what enzyme helps the liver to convert fatty acids into ketone bodies, which also serve as major fuel for tissues
acetoacetate and B hydroxybutyrate
C20 and more
long chain fatty acids
C12 - C20
medium chain fatty acids
short chain fatty acids
degradation of lipids
Once the triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids they must be activated before they
can enter into the mitochondria and proceed on with
beta - oxidation
what are 2 carrier proteins required for the entry of the Acyl-CoA into the mitochondria
Carnitine acyltransferase I and II
enzymes catalyzing the formation of fatty acyl CoA esters
carrier/stimulator of higher fatty acids
what is the enzyme for the transfer to carnitine
Fatty Acyl CoA: Carnitine fatty acid transferase
what is the enzyme for the transfer of intramitochondrial CoA
Carnitine Fatty Acyl CoA
After the activation, the fatty acyl CoA ester undergoes enzymatic degradation. The shortening of the
fatty acid chain by 2 C atoms is due to four successive steps
Fatty Acid Degeneration
how many carbon atoms are reduced due to the shortening of the fatty acid chain due to 4 successive steps
A fatty acyl-CoA is oxidized by Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase to yield
trans alkene
what is formed during the fatty acid degeneration via oxidation
a,B - unsaturated derivative
A fatty acyl-CoA is oxidized by Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase to yield a trans alkene. This is done with the
aid of an [FAD] prosthetic group.
Oxidation: (Dehydrogenation)
in hydration, the trans alkene is then hydrated with the help of
Enoyl-CoA hydratase
what is formed in the hydration, when the trans alkene is then hydrated with the help of enoyl -CoA hydratase
3-hydroxyacyl CoA
what is the product of hydration via oxidation
B - keto derivative
the alcohol of the hydroxyacyl-CoA is then oxidized by NAD+ to a carbonyl with the help of
Hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase
Finally acetyl-CoA is cleaved off with the help of what enzyme which yields acyl CoA
acetyl-CoA is cleaved off with the help of Thiolase to yield
Acyl - CoA (that is 2 carbon shorter than before)
yields acetyl CoA and a fatty acid derivative of CoA which is shorter by 2 carbon atoms
what undergoes beta oxidation?
fatty acids
formation of ketone bodies
in what organ does ketogenesis take place
ketone bodies
- acetoacetic acid
- B - hydroxybutyric acid
- Acetone
substance which form ketone bodies
substances which prevent the formation of ketone bodies
accumulation of ketone bodies in blood
presence of ketone bodies in urine when the blood level of ketone bodies exceed renal threshold
- Fats (triacylglycerols) are stored primarily in adipose tissue, which is widely distributed in the body.
- Fat is the major reserve of potential energy.
Fat Storage and Utilization
The biosynthesis of fatty acids from acetyl-CoA
can be obtained from the catabolism of carbohydrates, fats, or proteins
Acetyl - CoA
pathway by which all 3 of the major classes of nutrients are ultimately converted to fat
in what organelle does the fatty acid catabolism occur?
in what organelle does the fatty acid anabolism occur?
what is another name for fatty acid catabolism?
lipolysis/Beta oxidation
what is another term for fatty acid anabolism?
requires a set of enzymes that are used in the catabolism of fats
in the anabolic pathway, the growing fatty acid chain bonds to a special acyl carrier protein called
carrier in fatty acid catabolism
Coenzyme A
A preliminary set of reactions, involving ___________, occurs for each two-carbon addition cycle in the synthesis.
refers to a three-carbon group and has no counterpart in the catabolic pathway
substances that contain phosphoric acid, glycerol, fatty acid, and nitrogenous bases
what enzyme from the pancreatic juice hydrolyze digestive secretions?
what enzyme in the intestinal mucosa so that the P04 group and the glycerol will separate
The glyceroPO4 linkage may be hydrolyzed in the intestinal mucosa by the enzyme:
in which phosphatidyl serine serves as a precursor for other phosphatides
De novo synthesis
is an important intermediate in the synthesis of phosphoglycerides and TAG
phosphatidic acid
Similar to fats, the route of absorption is through the lymphatics, while cholesterol is readily absorbed,
its reduction products (formed through bacterial activity) coprosterol and cholestanol are poorly absorbed and are found abundantly in the feces
cholesterol metabolism
what is poorly absorbed and found in the feces during cholesterol metabolism
coprosterol and cholestanol
- Conversion of acetyl CoA to
- Conversion of mevalonic acid to
- Conversion of squalene to
- Mevalonic acid
- squalene
- cholesterol