Concepts Review Sheet 3, 4, & 5 Flashcards
What is the connection between Anthropology and the other?
In France 1870 they created sociology to understand humanity, left out most of humanity, anthropology come along to study those other than “human” the study of the “others.”
What do we mean when we say that the other is a social construction?
The ones who can’t speak on their own because they aren’t “civilized, ignorant, etc.”
Be able to duplicate the Us/Other Dichotomy and explain why it is a form of Boundary
US/Other Dichotomy ( The way I see reality is how it should be)
Us = Rational, Religion, Science, History, Civilized
Other = Irrational, Superstition, Magic, Legends/Myths, Savages
“I’m Better than You!!”
According to social Darwinism what did survival of the fittest mean? Who were the vanishing race?
The strongest should dominate the weak and the weak will eventually die out. The scientific and actual version of SOTF is those that fit in their environment the best survive. The vanishing race were native americans due to how rapidly they were dying (due to white colonist) and it was thought to be because they were inferior that they were vanishing.
What did the term race imply?
Implies that humans belong to distinct population groups which are fundamentally different by NATURE. Sp different it is impossible for races to live together or understand each other, some races by NATURE are superior to others, and Laws of society should reflect that reality.
Biologically speaking how many human races are there?
ZERO there are no human races, we are scientifically one species with one origin.
Be able to connect Social Darwinism, the white man’s burden, and the Colonized other:
Social Darwinism dehumanized “inferior races” as being inferior. So it would become the White mans burden to try and help these poor lesser humans, and to do so through colonization.
What are the first critical stages (late 19th century/ early 20th century) for American Anthropology
The move away from social Darwinism realizing it to be Rubbish.
What are the two opposing views concerning human origins and diversity at the end of the 19th century?
“Social Darwinism Vs. Science”
What new discovery in the 19th century in Geology helped support evolution?
The planet is 3-4 Billion years old versus the previously thought of 6 thousand years old.
What is the foundation of Darwinian Biology?
Species of organisms develop from inherited variations that increase the individual’s chance of survival, competition and reproduction.
Explain the impact that geological and climate change in Africa, millions of years ago, had on human evolution.
The dinosaurs were the previous kings of the court and once the meteorite struck earth it wiped them out and eventually began the current era (Cenozoic era) in which the mammals are the new king of the court. 40 million years ago the first primates came to surface ( The first being Catarrhine primates in which even humans are related to). Around 8 million years ago Hominid species then began to surface. The volcanic eruptions that occurred had caused the Africa we know today creating things like the great rift valley and geological sites not seen before.
Where is the cradle of humanity?
Africa, primarily East Africa
What does “Out of Africa” mean?
Human origins migration out of Africa takes people out into the world.
What is ethnicity?
Diversity, people develop different cultures based on where they migrated to.
Explain how Ethnicity is biological. Explain how ethnicity is cultural.
Physical (Phenotypes minor biological differences) Vs Cultural (History, location, language, religion, Dress, e.c.t.)
What were the cultural values debated during the “Monkey trials”.
Whether teaching evolution was acceptable in schools, and if it was going against the teachings of God. The case was less so about the truth but more so about if teaching evolution would lead to the downfall of Christianity.
Thinking anthropologically why would we say that the debate over human origins is one about values instead of “the truth”.
Societies’ truths are based on values instead of facts, explanations of reality trump science in many ways for instance.
Religion cannot disprove religion and vise versa they are two different ways of explaining existence.
What is meant by fossil other?
The older cultures aren’t capable of change, which make them fossilized
what were some of the social/political/economic policies justified by Social Darwinism?
They believed that the government should not interfere in the “survival of the fittest” by helping the poor, and promoted the idea that some races are biologically superior to others.
1: What did Galton believe that eugenics should be used for?
Through social darwinism, Essentialism, us/other Dichotomy.
How many states in the U.S had anti-miscegenation laws (race laws)?
41 states
When were anti-miscegenation laws declared unconstitutional? Which state was last to remove these laws from its codes and when?
June 12th 1967 is when it was declared unconstitutional. The last state to remove it was Alabama until November of 2000.
Be able to explain the reasons and process for the 1936 Survey of Human Resources of Connecticut
A survey to see who in Connecticut was genetically superior ( african descant). They are looking for this through looking at their social circumstances like who is poor, who doesn’t send their kids to school, who’s drunk all the time, in jail a lot, anti social, e.c.t. This would indicate who was genetically inferior in their eyes. They collect a list of those names and their family, determining 10% of the state is genetically undesirable, and then decide these people need to leave. The state was going to begin removing these people but in 1939 World war 2 began and distracted Americans.
Which political ideology used eugenics as a foundation for its political beliefs?
The Nazis, with a belief of a superior aryan race.
What did the authors of the Bell Curve believe about intelligence?
They believed that in any human population there is a distribution of intelligence that is statistically consistent (and on a graph looks like a bell curve). Social Welfare programs in American society goes against the natural curve of superior controlling the average and inferior.
How might Cultural Anthropology define intelligence?
Not about your IQ but rather what you do (Culture) and why. Your contribution for your lfie, community, or world. It can only be measured at the end of your life.
Explain the relationship between eugenics and Nature v. Nurture debate.