Literary Devices Flashcards
Technique and Elemets
Where animals or inanimated objects portray as people
The repetition of sounds within groups of words in close proximity
Blank verse
Non-ryhming poety, usually written in iambic pentameter
Creative licence
Exaggeration or alteration of objective facts or reality of enchancing fictional context
Where character speak tinone another
Dramatic irony
Where the audience or reader are aware of something the characters don’t know
Where an author interrupts a story to explain something
Figurative language
A way of using words or phrases to convey meaning that goes beyond their literal meaning
Where future events in a story or perhaps outocome are suggested by the author before they happen
A description which exaggerates
Iambic Pentameter
Each line contains ten syllables in 5 repetions of two syllable pattern
Language which describes something in detail to create sensory stimulation
Where an event occurs which is unexpected and absurd or mocking
A direct relationship where one thing or idea substitutes for another
A contradiction in terms
Where a situation is created which cannot possibly exist
Use of similar or identical language events or ideas
Personification 1
Where human thoughts actions and perceptions are directly attributed to inanimated objects
Personification 2
Where an particular human behavior or a force of nature, is represented as a person
Where a specific word, phrase, or structure is repeated several times, to emphasize a particular idea
one thing or idea is described as being similar to another.
Similes usually contain the words “like” or “as,” but not always
A symbol must be something tangible or visible, while the idea it symbolizes must be something abstract or universal
Verbal irony
Where the meaning is intended to be the exact opposite of what the words actually mean