Lit Cardiovascular Flashcards
What was the difference between the PetMAP vs HDO devices when measuring systolic BP in dogs?
Lyberg JVIM 2021
Mean SBP with petMAP was 14mm Hg higher vs HDO, and the difference between devices increased with increasing SBP. Underscore the need for validation of BP devices used clinically.
What was the diagnostic utility of a point-of-care NT-proBNP ELISA assay in clinically healthy cats in GP?
Lu JVIM 2021
Overall 43% sens, 96% spec in differentiating abnormal cats –> low sens indicates not effective as screening test, but positive result likely indicates cardiac dz & should FU with echo. Improved sens (71%) while maintaining similar spec (92%) if test is performed on cats with heart murmur.
What was the diagnostic utility of modified-vertebral left atrial size (M-VLAS) in determining left atrial enlargement in dogs with MMVD and comparison to an existing method?
Lam JVIM 2021
M-VLAS = series of measurements based on VHS, VLAS & RLAD (LA dimension). Cut-off value of ≥3.4 vertebrae using M-VLAS had 92.7% sens & 93.1% spec in predicting LA enlargement.
M-VLAS is superior to VHS – offers an accurate and repeatable way to radiographically identify LA enlargement (LA:Ao >/= 1.6) in dogs with MMVD.
a) Define left ventricular-arterial coupling (VAC) and b) its utility in the diagnosis and prognostication of dogs with MMVD.
Osuga JVIM 2021 (2 papers)
a) VAC is derived from estimate Ea (effective arterial elastance) to Ees (LV end-systolic elastance) ratio (Ea/Ees) by echo.
*Ea reflects arterial load of LV, Ees reflects LV systolic function.
b) Ea/Ees ratio was higher in stage C > B2 > B1 MMVD vs healthy dogs. Inappropriate VAC is associated with advanced disease severity in MMVD dogs.
Dogs with Ea/Ees >0.34 had poorer prognosis (50% shorter survival - MST 527d) vs dogs with Ea/Ees ≤0.34 (MST >1112d).
What was the correlation of serum Cl- at admission in dogs & cats with acute heart failure and the following:
a) Diuretic (frusemide) dose
b) Duration of hospitalisation
c) Survival time
Roche-Catholy JVIM 2021
a) Dogs only - neg correlation (worse hypoCl –> higher diuretic doses) may be useful as a marker of disease severity & therapeutic response in CHF dogs.
b) No sig correlation
c) No sig correlation
What were the effects of pimobendan in the outcome of cats with HCM and controlled CHF with/without LVOTO?
Schober JVIM 2021
No sig diff in outcome between treatment groups (pimo vs placebo).
Overall no identified benefit of pimobendan on 180d outcome (w/o needing furosemide dose escalation or death).
NB: Pimo did not induce/worsen LVOTO in HCM cats based on mean systolic PG measurements. PG across LVOT did increase post-pimo but cats were not clinical (weakness, severe hypotension, syncope, death). In fact, cats receiving chronic pimo tx had decreased LVOTO severity –> debunks concerns about long-term detrimental effects of pimo worsening LVOTO.
The prevalence of atrial fibrillation in MMVD dogs was ……%.
Risk factors for AFib development include ….(signalment), ….. stage MMVD. Associated echo parameters included decreased…., increased ….. and presence of ……
Guglielmini JVIM 2021
2.7%, mixed breed, male, advanced, fractional shortening, left atrial & ventricular dimension, pulmonary hypertension.
What was the effect of correcting serum [Cl-] in dogs with Stage C-D CHF?
Adin JVIM 2021
Serum [Cl−] increased after mathematical correction in Stage D CHF dogs but not in Stage C and non-CHF dogs. Although c[Cl−] was higher than m[Cl−] in Stage D dogs supportive of relative water excess, hypochloremia persisted, consistent with concurrent loop diuretic effects on electrolytes.
Serum chloride concentration useful in defining all stages of heart disease in dogs (true/false).
Adin JVIM 2021
True. Serum [Cl-] was the best differentiator of HD stage, a useful marker for stage D dogs.
What were the effects of pimobendan on left atrial function in cats with HCM?
Kochie JVIM 2021
Mild positive effect. Echo parameters – increased peak velocity of left auricular appendage flow, max LA volume, LA total emptying volume, peak velocity of late diastolic transmitral flow (A peak velocity), A velocity time integral.
What were the effects of diet change following a diagnosis of DCM in dogs?
Freid JVIM 2021
Overall improvement in cardiac function – decreased LVIDs & LA:Ao, longer survival (337d vs 215d with no diet change).
Which breed had LV M-mode prediction intervals that deviated from the population of dogs analysed?
Esser JVIM 2021
*Sighthounds had increased cardiac dimensions (except Irish Wolfhound)
Which echo parameters were useful in predicting the first onset of AFib in dogs with MMVD?
Baron Toaldo JVIM 2021
Standard echo measurements – LA diameter, LVIDd
LA speckle tracing echo (STE) variables – peak atrial longitudinal strain (PALS) (represents the peak strain value during LV contraction)
How did torsemide compare to furosemide as 1st-line PO treatment for dogs with CHF associated with degenerative mitral valve disease, in terms of:
a) Treatment efficacy
b) Clinical response
c) Time to cardiac-related death
Besche JVIM 2020
a) TOR was non-inferior to FURO wrt achieving efficacy criterion by D14 (decreased pulmonary oedema & cough, no worsening of dyspnea or exercise tolerance).
b) Similar clinical response at D84 (74% dogs achieved with either TOR or FURO).
c) TOR significantly decreased risk of cardiac-related death (increased time to death or euthanasia).
What were the cardiovascular effects of oral steroid administration (2mg/kg/d) in healthy cats? (List 2 with significant changes & 1 without)
Block JVIM 2020
- Increased heart size (LA & LVID)
- Increased % change in individual NT-proBNP (>60% increase in 60% cats)
Overall suggests plasma volume expansion.
- No significant changes in BP.
Suspected findings are due to mineralocorticoid induced Na & H2O retention, due to BG remaining stable, as was BP.
What were the 2 major characteristics associated with plasma NT-proBNP concentration in cats?
What were the diagnostic test sensitivities & specificities for the NT-proBNP POC test & ELISA?
Hanås JVIM 2020
Male & HCM cats - higher NT-proBNP concentrations.
ELISA & POCT had similar sens & spec for detecting all 3 groups (HCM, HCM+LAE, HCM-LAE). Spec 97-98% for all groups. Sens - HCM cats 72-74%, HCM+LAE 100%, HCM-LAE 69% (note significant drop in the absence of LAE in HCM cats).
1) What were the main risk factors for development of transient myocardial thickening (TMT) in cats vs persistent HCM?
2) What was the outcome & prognosis of cats with CHF associated with TMT? And in comparison with CHF-HCM cats?
Novo Matos JVIM 2018
1) TMT - younger cats (2yo), antecedent events (recent GA»_space; trauma, +/- drugs or other systemic illness)
2) Maximal LV wall thickness & LA:Ao ratio decreased in 3.3 months.
Overall prognosis better in cats with TMT-CHF cf HCM-CHF. Reduction in LA/Ao over ~3 months.
100% survival in TMT cats, 56% HCM cats. Rare for CHF recurrence (5% TMT vs 71% HCM), most cases (95%) tx discontinued.
a) What characteristics were cats with HCM & outflow tract obstruction (OTO) more likely to have compared to cats without OTO?
b) What was the safety & efficacy of pimobendan in these 2 cat populations?
Ward JVIM 2020
a) OTO cats - younger, more likely cardiac murmur, more likely to manifest CHF as pulmonary oedema, less likely pleural effusion.
b) Overall well tolerated drug, SE in 4.6% cats (5.4% non-OTO cats 2% OTO cats). Most common GIT,lethargy, weakness. Drug stopped in 1.5% cats due to AE.
- Which 4 major echocardiographic variables affecting the right heart were noted in dogs with pulmonary hypertension (PHT)?
- Name 3 R-cardiac echo variables which were negative prognostic factors in relation to survival time in dogs with PHT.
Visser JVIM 2020
- RA enlargement 88%, RV enlargement 69%, PA enlargement 72%, decreased RV function (decr TAPSE) 33% dogs.
- Increased RA area, decreased RV function (TAPSE < 3.23mm/kg0.284) & R heart failure.
1) When comparing diagnostic performance, the VHS+VLAS had better ability to predict echocardiographic L heart enlargement (LHE) in preclinical MMVD dogs compared to VHS and VLAS alone. (T/F)
2) VHS ….. excluded pre-clinical MMVD dogs with LHE (sens…., spec….), while VHS …… (sens…., spec…) identified MMVD dogs with LHE.
Poad JVIM 2020
1) False - no diff, all moderate ability.
2) </=10.8, 91.1%, 69.4%. >11.7, 32.4%, 97.2%
There was a positive association between LA enlargement & cardiomegaly & bronchial narrowing in coughing dogs with cardiac murmurs. (T/F)
Lebastard JVIM 2021
True. Association supports heart size-associated exacerbation of cough in dogs with murmurs.
(2 papers)
The Amplatzer vascular plug II (AVP-II) device was safe & effective for closure of …. PDAs, with a closure rate of …..%, most of which occurred after …….
What is the advantage of using the Amplatzer Vascular Plug 4 to correct L-R PDA in small dogs? Was this effective?
