Lit Q- Antig Prolog-Epis2 Flashcards
2 people who were in the prologue
Antigone & Ismene
brought the news to Creon that the body had been buried
refused to help bury the body of Polynices
buried the body of Polynices
2 people who fought over ruling the city of Thebes
Polynices & Eteocles
was told that if he did not find the person who buried the body he would die
What were the two reasons that Antigone gave for going agains Creon’s new law?
1) the gods have a rule to bury
2) you have more time to spend with the dead than the living
What were the two reasons that Ismene gave for following Creon’s new law?
1) they are under the law and have to obey it
2) “Remember we are women, we’re not born to contend with men.”
Women submitted to men and couldn’t have a say in politics.
Why did the chorus say that Zeus helped the city of Theves defeat Polynices?
Argos was boasting and Zeus hates boasting
When the chorus was describing the war, what were the two flying creatures they used and what did those creatures represent?
1) eagle- Argos
2) dragon- Thebes
What did Creon compare the city of Thebes to?
a ship
What was the law that Creon laid down to keep the city on an upright course?
Be loyal to the city even if it goes against your family: don’t bury Polynices
What was the consequence for disobeying Creon’s new law?
stoned to death
“But all too often / the mere hope of money has ruined many men.”
“No one wants the man who brings bad news.”
“While I’m alive, / no woman is going to lord it over me.”
“These laws- I was not about to break them, / not out of fear of some man’s wounded pride, / and face the retribution of the gods.”
“I am not the man, not now: she is the man.”
“Remember we are women, / we’re not born to contend with men.”