Literature Unit 5 Flashcards
What does the theme of a story mean?
The theme is the central idea which gives the story meaning; it is the interpretation of the events (plot) and persons (characters) in the story from which we learn some truth of human experience
Verbal irony
Saying the opposite of what is meant
Dramatic irony
Contrasting what a character says and what a reader or audience knows to be true
Irony of situation
Presenting a discrepancy between appearance and reality or between expectation and fulfillment
Ridicule of human folly or vice with the purpose of correcting it
The tone of a literary piece is the manner in which the writer deals with his subject and the general effect it is meant to have on it audience (Way he/she feels and wants reader to feel when reading their book)
A narrative or description in which the character, places, and other items are symbols
Who wrote After St. Augustine?
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge was an __________ poet and novelist
Who wrote Of the Imitation of Christ?
Thomas Á Kempis
Where was Thomas Á Kempis born?
Germany. (He went to the Netherlands as a youth to become an Augustinian monk)
Who wrote The Practice of the Presence of God
Brother Lawrence
Who wrote Three Words of Strength?
Friedrich von Schiller
Who was considered the greatest of all German dramatist?
Friedrich Von Shiller
Who wrote Excelsior?
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Who built a reputation as the most poplar American poet of the 1800s?
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born in _____ and attended _________ College
Maine; Bowdoin
After whose death did England honor him by placing a bust of him in the Poet’s Corner of Westminster Abby
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Who wrote The Great Stone Face?
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of __________ major writers. He was born in Salem, __________
America’s; Massachusetts
Who wrote Work?
Henry Van Dyke
Henry Van Dyke was an __________ clergyman and writer, graduated from _________ University.
American; Princeton
Who wrote Quality?
John Galsworthy
Who was an English novelist and playwright who won the Order of Merit in 1929 and the Nobel Prize for literature in 1932?
John Galsworthy
Who wrote The Elixir?
George Herbert
George Herbert was a great _________ Christian poet from a noble _____ family
English; Welch
Who wrote A Retrieved Reformation?
O. Henry
Who wrote My Father’s Hands?
Calvin R. Worthington
Who wrote Pleasures of Knowledge?
Sydney Smith
Who wrote The Way?
John Oxenham
Who wrote Hinds’ Feet on High Places
Hannah Hurnard