Hildebrandt JVIM 2021
Moderate-large, 100%, 24hrs (1 dog had delayed complete closure after 3mths).
Hulsman JVIM 2020
(2 papers)
AVP-4 is the only self-expandable nitinol mesh occlusion device
which can be implanted through a 4Fr diagnostic catheter, so it is small enough to fit through the femoral artery diameter.
Yes, effective & technically easy. 5/7 dogs had immediate shunt closure, 1 dog with slightly undersized device had delayed closure after 2hrs, 1 dog with severely undersized AVP-4 had device embolised in the PA & required coil placement instead.
In dogs & cats with bidirectional and continuous right-to-left (reverse) PDA, list:
1) Clinical signs (including most common)
2) Prognosis (median survival time, negative or positive prognostic factors)
Greet JVIM 2021
1) Variable CSx:
Dogs - HL collapse most common. Exercise intolerance, signs of neuro disease, signs of GI dz, syncope, cough
Cats - variable.
Both - abdo distension, tachypnea/ dyspnea, asymptomatic.
2) MST 626d in dogs (range 1-3628d).
- Negative px: dogs with R-CHF at presentation (MST 58d vs 1839d).
- Positive px: dogs tx with sildanefil at presentation (MST 1839d vs 302d).
What is native vs contrast T1 mapping? What 2 key determinants cause increased T1 values?
Fries JVIM 2021
T1 mapping measures the longitudinal or spin-lattice relaxation time of tissues. All tissues have inherent T1 relaxation times that are based on a composite of their cellular and interstitial components.
2 impt determinants:
1) Interstitial oedema secondary to infarction with associated cellular destruction
2) Increased interstitial space from fibrosis.
Native T1 values are a composite signal of myocytes & cardiac extracellular volume fraction (ECV), whereas contrast-enhanced T1 mapping can specifically calculate the ECV fraction.
Cardiac extracellular volume fraction (ECV) correlated to variables of ….. in preclinical HCM cats, including …… (incr/decr) E:A, ….. (incr/decr) deceleration time of E wave, and ….. (incr/decr) A wave as compared to healthy cats.
(See CVS chapter flashcards for questions on E:A wave)
Fries JVIM 2021
Diastolic function
What is spectral doppler imaging, and differences with colour Doppler echo?
(T/F) Hepatic venous flow is mostly anterograde, with small amount of retrograde flow being normal.
What are the 4 phase patterns of hepatic venous flow in relation to the right atrium/ventricle documented on spectral Doppler flow?
Silva JVIM 2020
Colour Doppler shows the direction of the blood flow in red or blue (either towards or away from the transducer). Meanwhile, spectral Doppler not only shows the direction of blood flow, it also shows the phases (pulsatility) and acceleration of the blood flow. Spectral Doppler imaging is routinely performed for cardiac valves, vascular and other pathological lesions to assess blood flow direction and measure velocity.
Hepatic spectral Doppler findings correlates with RV systolic and diastolic indices.
- A wave: retrograde. Represents right atrial contraction
- S wave: largest anterograde wave. Occurs in ventricular systole, as the walls contract and the tricuspid annulus is directed to the apex, generating negative pressure and pushing blood out of the liver.
- V wave: transient; anterograde, retrograde or neutral. Result of atrial filling as systole becomes less intense and the tricuspid valve returns to its normal position.
- D wave: anterograde. Occurs during passive filling of the atrium and right ventricle (RV) during diastole.
a) Which 2 biomarkers were negatively associated with survival in CHF cats with primary cardiomyopathy?
b) Which 3 acute phase proteins (APP) were positively associated with NT-proBNP & left atrial size in CHF cats with primary CM?
c) Name 1 other APP (not included in the answers for the above 2 questions) which was an independent prognostic factor in CHF cats.
Liu JVIM 2020
a) SDMA, NT-proBNP
b) Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein 1, SAA & ceruminoplasmin
c) a1-acid glycoprotein concentration
Which 2 sites on ultrasound were used to assess aortic stiffness in hypertensive vs normotensive dogs?
What is the clinical utility of aortic strain measurements?
Corda JVIM 2020
2 different Ao transverse sections:
- Caudal to the left renal artery (K_AoSt)
- Cranial to the external iliac arteries (I_AoSt))
K_AoSt and I_AoSt indices can be used to assess systemic hypertension-related Ao stiffness, especially when NIBP measurements are inconsistent or inaccurate.
What are the differences in clinical features of MMVD between Yorkshire Terriers & Mini Schnauzers?
DeProspero JAVMA 2021
Mini Schnauzers:
- Significantly higher MMVD prevalence, much younger at time of diagnosis.
- More likely to have MV prolapse & syncope (potentially 2’ to SSS or airway disease e.g. tracheal collapse)
- More likely to have coughing
What is a palliative, minimally invasive interventional treatment option for MMVD-associated CHF in dogs?
Overall benefit & outcome in this study population?
Allen JAVMA 2021
Transoesophageal US + echo-guided LA decompression. Involves a minimally invasive creation of an atrial septal defect to significantly & immediately reduce LA pressure.
Successful outcome in 100% (17) dogs w/o intra-op deaths.
MST 195d (0-478d).
When echocardiography is not available, lateral radiographs can be performed to measure ….., where a value >/= ……has high specificity of …… for diagnosis of stage B2 MMVD in dogs. However, false negatives occur in ……% cases using this cut-off.
Stepien JAVMA 2020
Vertebral LA score (VLAS)
≥ 3 vertebral body units (VBUs)
What was the utility of the manubrium heart score (MHS) in differentiating between left and right-sided cardiac disease in dogs?
Mostafa JAVMA 2020
- L-sided cardiac dz: supportive - combo of high short-, long- & overall-MHS.
- R-sided cardiac dz: highest mean CSI. Supportive - high short-MHS WITHOUT high long-MHS & high overall MHSs.
FYI: all dimensions quantified on R lateral TXR.
CSI (cardiac sphericity index) = cSAL:cLAL ratio.
ML: manubrium length (1st bone along sternum).
Short-MHS = cSAL:ML ratio
Long-MHS = cLAL:ML ratio
Overall-MHS = (cLAL + cSAL)/ML
VHS = # of vertebrae (beginning at the cranial end plate of T4) that represented the same length as that of (cLAL + cSAL).
What 2 gene mutations are implicated in Dobermans predisposed to DCM and what were the frequency of these variants identified?
Meurs JAVMA 2020
PDK4 (pyruvate kinase dehydrogenase 4) gene - involved in mitochondrial energy production.
TTN (titin) gene - sarcomeric gene involved in cardiac contraction.
TTN variant most common (58%, 28/48), 20% (10/48) both variants, 12.5% (6/48) neither variant, 8% (4/48) only PDK variant.
What is the effect of a single SQ dose of BNP1-32 on dogs with Stage C MMVD?
Yata JVIM 2019
BNP1-32 = synthetic BNP.
BNP1-32 was well tolerated. Rapidly absorbed after dosing –> led to increased urinary cyclic guanosine monophosphate (UEcGMP) (mediator of diuresis, natriuresis,
vasodilation & RAAS antagonism) 1-2hrs after. But no measurable effects on biological outcomes (UOP, BP, HR, FENa/K, and plasma [aldosterone]) in this study.
What is troponin? What are its 3 subunits & their functions?
What is a drug that acts on any 1 of these troponin subunits?
Langhorn JVIM 2016 (Review)
Cardiac-specific protein. Troponin complex controls cardiomyocyte contraction.
I, C & T subunits. Actin = thin filament, myosin = thick filament.
- T secures tropomyosin to the thin filament (T for thin)
- I inhibits ATP hydrolysis for actin & myosin interaction (I for inhibitory).
- C binds Ca2+ when contraction is initiated. (C for Ca2+ & contraction)
Pimobendan - positive inotrope. Ca-sensitizing effect on the contractile proteins by increasing affinity of the cTnC for Ca2+»_space; promotes increased contractility w/o decreasing free cellular Ca2+ & therefore myocardial O2.
Can plasma NT-proBNP measurement be affected by strenuous exercise in dogs?
Hunt JVIM 2018
Yes - can exceed upper RI
What are microRNA?
Changes in which 3 miRNAs were observed in dogs receiving doxorubicin, and which miRNA was useful for documenting doxorubicin cardiotoxicity in these dogs?
Beaumier JVIM 2020
MicroRNA bind RNA and prevent signal translation; very stable - potentially useful as biomarkers.
Dogs receiving doxo - miR-107 & miR-146A sig downregulated, miR-502 sig upregulated.
Biomarker for doxorubicin cardiotoxicity in dogs. Significant changes in miR-502 occurred before 3rd chemo dose. miRNA changes preceded cTnI elevations (latter only occurred after completing chemo course).
a) What are the functional differences between classic & alternative angiotensin peptides (AP) in the context of heart failure? Name examples of these APs.
b) Describe how alternative APs are formed.
c) Which treatment group of dogs with DMVD had the most favourable AP profile?
i) ARB + ACE2
ii) ARB only
iii) ACE-I only
iv) ACE-I + ACE2
Larouche-Lebel JVIM 2020
a) Classic APs mediate vasoconstriction, Na retention, congestion, cardiac remodelling»_space; promote CHF. E.g. Angiotensin (AT) 2, AT3, AT4, AT2-receptor type 1
Alternative APs mediate vasodilation, natriuresis, diuresis, anti-remodelling > cardioprotective. E.g. Ang1-5, Ang1-7 (best studied), Ang1-9.
b) ACE2 enzyme removes a single AA from AT1 or AT2 to form Ang1-9 & Ang1-7 respectively.
c) i) ARB + ACE2
What effects did combined treatment of recombinant human ACE2 (rhACE2) & ARB (telmisartan) have on the RAAS profile of cats with cardiomyopathy?
