American Literature Unit #11 Flashcards
What poem says that nothing can be compared to a book?
“There Is No Frigate like a Book”
What is the theme of “Success Is Counted Sweetest”?
Success means more to the unsuccessful than to the successful
What is the theme of “We Never Know How High We Are”?
We never know our abilities until we are challenged
What poem by Emily Dickinson is a description of the dawn?
“The Day Came Slow, till Five O’Clock
What is “Song of the Chattahoochee” referring to?
The flow of a river
What poem gives a description of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane?
“A Ballad of Trees and the Master”
Which poem by James Whitcomb Riley describes early autumn?
“When the Frost Is on the Punkin”
What is described in “Away”?
In “Outwitted,” was love successful?
What poet wrote almost two thousand poems, most of which were published after death?
Emily Dickinson
What poet is known for attempting to combine musical techniques in his poetry?
Sidney Lanier
Who is known as the Hoosier Poet?
James Whitcomb Riley
Where is this quotation from?
“How frugal is the Chariot
That bears the Human soul.”
There Is No Frigate Like a Book
Where is this quotation from?
“Mortality’s Ground Floor
Is Immortality.”
If My Bark Sink
Where is this quotation from?
“‘Twas on a tree they slew Him- last
When out of the woods He came.”
A Ballad Of Trees and The Master
Where is this quotation from?
“I can not say, and I will not say
That he is dead.-He is just away!”
Where is this quotation from?
“But Love and I had the wit to win;
We drew a circle that took him in!”
Who wrote “This Is My Letter to the World”, “There Is No Frigate like a Book”, “Success Is Counted Sweetest”, “A Bird Came down the Walk”, We Never Know How High We Are”, I Never Saw a moor”, “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”, “If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking”, “The Day Came Slow, till Five O’Clock”, “Apparently with No Surprise”, “God’s Residence”, “The Beggar Lad”, and “If My Bark Sink”?
Emily Dickinson
Read about Emily Dickinson
Who wrote “Song of the Chattanoochee”, “Life and Song”, “Between Dawn and Sunrise”, and “A Ballad of Trees and the Master”?
Sidney Lanier
Read about Sidney Lanier
Who wrote “When the Frost Is on the Punkin”, and “from Away”?
James Whitcomb Riley
Who wrote “Eletelephony”?
Laura E. Richards
Who wrote “Outwitted”?
Edwin Markham
Read about Laura E. Richards
Read about Edwin Markham
Read about James Whitcomb Riley
Who wrote “I Never Saw a Moor,” “If My Bark Sink,” and “There Is No Frigate like a Book”?
Emily Dickinson
Who wrote “A Ballad of Tress and the Master” and “Song of the Chattahoochee”?
Sidney Lanier