Lipid Transport, Byproducts Of Energy Flashcards
Classes of lipoproteins
What is a chyolomicron
Formed by enterocytes lining the intestine • Combine triacylglycerols fromfood with specific apoproteins • Carry lipids from diet to tissues – especially adipose tissue • Normally only present in blood 4 – 6 h after a meal
What is a VLDL
Formed in liver for storage of energy
• Rich in triacylglycerols
• Combine triacylglycerols synthesised in liver with specific apoproteins
• Carry lipid from liver to tissues – mainlyadipose tissue
What is LDL
Formed in liver
• Cholesterol rich
• Combine cholesterol synthesised in liver withspecific apoproteins (Apo B100 is important)
• Carry cholesterol to tissues from liver
Increased = increased Risk of atherosclerosis
What is HDL
• Formed in tissues
• Cholesterol from tissues combined with
specific apoproteins
• Carry excess cholesterol back fromtissues toliver
What are the classes of hyperlipoproteinaemia
Type I - defect in lipoprotein lipase so chyolomicrons persist
Type II (a and b) A - high ldl (defect receptor) b high VLDL and LDL
Type III
Type IV
Type V
What are the classes of lipids
Trigs Fatty acids Cholesterol Cholesterol esters Phospholipids