Huh JVIM 2020
Combo tx sig increased Ang1-7 & other alternative APs in CM cats –> cardioprotective.
(ARB tx alone also sig increased Ang1-7 but to a smaller degree vs combo tx).
- What is angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)?
- Does plasma ACE2 activity change in dogs with CHF vs dogs with preclinical cardiac disease?
- What effects did recombinant human ACE2 (rhACE2) treatment have on the RAAS profile of dogs with cardiac disease?
Larouche JVIM 2019
1. ACE2 = homologue of ACE, produces angiotensin peptides (APs) e.g. Ang1-9 & Ang1-7 that are vasodilatory and natriuretic –> act to counterbalance AT-II.
2. Yes - plasma ACE-2 & benefical APs (esp Ang1-7) are increased in dogs with CHF (~10x preclinical dogs).
3. rhACE2 increased beneficial APs (e.g. Ang1-9) while simultaneously decreasing maladaptive APs (e.g. AT-II).
What is the dose-response relationship for ACEI in dogs with cardiac disease?
Ward JVIM 2021
q12hr dosing & higher K+ at the first revisit were predictive of 2 year survival. q12hr dosing may optimize cardioprotective benefits of ACEI.
What is speckle tracking echocardiography? What changes can be seen in HCM cats?
Spalla JVIM 2019
Allows quantification of myocardial deformation in the longitudinal, radial, and circumferential planes; and can provide info on regional & global myocardial function.
Cats with HCM had increased LV mass, decreased systolic long axis (longitudinal deformation) & radial deformation, but overall preserved circumferential strain & strain rate.
What is the prevalence of cardiac cachexia in cats, based on MCS? What other factors is it associated with? Does it have a prognostic impact?
Santiago JVIM 2020
41.6% prevalence. Associated with older age, pleural effusion, lower HCT/Hb, higher neutrophils, higher BUN, lower BCS.
Shorter survival time vs non-cachexic cats.
What criteria on POC lung US (LUS) increases suspicion of cardiogenic pulmonary oedema compared to non-cardiac causes of dyspnea in dogs & cats based on a 2017 study?
Accuracy of POCUS findings in differentiating cardiac vs non-cardiac causes?
Ward JAVMA 2017
POCUS - positive site defined by > 3 B-lines at site. ≥ 2 positive sites on each hemithorax.
Dogs/cats with CPO had higher # of positive LUS sites vs non-cardiac causes.
Sn 84%, spec 74% (similar to TXR - Sn 85%, spec 87%).
False positives most common with diffuse interstitial or alveolar disease - not useful to differentiate in these cases.
- What echo parameter is typically used to predict pulmonary hypertension (PH)? Include relevant formula in your answer.
- What alternative echo variable may be useful to predict PH if the above parameter cannot be measured? What is the cutoff for the highest predictive accuracy?
Visser JVIM 2016
1. Tricuspid regurgitation velocity (TR Vmax). Modified Bernoulli equation: PAP = 4 x (TR Vmax)^2
(Also can use pulmonic regurg velocity)
2. Right pulmonary artery distensibility (RPAD) - strong negative correlation to tricuspid regurgitation
Cut-off <29.5%, Sn 84%, Sp 95% to predict TRPG >50mmHg
Other echo parameters (in order of correlation): Main PA size: aorta size (MPA:Ao) > acceleration time to peak PA flow (AT)> AT: ejection time of PA flow (AT:ET).
Is cisterna chyli ablation helpful in addition to thoracic duct ligation + subphrenic pericardectomy in cats with idiopathic chylothorax?
Stockdale JAVMA 2018
No. Increased surgical time but without better outcomes (no sig diff in MST).
The SECOND generation point-of-care (POC) & quantitative NT-proBNP tests were evaluated in cats with pleural effusions. Which tests on which sample types were/were not sensitive/specific to differentiate CHF from other causes?
Hezzell JVIM 2016
- Quantitative ELISA was Sn & Sp for both plasma (95% Sn, 82% Sp) + pleural effusion (100% Sn, 76.5% Sp), with different cut-offs (higher proBNP concentrations in PLEURAL FLUID vs plasma). Notably highly sensitive but moderately specific.
- POC test was useful for PLASMA samples (Sn 95%, Sp 87%), but for pleural fluid had high Sn (100%) but poor specificity (64%).
- Similar diagnostic accuracy with 1st gen ELISA assays.
- What does Lights criteria use for the characterisation of pleural effusion in cats?
- What parameter is useful to differentiate exudates from transudates in cases with discordant classification based on clinical vs Light’s criteria?
Zoia JFMS 2016
Pleural fluid to serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) & TP ratios.
Lactate ratio 0.6+ & TP ratio 0.5+ consistent with exudate.
- Albumin gradient (ALBg). Some CHF cats will be “exudative” on Lights criteria but clinical criteria = transudate. Gradient will help differentiate. NB: classic exudate cut of: 30+g/L and >7K cells/uL. Transudate <25g/L, < 1500K cells/uL.
NB: original paper on Lights Criteria - Zoia JFMS 2009.
Pleural fluid lactate dehydrogenase concentration (LDHp) & pleural fluid/serum total protein ratio (TPr)) were most reliable in differentiating transudates & exudates (Sn 100% & 91%, Sp 100%). Also evaluated serum/fluid cholesterol ratio, glucose & TNCC.
What parameters do the simplified Light’s Criteria measure?
How useful was this in differentiating causes of pleural effusion in DOGS, as compared to traditionally measured parameters (Fluid TP & TNCC)?
Zoia Vet Rec 2020
Pleural effusion lactate dehydrogenase concentration & serum TP.
LC had 98% diagnostic accuracy (vs 57% for traditional classification) in discriminating exudates from transudates. Fluid TNCC & TP had poor diagnostic utility.
What 2 clinical parameters are potentially useful from a retrospective study in cats with pleural effusion associated with CHF and/or neoplasia?
Ruiz JAVMA 2018
Rectal temperature - lower in CHF cats (36.9 vs 37.9)
Age - CHF & neoplasia more likely in older cats (LSA cats significantly younger cf carcinoma).
What metabolic derangement is associated with hypertension & proteinuria in Greyhounds?
Martinez JVIM 2016
Altered plasma eicosanoid profiles - consistent with activation of metabolite pathways that promote vascular dysfunction & contribute to higher BP & albuminuria.
- Hypertension correlated with higher 11,12EET & 20(S)HETE
Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid = HETE, epoxyeicosatrienoic acid = EET
- Albuminuria correlated with total DHET (higher in greyhounds) Dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acid = DHET
How do you measure vertebral LA size on radiographs, and what cut-off is consistent with LA enlargement? Does this correlate with LA: Ao?
Malcolm JAVMA 2018
Right lateral thoracic radiograph.
1st line - measure from carina to the caudal aspect of LA where intersects with the CVC dorsal border.
2nd line (equal length to 1st) - measure from cranial edge of T4 caudally - to get no. of vertebrae included in this length.
LA = 2.3+ vertebrae - predictive of LA enlargement. Repeatable & reliable correlation with LA:Ao.
What is the median no. of VPC/24hrs in healthy Salukis based on a 7-day Holter monitoring?
Sanders JAVMA 2018
Sotalol MOA, onset to effect & indications?
What is the effect of sotalol on echo features of ventricular function in dogs with ventricular arrhythmias?
Visser JVIM 2018
Class III anti-arrhythmic. K channel blocker + non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor blocker.
Rapid absorption, peak plasma [ ] within 2-4hrs post pill, so can be useful to acutely terminate arrhythmias in hemodynamically stable dogs. Main indication is chronic tx of ventricular arrhythmias.
Mild decrease in LV systolic function. Caused decreases in all systolic function indices except TAPSE; but only % changes in LVIDs (normalised) & ejection fraction (EF) were significantly different.
(NB LVIDs INCREASES with systolic dysfunction).
No adverse events, even in dogs with LA enlargement or systolic dysfunction.
Which atrial tachyarrhythmia may lignocaine be efficacious for? In what % of dogs did cardioversion take place?
How does this atrial tachyarrhythmia arise & what are supportive ECG findings?
Wright JVIM 2019
Orthodromic AV reciprocating tachycardias (OAVRT).
84% converted with median total dose 2mg/kg (2-5.5).
The typical accessory pathway (AP) is composed of myocardial cells spanning the fibrous AV function, and provide electrical continuity between A & V myocardium at distinct sites from SV node & proximal His-Purkinje system. Failure of these pathways to regress forms the substrate for APs. APs can facilitate retrograde conduction, from V to A myocardium, allowing a macroreentrant tachycardia circuit. AP cells share ultrastructural similarities with ventricular myocardial cells.
ECG findings - regular, narrow QRS complex tachycardia that terminates in the face of 2nd deg AV block.
What dog breed is commonly affected by AV accessory pathways? What are common characteristics of this condition?
What is the recommended treatment and outcome in these dogs?
Wright JVIM 2018
Labradors 47%, male (67%).
CSx: lethargy & GI signs, also tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy in 46% (see DCM phenotype).
Right-sided APs (92%) > L.
