excelsis
The te deum is said in morning prayer and the gloria in excelsis is saidin mass; I’m on Violet Sundays, and feast day; and all ferias in Eastertide
On what days does the prayer book print seasoning substitute for the venite?
Easter and Thanksgiving
What do seasons of the church year does the private command the use of a seasonal collect?
Advent and lent
According to the book of common prayer, what are the days of Solemn supplication?
The three rogation days, being Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before ascension day
If a priest should run out of consecrated bread and wine before all have communicated, what does he do?
The priest is to consecrate more; beginning at the words, all glory be to the Almighty God, and ending with these words, partakers of his most blessed, body and blood – with no manual actions
What is the practical reason for the washing of the priests hands Is it in the symbolic reason for the washing of the priests hands at the end of the offertory?
The Priests Hands should be clean before handling the sacred elements.Priest must must be clean from impure or improper thoughts