Listening to Music Quiz 6 Flashcards
2 major events that influenced music in the first half of the 20th century
question asked of art during this time
can art depict the ugly side of life?
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
Studied with member of mighty five Composed for Ballet Russes for 10 years -Firebird -Rite of Spring-1913 -Petrushka flees to France - abandons earlier style for neo-classical style
Stravinsky’s style
“additive” - layers
double exposure
-superimpose two or more musical elements on top of each other
-composers try to invent new tonal systems
The Scream
Edvard Munch
Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)
12-tone metod
serial composition
-placed all 12 tones in order and made that the center of tonality
sprechsimme - singing mixed with singing where the singer is given tones to move towards but not specific tones for each note
Alban Berg (1885-1935)
wrote operas
Anton Wevern (1883-1945)
Stravinsky Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953) Dmitri Shostakovick (1906-1975) Paul Hindemith (1895-1975)
"A Soldier's Tale" uses forms (rondo) to organize his pieces
“Peter and the Wolf”
Classical Symphony
Soviets did not like it - “not subservient to the Communist State”
music is a reaction to the widening gap between the composer and the audience
wanted to write useful music - gebrauchmusik
used his own very distinct tonal system
Ludus Finalis
Hindemith’s version of The Well Tempered Clavier using his system
experimental and technological music
two types of the experimental music
composer control -musique concrete -electronic music performer control -aleatoric
musique concrete
record sounds and place them into and make music out of them
beginnings of electronic music
electronic music
Milton Babbitt
Edgar Varese
-1958 World’s Fair in Brussels
graphic scores
Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima
write a repeating piece of music while making slight changes until it changes into something completely different
Philip Glass