Radiofrequency catheter ablation eliminated AP conduction long term in 98.8% of dogs, recurrence eliminated with a 2nd procedure in small % of dogs.
What % of dogs with AVBs undergoing pacemaker implantation had regression to more normal rhythms, and in what timeframe did this occur?
Santilli JVIM 2016
14% (7/48) of dogs regressed, typically within 30days after pacemaker implantation. 86% had static or progressive paroxysmal AVBs. Progression occurred at any time, so degree of AVB at the time of PMI should not be considered definitive, requires ongoing monitoring.
Most dogs that did not improve had chronic structural (fibrous/fibrous-fatty change to AV bundle. The dogs that improved could have had myocarditis (reported as cause of transient AVB).
What is pentamidine analogue 6 (PA-6)? How does it work?
What was it evaluated for use in dogs, and what was the outcome?
Szatmári JVIM 2018
Inhibitor of the inward rectifier K+ current (IK1), which is important for depolarisation & maintaining RMP (at -90mV) + contributes to phase 3 repolarization. In experimental AFib models this K+ channel is upregulated, so this drug was proposed to be effective for AFib.
Evaluated in large breed dogs with AFib. Protocol was IV bolus 2.5 mg/kg over 10min then maintenance CRI 0.04 mg/kg/min for max 50mins. None cardioverted to sinus rhythm.
Self-limiting SE: VPC, respiratory distress with laryngeal stridor, muscular weakness & twitching.
(3 papers)
What is the prognostic implication of HR in dogs with AFib? Specifically, how much will an increase in HR by 10bpm increase mortality by? What HR threshold was used for survival comparison?
Was findings similar/different when compared to a separate study evaluating AFib in non-small breed dogs with MMVD & CHF?
What was the prevalence of sudden cardiac death in dogs with AFib? What were associated risk factors?
Pedro JVIM 2018
* For every 10bpm increase, risk of all-cause mortality increased by 35%.
* MST longer in dogs with HR <125bpm (1037d vs 105d if HR 125+).
* Mean HR was independently associated with all-cause & CVS-related mortality.
Jung JVIM 2016
* Simliar findings, AF increased risk of cardiac death.
* MST 142d for AF (vs 234d w/o AF)
* Inadequately controlled AF associated with increased risk of mortality.
* Diltiazem + digoxin combo significantly decreased HR & prolonged MST (130d) cf diltiazem (35d) alone.
Borgeat JVIM 2021
14.8% (vs 5.5% controls).
Younger age at dx, larger LA, syncope.
What drug (Pimobendan, digoxin or benazepril) was associated with delaying CHF or death in Irish Wolfhounds with cardiomyopathy associated with AF or DCM?
Vollmar JVIM 2016
Pimobendan. Reached study endpoint in 1991d (digoxin 1263d, benazepril 997d).
What are the different PDA types & how does the PDA type impact treatment recommendations?
What PDA anatomical type is most commonly reported in GSDs?
Why is transoesophageal echocardiography recommended?
Wesselowski JVIM 2019
PDA phenotypes classified based on angiography. Types I, IIa, IIb, III. IV, V.
Type III PDAs (tubular appearance with minimal-no tapering in ductal diameter before insertion into the PA) are not amenable to interventional procedures (e.g. Amplatz canine duct occluder placement; instead surgical ligation is performed to avoid device-related complications due to inadequate device stability).
Type II anatomy most common in GSDs (88%).
3/24 dogs had unusual anatomy in this study (types IV & V), with median minimal ductal diameter was larger than in a mixed dog population, hence recommend echo for optimal procedural planning.
What is the most common PDA morphology & how is it best visualised?
Doocy JVIM 2018
3D Transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE-3D). Oval shape.
Does PDA size correlate with body weight?
Wesselowski JVIM 2017
Poor correlation, not recommended to base choice of occluder on BW. in small patients the femoral artery size can limit the size of device used (see paper on Amplatz plug Type 4).
Is pulmonary hypertension a contraindication to PDA closure?
Boutet JVIM 2017
No. pulmonary hypertension was not seen in this study but still associated with L-R shunts. Adult dogs in this study and improvement was seen with PDA closure, even when clinical.
Name 1 characteristic PE finding & 1 bloodwork abormality in dogs with pulmonary hypertension (PHT) associated with reverse R-L PDA shunts.
Is PHT a contraindication to PDA closure in dogs?
Can older dogs (>5yo) presenting with clinical signs & cardiac remodelling associated with PDA still benefit from closure?
Boutet JVIM 2017
Differential cyanosis. (blue/purple caudal MM, pink cranial MM). Polycythemia (renal response to hypoxia) > seizures if severe.
No. Pulmonary hypertension is not a contraindication for closure as long as it does not cause complete R-L (reverse) shunting.
Yes. Adult dogs presenting with L-R PDA later in life (5+yo) resulting in cardiomegaly & clinical signs can still improve or resolve with PDA closure.
(2 papers)
Post attenuation, PDA dogs can have reductions in EF & FS, thought to be due to loss of preload.
What advanced echocardiographic technique can be used to more accurately assess systolic function in these dogs both pre & post-op?
Spalla JVIM 2016
Speckle tracking echo (STE). This showed stable systolic function (normal S & SR values) post PDA closure.
S = strain, SR = strain rate (of LV)
Spalla JVIM 2016
Used STE to assess PDA dogs PRE-OP vs healthy dogs. Conventional parameters (EF & FS) did not differ between groups. STE-derived parameters identified subtle changes in cardiac systolic function and contractility between the 2 groups, so may be more sensitive method.
What is speckle tracking echocardiography?
How is it useful when evaluating dogs with MMVD?
Baron Toaldo JVIM 2017
2D method using speckle tracking to calculate regional myocardial deformation and therefore function.
This study showed that LA speckle tracing echo (STE) analysis highlights progressive decline in atrial function with worsening MMVD. Found to be feasible & reproducible.
What is the difference in complication rates between surgically ligated PDA and ductal occluders for treatment of L-R PDA shunts in dogs?
Ranganathan JAVMA 2018
10% major complication rate in sx group vs 0% in occluder group. Survival to discharge was comparable (overall 99%).
What were the speckle tracking echocardiographic findings when evaluating LV systolic function in dogs with SIRS?
Corda JVIM 2019
Dogs with SIRS had lower 2D-STE ejection fraction, endocardial global longitudinal strain (ENDO-G-Long-St), LVIDd (normalised) & LVIDs (normalised) vs healthy dogs.
What is the more accurate way of calibrating an angiographic image for size in dogs undergoing transcatheter interventions (e.g. balloon valvuloplasty, PDA occluder placement).
Markovic JVIM 2018
Oesophageal pigtail marker catheter.
Radioopaque table ruler underestimated size of structures by 10% - greatest effect when measuring larger structures (e.g. pulmonary valve annulus & larger dogs).
Name a treatment option for tricuspid stenosis. What breed is this reported in? What are the risks of treatment?
Lake-Bakaar JVIM 2017
Balloon valvuloplasty. Labradors.
Presented with syncope, R-CHF, exercise intolerance. Most had clinical improvement & echo parameters improved (decreased RA pressure, TVmax). But CSx recurred in 2/5 dogs; 1 dog was euthanised due to progressive TR & R-CHF (pre-existing moderate-severe TR).
What are the roles of Angiopoietin 2 (Ang-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)? Were these markers useful to prognosticate dogs with SIRS?
König JVIM 2019
Ang-2 produced by endothelial cells & released into circulation when activated. Together with VEGF; regulate vascular endothelial activation, promote inflammation, adhesions & vascular dysfunction.
In this study Ang-2 was higher in SIRS/sepsis vs healthy dogs; also higher in non-survivors, so could be another biomarker.
VEGF was higher in sepsis > SIRS > healthy dogs, but had poor ability to predict outcome.
(2 papers)
Are there any biomarkers which are useful diagnostic tests for hypertension in cats with absent ocular TOD? Are any biomarkers associated with hypertension in cats?
How does retinal vascular diameter change with age in cats? Was this predictive of hypertension?
Bijsmans JVIM 2017
* VEGF was higher in HT+ocular TOD cats vs all other groups (HT-TOD, CKD + normotensive, geriatric cats). Independently predictive of hypertension.
* CTnI was also independently predictive of hypertension (lower in healthy cats vs other groups), but not specifically ocular TOD.
* NT-proBNP was higher in HT + ocular TOD vs healthy cats.
Based on ROCs, none were useful diagnostically though. Preferred diagnostic methods still SBP measurement + fundoscopy.
Enache JFMS 2021
Retinal vascular (arteriole + venule) diameter decreases with age. Vessel diameters also decreased at 3 & 6mths post tx in hypertensive cats.
Study did not conclude if RVD is a risk indicator for hypertension due to short FU; longitudinal studies required.
What are the effects of the anti-hypertensive treatment on the following biomarkers in cats:
* NT-proBNP
* cTnI
Bijsmans JVIM 2017
NT-proBNP decreased with anti-hypertensive tx.
cTnI & VEGF did not.
What factors influence the required amlodipine dose for a hypertensive cat?
Bijsmans JVIM 2016
Pre-treatment BP.
(Plasma amlodipine concentrations were directly dose-dependent).
(2 papers)
What is the effect of telmisartan on BP in hypertensive cats?
Glaus JVIM 2018
Evaluated telmisartan 2mg/kg PO SID in cats with SBP 160-200mmHg. Effective at reducing BP by 19.2mmHg at 2 weeks & 24.6mmHg at 4 weeks. 52% of cats had SBP < 150mmHg at 4 weeks.
