List Questions Review Sheet 3, 4, & 5 Flashcards
What are the two reasons why understanding is important to Cultural anthropology darwinism?
What are three ways to use boundary Maintenance
- Neutral
- Positive
- Negative
What two developments in the west helped construct the other in the 19th century?
- Colonialism
2. Science
What are the 5 elements of Social Darwinism used to construct the notion of race?
- Race
- Multi-origins (Polygenesis)
- Races not equally Human (Unilineal Evolution)
- Justifies social/ economic and Political Policies
- Proven by science (scientific racism)
What are the three reasons for the rise of Anthropology at the end of the 19th century?
- Seek solutions to social problems in the west
- Need to control the colonized other.
- Create/curate cultural exhibits in museums.
What are the three contributions made by Franz Boas which make him “the father” of American Anthropology? Why is this label iconic?
- Creates the 1st post-graduate program in anthropology in the united states (Columbia University)
- His emphasis on fieldwork
- Anti-Social Darwinist
What are three reasons why Darwinism Evolution is important for Cultural Anthropologist?
- It is the scientific explanation of natural reality.
- It disproves social Darwinism (race)
- It illustrates the conflict over “truth” is often really over cultural values
What are the two processes through which it takes place (Darwinian Biology)?
- Mutation
2. Selection/Adaptation
What are the three major adaptations which shaped human evolution as hominids adapted from life in the rainforest to life on the Savannah.
- The shape of our hands (thumb ratio to other part of hand)
- Bipedalism (Skeleton begins to change )
- Changes in brain structure (much more sophisticated) “Spindle cells” (cells that allow abstract thinking)
What are 8 characteristics which make Homo Erectus our closest ancient relatives
- Large Brain
- Makes and uses tools
- Hunters
- Makes and uses fire
- Socially sophisticated
- Think Abstractly
- Bury their Dead
- Completely Bipedal
Prior to Darwin most people believed what three things?
- Planet 6,000 Years Old
- GOD CREATED ALL LIFE (including humanity)
Explain how social change, in the early 20th century, in the United States led to the “Monkey Trial”.
- Urban
- Industrial
- Cosmopolitan values
What are 5 conditions which will influence future human evolution?
- Adaptation to changing environment
- Mixing Ethnic Groups
- New diet and drugs
- New Diseases
- Genetic mutation
What were the three policy recommendations of the Bell Curve?
- Early IQ testing and placement
- Change higher education system (Just leave them behind)
- Encourage the intelligent to have more children and encourage the less intelligent to have fewer children (reduce emmegration from inferior races)
List three examples of positive Eugenic
- Lebensborn Camps 1935
- Repository for Germinal choice (Genius Factory)
- Recommendations of Bell Curve
Three examples of negative Eugenics
- Race Laws
- Survey of Human Resources of CT
- Nazi Death Camps ( Nazis murdering or millions of people WW1)
4: Recommendations of Bell Curve
What are the two fundamental kinds of genetic research?
1: Therapeutic Genetic manipulation
2: Reproductive Genetic Manipulation