LIT1: Becker, G. (1992, December 9). The Economic Way of Looking at Life. Flashcards
What were the reasons for crime as thought of in the 50’s and 60’s (Becker 1992)
In the 1950s and 1960s intellectual discussions of crime were dominated by the opinion
criminal behavior was caused by mental illness and social oppression, and
that criminals were helpless “victims.”
What was the effect of seeing criminals as mentally ill? (Becker)
Such attitudes began to exert a major influence on social policy, as laws changed to
expand criminals’ rights. These changes reduced the apprehension and conviction
of criminals, and provided less protection to the law-abiding population
What is Beckers approach to looking at Criminal Behaviour?
Criminal behavior is rational.
It recognized that many people are
constrained by moral and ethical
considerations, and did not commit crimes even when they were profitable and
there was no danger of detection.
What is Rationality (Becker)
Rationality implied that some individuals become criminals because of the financial
rewards from crime compared to legal work,
taking account of the likelihood of
apprehension and conviction, and the severity of punishment.
What factors play a role in criminal behaviour (Becker)
Rationality, Economic and Social enviroment.
What is “Rent-Seeking” (Becker, 1992)
The time criminals spend on weapons and planning and carrying out their crimes, is
socially unproductive - it is what is now called “crime doesn’t create wealth, only forcibly redistributes it.