Coleman JVIM 2018
Telmisartan dose protocol: 1.5mg/kg PO BID x14d then 2mg/kg PO SID q12h. Reduced SBP by 23.9mmHg at 4 weeks, with effect persisting over 6 months.
What % of dogs developed systemic hypertension (SBP 160+) on toceranib?
Tjostheim JVIM 2016
37% (also proteinuric)
Note: prevalence of SHT (37%) & proteinuria (21%) in dogs with neoplasia at BASELINE - so need to closely monitor these parameters after starting TKI.
What is the difference between coccygeal & radial arterial Doppler BP measurements in cats? Do any physiologic factors influence these measurements?
Are Doppler & oscillometric devices for NIBP measurement in conscious cats interchangable?
Whittemore JAVMA 2017
Coccygeal BP not affected by age or muscle condition.
Radial BP affected by muscle condition (older + sarcopenia increases BP readings).
Mean systolic coccygeal BP higher than radial (+19mmHg) though this was inconsistent.** Paper recommended coccygeal measurement & MCS monitoring during serial systolic BP measurements.**
Zeugswetter JFMS 2017
Noted large discrepancy between coccygeal & radial ABP measurements, which did not correlate with age or BW. Coccygeal was 18.7mmHg higher, possibly due to cone-shaped tails esp in obese cats. 56% cats deemed moderately hypertensive (SBP 170+mmHg) on coccygeal were normo/mildy hypertensive on radial measurements.
JAVMA 2017 paper?
saying cannot preference coccygeal over radial, as precision of radial is still high and no studies to support difference being pathological
Cernia JFMS 2021
No. Oscillometric BP under-read MAP cf SAP (osc mode A better than B, but still difference of 15mmHg).
How accurate is Doppler BP for detecting hypotension in dogs?
Bourazak JAVMA 2018
Doppler BP compared to invasive BP monitoring method,
Doppler BP unreliable for hypotension, Sn 66-69% & Sp 82-86%.
Limb conformation, IVC gauge, recumbency didn’t affect invasive BP measurements.
How do leptin & adiponectin change with MMVD?
Kim JVIM 2016
Lepin high & adiponectin low cf healthy dogs.
ISACHC Class 3 (severe HF) dogs had high leptin + adiponectin concentrations cf Class 1 dogs.
(ISACHC = international Small Animal Cardiac Health Council)
What serum factor & signalment characteristics can affect markers of oxidative stress in dogs with MMVD?
Reimann JVIM 2017
Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), Vit E, gamma-tocopherol are affected by sex, BCS, neuter status; all also positively correlated with serum cholesterol. Could not be used for clinical stage of MMVD in this study.
What is TMAO & what are its precursors? What is its significance in canine heart disease?
Karlin JVIM 2018
Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). Precursors - choline, L-carnitine.
An oxidised product of trimethylamine, which is produced by GI bacteria when they metabolise choline. TMAO is increased in dogs with CHF secondary to DMVD cf subclinical dogs & healthy controls.
(2 papers)
What echocardiographic variables have prognostic significance in dogs with MMVD?
Toaldo JVIM 2017
Several in an univariate analysis. In multivariate, MV E wave velocity & LA maximal volume (LAVmax) were significant.
- An increase in MV E vel is an indirect measure of MR severity - reflects worsening pressure differences between LA & LV with increasing regurgitant volumes.
- LAVmax = strongest predictor of cardiac death (superior to LA:Ao & STE variables)
Nakamura JVIM 2016
Right ventricular Tei-index (RVTX)
Significant independent predictor of death. LA:Ao was also predictive. Index of global myocardial function, including systolic & diastolic performance. Calculated by dual PWD.
(2 papers)
What is the impact of a) disease class & b) pulmonary hypertension on right cardiac function in dogs with MMVD?
Baron Toaldo JVIM 2016
No association between variables of RV systolic/diastolic function & different MMVD stages & severity of PH detected from study.
Chapel JVIM 2018
RV systolic function (measured based on TAPSE & RV strain) increased in B2 but then decreased in stage C MMVD.
TAPSE = tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion.
What echo findings can be used to predict cardiac death later in life in CKCS?
Reimann JVIM 2017
Moderate to severe MR (even if intermittent) & increased LVIDs(N) in dogs <3yo were associated with cardiac death later in life in CKCS. Males had higher all-cause mortality with MR.
How does MV morphology differ between healthy CKCS vs other dog breeds?
Menciotti JVIM 2018
MV of CKCS have a smaller annulus height, resulting in a flatter MV with reduced tenting - may confer a mechanical disadvantage & predispose to early MMVD development.
Landmark paper
In the EPIC study, what was the effect of pimobendan vs placebo in preclinical MMVD dogs?
Boswood JVIM 2016
Pimo significantly prolongs preclinical MMVD period by ~15mths.
* Significantly longer median time to primary endpoint + reduced risk (~2/3) of reaching endpoint for PIMO group (1228d) vs placebo group (766d).
* Primary endpoint: time to onset of CHF, cardiac-related death, or euthanasia.
Longer survival in PIMO dogs (MST 1059d) vs placebo (902d).
Landmark paper
In the second part of the EPIC study, what clinical & echocardiographic variables did pimobendan affect? What did these predict?
Boswood JVIM 2018
Pimobendan reduced heart size in dogs with B2 MMVD & this was associated with increased time to CHF & cardiac related death. Therapeutic benefit associated with reduction LV end systolic dimension. At the onset of CHF, groups were similar.
What clinical & radiographic variables change in MMVD dogs with the onset of CHF?
Boswood JVIM 2019
Most extreme values & rate of change occurred in variables immediately before onset of CHF (especially RR & resting RR). VHS increased earliest. Rectal temp & BW decreased.
Based on the TEST study, how did torasemide compare to frusemide for the treatment of MMVD?
Chetboul JVIM 2017
Study demonstrated that torasemide q24h is noninferior to furosemide q12h when considering a composite clinical score endpoint (% treatment success; clinical & TXR pulmonary oedema).
Torasemide was associated with a** 2-fold reduction in the risk of reaching the secondary composite cardiac endpoint** (spontaneous cardiac death, euthanasia for HF, or worsening CHF class) over a 3-month period cf frusemide.
Does treatment for CHF reduce NT pro-BNP in dogs?
Hezzell JVIM 2018
A pre-defined treatment escalation algorithm in response to proBNP measurements was able to reduce proBNP in stable MMVD dogs with CHF (proBNP did not significantly decrease for dogs with no tx adjustment).
What is the utility of NT-proBNP for discriminating cardiac from non-cardiac causes of respiratory distress in dogs?
A cut off of >2,447 discriminated CHF from non-cardiac respiratory distress with a Sn of 81% & Sp 73%
(3 papers)
What was the performance of a POC NT-proBNP ELISA in differentiating healthy cats with cats with various cardiac diseases (structural & AV block)?
In a separate study, what is the utility of the following parameters in diagnosing CHF in cats with respiratory distress:
b) NT-proBNP
c) Focused cardiac US
Did proBNP change with treatment for CHF in cats, and was it predictive of prognosis in cats with CHF?
Harris JVIM 2017
Sn 65%, Sp 100%. Moderate-poor Sn so a negative result cannot exclude cardiac disease.
Ward JVIM 2018
a) Presence of >1 site strongly positive for B-lines (>3 B-lines per site) on LUS had Sn 78.8%, Sp 83.3% & accuracy 83%.
b) Cardiac US - subjective LA enlargement was 97% Sn & 100% Sp for CHF, accuracy 98%. Presence of pericardial effusion was 100% Sp but only 60% Sn for CHF, accuracy 80%.
d) Positive NT-proBNP (blood) was 94% Sn & 72% Sp for CHF, accuracy 83% (so positive test doesn’t mean CHF is definitely the cause).
Pierce JVIM 2017
Cats with a larger % decrease in NT-proBNP from admission to discharge + without CHF at revisit had longer survival times.
MST 109d (1-709d).
CHF at re-evaluation & difficulty administering medications were associated with poorer prognosis.
What is the MOA of sacubitril/valsartan (Entresto)?
What is its effect in Stage B2 MMVD dogs (clue: decreased …… in urine)?
Newhard JVIM 2018
ARB/NEP inhibitor. NEP (Neprilysin) = enzyme that cleaves natriuretic peptides protective against RAAS activation.
In people, drug was found to decrease RAAS activation, inhibit RAAS hormones, decrease breakdown of endogenous NPs & decrease the occurrence of aldosterone breakthrough (documented in 32% of MMVD dogs with CHF).
S/V tx decreased urinary aldosterone/creatinine ratios by D30.
Drug did not sig change NT-proBNP, echo, TXR, SBP or biochemical parameters. No SE noted in this study.
Can sedation affect echocardiographic assessment of estimated PAP in dogs?
Rhinehart JVIM 2017
Yes, 78% of dogs had a significant INCREASE after sedation with butorphanol 0.25mg/kg IM. TRV increased by >0.4m/s in 42% dogs.
Authors caution that sedation may affect assessment of estimate PAP at diagnosis of PH & interpretation of tx response.
Based on one case report, what would be the indication for pulmonary artery banding in a cat with a VSD?
Cichocki JAVMA 2019
CHF or pulmonary to systemic flow ratio of >3. Palliative PA band reduced ratio to 1.5 in this study & resolved CHF within 2 weeks.
