Liposarcoma Flashcards
What is liposarcoma?
Liposarcoma is a malignant tumor that develops in fatty tissue and can grow anywhere in the body.
Where are common locations for liposarcoma?
Common places include the abdomen, thigh, and behind the knee.
What are the early symptoms of liposarcoma?
Most patients do not have any early symptoms, and it can go unnoticed during the initial stages until the tumor grows large enough to compress neighboring tissues and cause pain or decreased function.
What is the treatment of choice for liposarcoma?
The treatment of choice is surgery.
What are the subtypes of liposarcoma?
The subtypes include: Well differentiated, Dedifferentiated, Myxoid, Round cell, and Pleomorphic.
What characterizes well differentiated liposarcoma?
It is the most common subtype, less aggressive, and tends to be a large painless mass found in deeper tissues and in the retroperitoneum.
What is dedifferentiated liposarcoma associated with?
It tends to be in the retroperitoneum and is often associated with the well differentiated variety.
Where do myxoid, round cell, and pleomorphic liposarcomas typically occur?
They tend to be in the arms and legs.
Which liposarcoma subtype is the least common and has poor outcomes?
Pleomorphic liposarcoma is the least common subtype with a high rate of recurrence and poor outcomes.