Lipids Metabolism (Digestion) Flashcards
Lipids Functions
Precursors of hormones
It helps in digestion
It provides store of energy
it provides metabolic fuel
This is part of cell membrane
Utilization of Lipids (TAG)
1- Digestion
2- Solubilization
3- Absorption
4- Formation Lipoproteins
Fat digestion
1- Emulsification (Mechanically & Chemically)
2- Enzymatic digestion
↑ Surface area by ↓ Surface tension
Large molecules into smaller ones
inside enterocyte (Micelles)
Liberation bile salts back to liver
Function of Bile salts
- Digestion of lipids
- Choleretic action
- Antiputrefactive action
- Buffer action
- Prevention of cholesterol stone
Explain how bile salts have a role in digestion of lipids
Activate Raw pancreatic lipase
Bile salts hydro nature
Choleretic action of bile salts
↑ Bile salts production from liver
Pancreatic lipase end product
2 FA
2 - MAG
Lingual lipase
pH : 5 – 5.5
Gastric lipase
pH : 5 – 7
Action in Childs , Vegans
Why Gastric lipase doesn’t have action in adults ?
Gastric lipase optimum pH : 5 - 7
Gastric pH in adults : 2
Pancreatic lipase
pH : 8
Propancreatic lipase
Acts on (1,3 α carbons)
72% → 2 monoglycerides
6% → 1 monoglycerides
22% → Glycerol + FFA … to circulation esp. short chain FA
Pancreatic lipase Acts on ….
(1,3 α carbons)
Most active and Main lipases
Pancreatic lipase