What are the differences in post-operative outcomes for dogs undergoing thoracotomy or thorascopy for treatment of PRAA?
Nucci JAVMA 2016
No difference in sx length, post-op complications, duration of indwelling thoracostomy tube.
Median hospitalisation 1 day for thorascopy & 2 days for thoracotomy.
Conclusion was thoracoscopy is an acceptable alternative to thoracotomy in dogs with PRAA, similar M&M rates.
What is a proposed vessel measurement that could be used to assess intravascular volume status in dogs? How is this measured?
Darnis JVIM 2018
CVC to Ao ratio.
Measured at the transverse 11th-13th R hepatic intercostal view (HV) & longitudinal R paralumbar view (PV). Good interobserver agreement in healthy dogs; needs validation in hypovolaemic dogs.
What are the 4 key echocardiographic criteria for a diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)? Suspected genetic basis in which breed?
What breed was most commonly affected in this study?
Were there differences in prognosis between cats & dogs? What factor was the most significant predictor of non-survival?
Chetboul JAVMA 2016
Echo findings - VSD, override of the IVS by the aortic root, pulmonic stenosis (RVOT obstruction), secondary RV hypertrophy.
Terrier breeds (7/15 dogs).
No differences between dogs & cats. MST 23.4mths.
Shorter survival associated with no/low-grade heart murmur (MST 3.4mths) vs higher-grade heart murmur (MST 16.4mths). *Remember softer murmur - larger VSD & shunting. *
Name 3 methods of measuring cardiac output. Which methods are considered less affected by systemic vascular resistance?
Garofalo JVIM 2016
Transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTDCO) and pulmonary artery thermodilution (PATDCO): changes in blood temperature noted either in a peripheral artery (femoral) or pulmonary artery (right cardiac catheterisation) after injection of a cold indicator are used to estimate CO. Comparable methods.
Calibrated pulse contour analysis uses analysis of the systolic portion of the arterial pressure waveform. Method is affected by systemic vascular resistance which limits clinical utility.
What are the ACVIM consensus definitions for a Stage B2 MMVD dog?
Keene JVIM 2019
Ideally fulfill all criteria before starting tx.
Murmur 3/6+
La/Ao 1.6 +
LVIDdn 1.7+
VHS 10.5+ (breed adjusted)
OR if not doing echo:
* VHS 11.5+
* VLAS (radiographic measurement of LA size) 3+ vertebra
Based on the ACVIM MMVD consensus, what is a drug that can be considered to improve LV ventricular function in CHF dogs failing to respond to conventional tx?
Keene JVIM 2019
Dobutamine (2.5-10 μg/kg/min CRI, start low end & titrate dose up as needed).
Reduce dose if tachycardia or ectopic beats occur.
What are the major predictors of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in Dobermans with DCM?
Klüser JVIM 2016
Volume overload of the LV (increased LV end diastolic volume >91.3ml.m2) = single best variable. Probability of SCD increases 8.5x per every 50 mL/m²-unit
increment in LVEDV/BSA.
Increased cTnI, VTach & rate of VPCs >260bpm were also predictive.
How did the high sensitivity cTnI (hs-cTnI) assay compare to the conventional cTnI in Dobermans with DCM, in terms of Sn/Sp?
Klüser JVIM 2019
Conventional cTnI assay: cutoff cTnI of >0.22 ng/mL has Sn 79.5% & Sp 84.4% to detect all DCM disease stages.
For Dobermans without CHF & using a cut-off cTnI of >0.113ng/ml:
- hs-cTnI assay had Sn 81% & Sp 73%
- Conventional Sn 78 & Sp 72%
- Similar performance, but hs-cTnI assay detected more dogs (72%) than conventional (62%) for dogs that were normal at exam but subsequently diagnosed with DCM within 1.5yrs. So hs-cTnI has good potential to identify early DCM.
Which urinary drug has been reported to cause myocardial hypertrophy in a dog? MOA of drug?
Hanson JAVMA 2018
Caused severe LV hypertrophy & V arrhythmias post IVDD sx, which resolved when drug was stopped. Note this dog was on CHRONIC PPA therapy (8.5yrs) so not an acute SE.
MOA - adrenergic receptor agonist.
What pathogens were detected in the endocardial biopsies of dogs with unexplained myocardial & rhythm disorders (UMRD), as compared to congenital heart disease (CHD)?
Santilli JAVMA 2019
The most common pathogens in dogs with UMRD were canine distemper virus, canine coronavirus, canine parvovirus 2, and Bartonella spp. 57% of dogs tested positive to 1+ pathogen. Positive association but causation not found - no pathogens detected on paired blood samples.
Canine coronavirus detected in 10% of CHD biopsies.
(2 papers)
What is the Sn/Sp of cTnI in differentiating healthy cats from asymptomatic HCM, and for predicting CHF in HCM cats?
What about the Sn/Sp & established cut-offs for a sensitive cTnI assay (Siemens ADVIA Centaur TnI-Ultra, Idexx) to differentiate HCM from healthy cats?
Hori JVIM 2018
Cut-off cTnI of 0.163ng/mL = Sn 62% & Sp 100% for differentiating normal vs asymptomatic HCM (no LA dilation).
Cut-off cTnI of 0.234ng/mL = Sn 95% & Sp 77.8% for assessing CHF.
cTnI significantly higher in CHF > asymptomatic HCM > healthy cats –> increased cTnI concentrations reflect the severity of HCM.
Hertzsch JVIM 2019
Cutoff >0.06ng/mL provided good discrimination between healthy vs HCM cats (Sn 91.7%, Sp 95.4%, AUC 95%).
Overall good screening test - as even for asymptomatic cats with HCM, had high Sn 87.8% & Sp 95.4%.
What is the potential use of ophthalmic 0.5% timolol maleate for echocardiography in cats? What is the drug’s MOA?
Gunther-Harrington JVIM 2016
Timolol = non-selective beta blocker.
Causes transient significant reduction in HR (-25bpm) when assessed 20mins after application. Allows assessment of diastolic function w/o clinically significant AE.
Caused separation of E & A waves that were fused before application in 62% cats. No bradyarrythmias but 2 developed 1st degree AV block. Caused resolution of a dynamic outflow obstruction in 6/20 cats.
What is the most reliable method of measuring taurine concentrations? What is the cut off taurine concentration below which supplementation is recommended?
Freeman JAVMA 2018
Whole blood taurine level ideal (> plasma).
Cut-off taurine [ ] <250nmol/L esp for GRs. Note this is low end RI but within RI).
What dietary factors may be associated with development of DCM in dogs/cats?
What are the precursors of taurine?
How do taurine & L-carnitine supplementation improve cardiac function in dogs with DCM?
Freeman JAVMA 2018
Boutique, exotic-ingredient & grain free (BEG) diets.
Fibre types & amounts, protein types (e.g. lamb vs chicken) - may affect taurine bioavailability. Fibre content may also affect enterohepatic recycling of bile acids (taurine conjugates BAs > bile salts).
Many other factors - but still undergoing investigation.
Taurine is important in the** modulation of calcium flux,** thereby reducing platelet aggregation, stabilizing neuronal membranes, and affecting cardiac function. Taurine’s effects on cardiac function include positive inotropic activity without affecting resting potential and modulating ionic currents across the cell membrane + anti-oxidant effects.
Levocarnitine is an endogenous substance; it is required for normal fat utilization and energy metabolism. It serves to ** facilitate entry of long-chain fatty acids into cellular mitochondria,** where they can be used during oxidation for energy production. Cardiac and skeletal muscle are significant sites for levocarnitine storage and activity.
Has there been proven benefit to benazepril administration to cats with heart disease?
King JVIM 2019
Benazepril 0.5-1mg/kg PO SID for 2yrs.
Was well tolerated but no benefit found (no differences in time to treatment fx failure, LA diameter & LV wall thickness, or QOL scores vs placebo). However, study limitations included heterogenous group of cats, multiple diseases and included asymptomatic cats.
What were the reported differences in cats treated with TPA vs standard of care therapy for FATE?
What 2 major complications were noted in FATE cats & did these differ with TPA treatment?
Guillaumin JFMS 2019
Most common TPA dose = 1mg/kg over 1hr.
No statistically significant difference in short term survival, clinical improvement between groups.
Complications - reperfusion injury (50% in both) & AKI (30% vs 27%). Similar rate between groups.
TPA group presented within 3hrs of onset of FATE (vs 6hrs). Study may have been underpowered.
How can infrared thermography be used to diagnose FATE & what is its Sn/Sp?
Pouzot-Nevroret JFMS 2018
A minimum difference of 2.4°C between ipsilateral affected & non-affected limbs has an excellent Sp & Sn for the diagnosis of FATE. Sn 80-90%, Sp 100%, PPV 100%, NPV 75-80%.
(4 papers)
Main differences between HCM & RCM?
What is the MST for cats with RCM? What were factors associated with non-survival?
Kittleson JFMS 2021 (Review)
Both CMs involve LV diastolic dysfunction (stiff non-compliant LV). But HCM has myocardial thickening (concentric hypertrophy) while RCM does not. Fibrosis is the PRIMARY lesion in RCM, but occurs SECONDARY to LV wall thickening in HCM.
Locatelli JFMS 2018
MST 69 days overall. If clinical (96% cats - respiratory distress most common), MST 64 days. If asymptomatic (rare), MST 466d.
