Literary Techniques and Composition Flashcards


Book 9


Odysseus starts his story to Alcinous because the king had asked him why he cried when a bard related a tale of Troy
Odysseus reveals his identity, and begins his story.

First he attacked the island of the Cicones, where his men insist on resting for a day. The Cicones form a counter attack the next day and 72 of his crew die
The fleet gets lost in a storm and they end up on the land of the Lotus-eaters. Three crew eat the fruit, but Odysseus uses his strength and bravery to drag them back.
We are given a description of the islands and hte uncivilised inhabitants as the suspense is built up by the long introduction to the encounter with Polyphemus. Odysseus takes strong wine as a gift to anyone they might meet
On entering the cave, Odysseus and his men help themselves to Polyphemus; cheese
Polyphemus questions them and then eats two of them. After four more are eaten, Odysseus plans how to escape
While Polyphemus is out shepherding, Odysseus prepares a huge stake, which he hides in a pile of dung
That evening he gets Polyphemus drunk on the wine, telling him his name is Nobody. Then as he sleeps, Odysseus, stabs him n the eye.
Polyphemus tells his friends nobody has blinded him
Odysseus straps three sheep together, with a man under each of the middle ones, and then clings onto the head ram. Polyphemus lets the animals out.
As they sail away, Odysseus shouts his name at Polyphemus, allowing Polyphemus to throw rocks at his fleeet and curse him.

Not all the information is told at once: we do not know Polyphemus has one eye until he is blinded, we do not know why Odysseus gets him drunk or gives him a false name until it comes in handy

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Book 10


Aeolus, keeper of the winds, traps all the winds in a bag, leaving only the one that will blow Odysseus straight home.
As the crew come in sight of Ithaca, Odysseus falls asleep and the men open the bag, thinking it istreasure.
They are driven back to Aeolus’ island, but he refuses to help them.
Odysseus then reaches the land of the Laestrygonians, who using rocks sink all but Odysseus’ ship, which he had kept close to the harbour entrance.

They then reach Circe’s island. After 2 days, Odyssesu goes exploring, seeing the smoke from her home. After killing a deer, Oydsseus returns and half of the men, under Eurylochus, travel to her home. Only Eurylochus, not enchanted by her hospitality, escapes. Odysseus sets off to rescue the men and is given a magic flower by Hermesto ensure that he remains unaffected when Circe tries to turn him into a pig.
She then realises he is Odysseus, prefessised to come, and she releases the me. After a year, the crew persuade Odysseus that they must sail for home, and Circe helps with this too, preparing him for the next stage of the journey with gifts and advice

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