Liquid Radwaste System Flashcards
What liquid Radwaste is not normally processed by the LRS system?
Borated and tritium RCS quality water are normally treated by BAC.
When do we send LRS distillate to the spent fuel pool?
Since the water is clean, we only send it there when we are making up for evaporative losses so we don’t dilute the boric acid concentration.
What is aux steam used for in the LRS system?
AS provides steam to the LRS evaporator
What provides cooling to the LRS evaporator surface condenser, distillate cooler, and vent cooler?
What are the subsystems of the LRS system?
Total Dissolved Solids evaporator Concentrate monitor Recycle monitor Chemical drain
What will cause the LRS holdup pumps to trip?
if any TDS holdup tank falls to 500 gallons the pumps will trip and the evaporator feed valve will close.
Where do LRS holdup tanks overflow to?
each other before overflowing to the radwaste building sump
Why is there a caustic tank and a caustic batch tank?
to prevent inadvertent drainage of the storage tank contents to the LRS holdup tank
Where does the caustic tank overflow go?
neutralizing bed south side of the RW building
How is the caustic tank filled?
from a truck fill connection on the outside wall of the RW building. the fill valve will automatically close when level signal indicates 40”.
Where can anti-foaming agent be added to in the LRS system?
the TDS tanks or the LRS Evaporator
How is the anti-foam tank filled?
via a hand pump along with a hose
What will trip the anti-foam pump?
low level in the tank at 13”
What does the vapor body of the LRS evaporator do?
serves as the primary separation chamber to release vapor from boiling liquid. Houses the moisture separator pads that prevent carry over.
Where are the non-condensable gases from the surface condenser vented?
radwaste building ventilation exhaust via the vent cooler
How does the gas stripper improve distillate quality?
by removing volatile impurities from the distillate using the vapor produced in the reboiler. the distillate collects in the bottom of the gas stripper
Where does the distillate go after it leaves the distillate cooler?
to the charcoal filter and then to the ion exchangers.
How many distillate pumps are normally running?
one, the other is in standby.
What does the main recycle pump do?
take a suction on the liquid portion of the vapor body and discharge to the heating element
Where do the evaporator concentrate pumps send the concentrated liquid radwaste?
to the concentrate monitor tanks and the density transmitter
What is the source of heat for the heating element in the vapor body?
Aux steam
Where does the AS condensate from the heating element get directed to?
pumped to the AS condensate receiver tank using the steam condensate pump
What type of resin is used in the ion exchangers?
mixed bed resin
How are the ion exchangers normally operated?
in series but they may be operated in parallel if necessary
What are the recycle monitor tanks used for?
store processed liquid radwaste from the ion exchangers.
Where are the recycle monitor tanks vented to?
Where can the recycle monitor pump send water to?
RMWT, CST, Spent resin tanks, spent fuel pool
If it’s not acceptable for reuse, then it can also go back to the LRS holdup tanks for re-processing
What will trip the recycle monitor pump?
hi hi discharge pressure
lo lo level
or electrical protection
Where are the concentrate monitor tanks?
inside the radwaste building 100’ level
What happens if the cross tie valve is open and concentrate monitor tank A gets a low low level?
Both pumps will trip off. if the valve is closed, only the associated pump will trip off.
What goes to the chemical drain system?
detergent and chemical wastes from the chem lab sinks and the decon laundry facility (unit 1)
Where do the chemical drain tanks vent to?
the aux building ventilation exhaust header
What will trip the chem drain pumps?
loss of power to associated pressure switches
low level its associated tank or if the cross tie valve is open, low level in either tank
high discharge pressure will stop the pump
What happens if the LRS evaporator is down?
high TDS wastes can be sent directly to solidification and low TDS can be sent through the IX
What happens to the LRS if NC is lost?
the evaporator secures to prevent resin damage
What happens to the LRS if RX makeup water is lost?
all pumps that are operating that use rx makeup water as a source for its seal water must be shutdown