Spalla JFMS 2016
Study looked at survival in different feline CM types. RCM group MST 273d.
Chetboul JVIM 2019
Longer MST reported vs JFMS 2018 paper.
Median MST from dx = 436d (2-3710d). LA enlargement was associated with decreased survival. Risk of cardiac death increased by 2.5x for every 0.5 LA: Ao increase.
Are there differences in survival between cats with primary vs secondary CM? What were common risk factors for non-survival?
Spalla JFMS 2016
Cats with secondary CM had longer survival (<50% cardiac death rate) vs primary CM cats (MST for HCM 865d, RCM 273d).
Increased LA:Ao ratio, presence of CSx, hypercoagulable state.
Name 2 ddx for the following echo findings in a cat: RV dilation, tricuspid regurgitation & ventricular arrhythmias.
Kittleson JFMS 2021 (review)
Tricuspid dysplasia (TVD), ARVCM.
Can be challenging to differentiate however tx is simlar.
Based on Kittleson’s 2021 JFMS review, is hyperthyroidism a major contributor to LV wall hypertrophy? What are the diagnostic & treatment complications?
How does hyperT exacerbate onset of HF?
HyperT likely increases LV wall thickness by ⩽2 mm in many
Dx - if a hyperT cat has severe LV hypertrophy (diastolic
LV wall thickness 7mm+), more likely that cat has severe primary HCM or mild-moderate HCM worsened by hyperT.
Tx - many but not all cats will have thinner LV after achieving euthyroidism.
HyperT exacerbates heart failure by increasing the BMR - so HF is easier to managed when hyperT is controlled - IMPT.
What echo findings are observed in cats with LV noncompaction (LVNC)?
Kittleson JFMS 2021
The noncompacted myocardium appears as recesses/ trabeculae that communicate with the LV cavity (on long-axis view) & appears spongiform (like Swiss cheese) in short-axis view.
Px unknown, but tx indicated if atrial enlargement present.
What clinical finding(s) in CHF cats warrant additional therapeutic interventions apart from diuretic tx?
Kittleson JFMS 2021
Cavitary effusions - pleural effusion (esp if large volume), ascites.
These cats tend to require periodic thoraco/abdominocenteses on top of diuretic tx, don’t usually respond well to diuretic alone.
What is the impact of pulmonary hypertension on dogs with Stage B2 or C MMVD?
MST without PH =758d, with PH 456d.
PH presence wasn’t an independent predictor of survival, but TRPG >55mmHg was an independent negative predictor of survival.
What is the association between BCS and MCS and survival in dogs with CHF?
Ineson JVIM 2018
Shorter survival assocaited with:
- Cachexia
- Obesity & being underweight at diagnosis (NB: some obese dogs were sarcopenic).
- Azotemia & clinically significant tachyarrythmias
What are the differences in renal parameters & RAAS between healthy Greyhounds & non-Greyhounds?
Martinez JVIM 2017
Greyhounds had higher sCr, Na+ & SDMA; also higher BP & albuminuria.
Basal RAAS activation (renin & ACE activity) similar between groups, but Greyhounds had lower aldosterone concentrations.
Lower aldosterone is in response to high Na & BP, suggesting AT-II effects predominate over aldosterone in Greyhounds.
Can a breeding scheme reduce the risk of MMVD in CKCS?
Birkegård JVIM 2016
Yes, breeding scheme over 8-10 year period reduced risk by 73% (of having a MR murmur).
What is the prognosis after diagnosis of advanced heart failure associated with DMVD in dogs?
Beaumier JVIM 2018
Advanced HF defined as recurrent CHF signs despite initially prescribed pimobendan dose, ACEI & furosemide >4 mg/kg/d.
Median duration between the diagnosis of stage C & AHF = 163d. MST after dx of AHF = 281d (considered reasonably long).
Higher frusemide dose (>6.7mg/kg/d) & non-hospitalisation were associated with longer survival.
81% dogs had increased BUN & 76% dogs with hypoCl at some point during tx.
Based on 2 UK studies,
What factors were associated with disease progression from Stage B MMVD?
What factors were predictive of survival in dogs with MMVD?
Mattin JVIM 2018
Plasma NT-proBNP, HR, heart murmur intensity, presence of a cough, being a CKCS & being prescribed pimobendan were associated with clinical progression to initiation of tx with a potent diuretic or cardiac-related death.
Mattin JVIM 2019
* Higher NT-proBNP & cTnI, higher HR, older dogs, females, CSx (exercise intolerant, dyspnea) & selected co-morbidities - associated with increased hazard of all-cause morbidity.
* Higher plasma biomarker [ ] , higher HR & murmur intensity, exercise intolerance, dogs receiving potent diuretics - associated with increased hazard of cardiac-related death.
What is MAPSE and TAPSE? How are they affected by HCM and CHF in cats?
Spalla JVIM 2017
Mitral annular plane systolic excursion (MAPSE) & its right-sided counterpart - tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) - are M-mode-derived indices of systolic longitudinal displacement of the AV annular plane. MAPSE and TAPSE can therefore be considered as markers of ventricular long-axis function. L-sided heart disease can also influence TAPSE.
Study found that HCM cats have LOWER MAPSE & TAPSE values vs healthy controls, with lowest values in HCM+CHF cats.
What is the typical character of a physiologic murmur in a puppy? Is NT-proBNP useful to differentiate physiologic vs congenital causes of murmurs?
Marinus JVIM 2017
Systolic, left heart base, up to 2/6 intensity.
Plasma NT-proBNP [ ] was higher in pups with pathologic vs innocent murmur, however normal proBNP [ ] does not rule out a congenital cardiac anomaly. Murmurs longer than 80% of the systole are most likely abnormal, whereas murmurs shorter than that could be either innocent or pathologic.
What echocardiographic variables are affected by body weight in cats?
Häggström JVIM 2016
Ao, LVED, LVFW thickness, LA dimensions
What is the significance of RBC distribution width (RDW) in cats with acquired heart disease +/- CHF?
Roderick JFMS 2017
RDW = measurement of variability in circulating RBC size.
Single RDW values did not predict mortality in cats with acquired heart disease. But RDW increased in CHF cf those without. Median RDW was higher in cats with UCM cf other CMs.
What is the difference in ambulatory ECG findings between asymptomatic HCM cats vs healthy cats?
Hanås JFMS 2017
No difference in HR or no. of VPC/APCs. Intermittent sinus arrhythmia observed in 60% cats with HCM.
Landmark paper
In the REVEAL study, what was the risk of CHF and ATE in cats with HCM/HOCM - where there differences? What % of cats with preclinical HCM/HOCM reached 9-15 years?
Fox JVIM 2018
CHF or ATE in 30.5%, cardiovascular death 27.9%. No difference in M&M between HCM and HOCM.
10% of preclinical HCM/HOCM cats reached 9-15 years.
What was the effect of feeding a complete, balanced diet with restricted starch & supplemented with EPA + DHA on cardiac structure & biomarkers in cats with subclinical HCM?
Van Hoek JVIM 2020
Significant decreases in echo parameters (IVSd, max LVWd), IGF-1 after 12mths; and in ultrasensitive cTnI after 6mths.
What echo parameter is the most repeatable for the identification of pulmonary hypertension in dogs? What degree of change (in m/s) of this parameter is expect to fall outside normal inter-operator variation?
Abbott JVIM 2017
V(TR) = peak velocity of tricuspid valve regurgitation - to measure estimated systolic PAP.
If TR is absent, alternative measures = acceleration time of pulmonary ejection & acceleration-to-ejection time ratio.
Change >0.3m/s
What hematological parameter is increased in dogs with pulmonary hypertension? Is this predictive of severity? What other biochemical or clinical variables was associated with this?
Mazzotta JVIM 2016
RBC distribution width (RDW) = quantitative measurement of anisocytosis. Significantly increased in dogs with SEVERE pre or post-capillary PH vs healthy dogs.
Associated with peak TR pressure gradient, urea, Hct, WBCC, age
Diseases associated with PH rather than PH severity likely responsible for increased RDW.
(2 papers)
What was the utility of the following echo parameters in prognostication for dogs with PH?
- R atrial index (normalised to BSA)
- RV end-diastolic area (RVEDA) index (normalised to BSA)
- RV systolic function
Vezzosi JVIM 2018
R atrial index
- Evaluates RA size, may be more effective than TRPG in predicting R-CHF. Cut-off RAA of >12.3mc2/m2 had 100% Sn & 89% Sp to predict R-CHF. TR severity = main determinant of RAA.
RVEDA index
- Evaluates RV dimension
- Similarly TR severity = main determinant
- RVEDA higher in R-CHF dogs.
RV systolic function
- Measured using TAPSEn & FSCn (fractional area change) - no association with PH severity & presence/absence of R-CHF.
What was the utility of lung US B-lines in characterising severity of chronic valvular heart disease in dogs?
Vezzosi JVIM 2017
Lung US had good diagnostic accuracy to identify CPO (90% Sn, 93% Sp, PPV 85%, NPV 95%).
Also potentially useful in staging CVHD.
Rare-absent B lines in 98% B1 dogs, 88% B2 dogs & 100% stage C dogs w/o radiographic signs of CPO. 90% of stage C dogs with XR signs of CPO had numerous/confluent B lines.
What was the incidence risk of hypertension in a UK population of cats based on a 2018 study? What factors determined survival in this population?
Conroy JVIM 2017
Cats diagnosed as a result of monitoring pre-existing disease (vs diagnosis after CSx) & cats with amlodipine dose change (repeat BP monitoring) had improved survival.
Which 2 2D echo (2DE) methods were evaluated and how did these compare to real-time 3D echo (RT3DE) methods for assessment of LA size in dogs with MMVD? Which 2D method is preferred?
Tidholm JVIM 2019
Simpson’s modified method of discs (SMOD) - using formula, area-length method (ALM).
SMOD underestimated LA volume whereas ALM overestimated.
SMOD preferred as only 7% systematic difference with RT3DE.
Which echo view (2 chamber, 4 chamber or both) is preferred when using effective regurgitant orific area (EROA) to assess mitral regurgitation in MMVD dogs?
Did this over or underestimate compared to EROA measurement using 3D method?
Tidholm JVIM 2017
2 chamber - highest agreement with 3D method. Underestimates.
What were the differences in mortality (all-cause vs cardiovascular related) between cats with preclinical HCM & healthy cats?
Fox JVIM 2018
No sig diff in % of non-CVS death (most common - cancer, CKD, GI-related) between groups.
CVS mortality contributed to greater % all-cause mortality in pHCM cats vs healthy (65% vs 40%).
Also no diff in MST, but HCM that developed clinical disease had shorter all-cause survival.
What morphologic/echo features are noted with ventricular non-compaction in a cat?
Kittleson JVIM 2017
Excessive, prominent trabeculae confined to the inner LV or RV walls and separated from each other by deep, intertrabecular sinusoids (recesses) that communicate with the ventricular cavity.
Is DRVOTO always pathological in cats? What are some common causes?
Ferasin JVIM 2020
No, can be iatrogenic (increasing transducer probe pressure on right thoracic wall).
HyperT, anemia, inflammatory disease, CKD +/- systemic hypertension
What breeds have a higher cTnI?
What interferes with cTnI results?
Langhorn JVIM 2016 review
Boxers & Greyhounds
False increase: haemolysis, lipemia, fibrin, increased ALKP, rheumatoid factor, heterophilic antibodies, immune complexes
False neg: circulating troponin autoantibodies
What is the effect of renal insufficiency on serum/urine cTnI levels in cats?
Langhorn JFMS 2018
Increased serum cTnI (higher than controls, but lower vs cardiac cats). Measurable urine cTnI in renal cats.
What potential impact does generalised seizure activity have on the myocardium in dogs based on a 2017 JSAP study?
Dutton JSAP 2017
Generalised seizures sig increased SERUM cTnI [ ] in dogs. Higher [ ] in dogs experiencing more seizures.
What 3 echocardiographic indices can quantify mitral regurgitation severity in dogs with preclinical MMVD? What cut-offs correspond to stage B2 MMVD?
Larouche-Lebel JVIM 2019
1) Mitral regurgitant fraction (RF)
2) Effective regurgitant orifice area (EROA)
3) Ratio of MR to aortic flow (QMR:QAo)
1) 50%+, 2) EROA 0.347+ & 3) 0.79+ correlated to LA:Ao 1.6+ & LVIDdN 1.7+.
What additional info does 2D speckle-tracing echocardiography provide when used to evaluate layer-specific myocardial function in asymptomatic cats with obstructive HCM?
Suzuki JVIM 2019
Found differences in myocardial function of HOCM cats vs healthy controls cf conventional echo > reflects compensation for occult systolic dysfunction.
How can Doppler echo variables be useful to identify CHF in HCM cats?
Rohrbaugh JVIM 2020
Doppler echo variables of LV filling derived from diastolic transmitral flow, pulmonary vein flow, and tissue Doppler. Also LA size
Is LA strain useful to differentiate between MMVD stages in dogs?
Nakamura JVIM 2017
Yes. LA longitudinal strain during atrial contraction (eA) = best predictor for presence or history of CHF.
eA (indicator of booster pump function) & LA strain during ventricular systole (indicator of reservoir function) (eS) were significantly LOWER in stages C/D than B1/B2.
Does butorphanol or atenolol affect flow-dependent methods of assessment of pulmonic stenosis severity in dogs?
Nishimura JVIM 2018
No to both, but atenolol reduces PG (pulmonary valve maximum pressure gradient).
Flow-dependent methods included pulmonary valve velocity ratio, VTI ratio (velocity time integral), iPVA (pulmonic valve area indexed to BSA), mean & max PG.
What diagnostic evaluation is recommended in Rhodesian Ridgebacks with a family history of sudden death?
Meurs JAVMA 2016
Holter monitoring to detect ventricular tachyarrhythmias (90-8700 VPCs/24hr). Suspect autosomal recessive dz.
What are the top 3 breeds commonly affected by vascular ring anomalies?
Morgan JAVMA 2019
85% purebred. 23% GSD, 15% Labs, 8% Greyhounds.
What is chymase, and its potential therapeutic utility?
Ames JVIM 2019 RAAS review
Chymase is primarily found in mast cells (MCs), fibroblasts, and vascular endothelial cells > released into the extracellular interstitium in response to inflammatory signals, tissue injury, and cellular stress.
Also an **impt enzyme for ATII formation **(e.g. in myocardium).
Not yet evaluated in vet med, but chymase inhibitors are being trialled in people (RAAS suppression).
What 2 drugs can be used for RHYTHM control in dogs with AFib, and what clinical features are indications for use? Include MOA & AE of drugs.
Pariaut VCNA 2017 review
**Amiodarone: ** K+ channel blocker. Mild rate control.
- Acute setting – CRI; common AE – facial oedema, diffuse erythema, urticaria, pruritus, hypersalivation, extreme weakness, agitation with apparent pain.
- Chronic use – achieved NSR in 1-25d of tx, reduced V response rate. Well tolerated even by HF dogs. NB: long term use: LE increases (mainly ALT), reduce dose if 2-3x incr, discontinue if continued ALT elevation or CSx develop. Also thyroid dysfunction, anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, ocular signs.
**Lidocaine ** fast Na channel blocker.
- For vagally mediated paroxysmal AF in large breed dogs
- Usually 1-2 IV doses enough to restore NSR in 30-90secs)
**Clinical features **- recent onset AFib, normal cardiac function, check/correct electrolyte abnormalities.
What is pre-excitation AFib & the clinical complications?
Pariaut VCNA 2017 review
Presence of accessory AV pathway with concurrent AFib. Lacks filtering function of AV node (slow/control ) –> so slowing V rate with meds could favour activation of ventricles by accessory pathway, leading to very rapid V response rates (VPCs) that could become VFib. Use mexiletine to prevent conduction pathway.
Which 2 gene mutations have been identified in which 2 breeds at risk for feline HCM?
ACVIM 2020 consensus
MYBPC gene mutation (myosin binding protein C)
Ragdoll - MYBPC-R820W
Main Coon - MYBPC-A31P
Autosomal dominant with incompelte penetrance
- What end-diastolic LVFW thickness is consistent with hypertrophy in cats? What 3 other factors influence this measurement?
- Is dynamic LVOTO a negative prognostic factor in cats with HCM?
ACVIM 2020 consensus
1. LVFWd 6mm+ (<5mm WNL, 5-6mm equivocal) - note LVFWd increases with body size, hydration & HR also influences.
2. No (opp in people)
Discuss the diagnostic and/or prognostic utility of the following biomarkers for HCM in cats:
- NT-proBNP (plasma or pleural fluid) - POC & quantitative
- cTnI
ACVIM 2020 consensus
1. NT-proBNP: reasonable diagnostic accuracy. Main utility is to differentiate cats with severe CM from normal/mildly diseased cats when echo not available. NOT recommended to differentiate healthy cats from cats with mild-moderate HCM.
- Serum cTnI - prognostic value; increased cTnI associated with increased risk of CVS death regardless of LA size.
What 2 medications should be considered in stage D cardiomyopathy cats?
ACVIM 2020 consensus
Pimobendan & taurine - if global LV systolic dysfunction is identified.
Also consider pimobendan (dobutamine if refractory) if signs of low C.O. (hypotensive and/or bradycardia).
What echocardio changes prompt recommendations for primary thrombopropylaxis in cats?
LA(ES) >1.7cm, LA:Ao >2.0
What % of geriatric cats with hypertension have fundic changes, and what disease were these lesions most commonly associated with?
Based on recent studies, what % of cats with hypertensive chorioretinopathy regained vision following medical control of SHT? How long can complete retinal reattachment take?
Geddes VCNA 2020
40-60%, concurrent CKD.
57% regained vision (based on menace response) with amlodipine monotherapy in 94% cats. Some were visual within 3 wks, some took up to 2 months with persistence of vision.
1. What aortic measurements may be useful to differentiate SHT from normotensive cats?
2. Based on recent study, ………. correlated with hypertension status, presence of renal arteriosclerosis & degenerative lseions within the great vessels in cats.
Geddes VCNA 2020
1. Ratio of proximal ascending aorta to aortic annulus
2. Vasa vasorum arteriopathy (latter = delicate network of arterioles supplying blood to walls of great vessels)
What are the 2 first-line treatments recommended for SHT in cats?
Amlodipine & telmisartan
(Not ACEI as only reduces SBP by 10mmHg in cats)
What is the diagnostic utility of survey thoracic radiographs in identifying heart base masses in dogs?
Guglielmini JAVMA 2016
High Sp (92-99%), but poor Sn (large range; 40-80% between 2 observers)
Based on mass-like opacity cranial to heart and/or tracheal deviation.