Lipid Catabolism and Ketogenesis Flashcards
Why are triacylglycerols more efficient form of energy storage than glycogen?
Where are triacylglycerols stored? (What type of cell?)
What hormone stimulates the release of free fatty acids when blood glucose levels fall?
Why must free fatty acids be converted into acyl-CoA efficiently?
How are free fatty acids transported in the circulation?
What are the three chemical steps that fatty acids are activated for Beta-Oxidation from the formation of acyl-CoA?
What reaction ensures that the overall biochemical standard free energy is large and negative in the activation for Beta-oxidation?
Where does Beta-oxidation take place?
What is a “carnitine shuttle?”
What is the function of a carnitine shuttle?
What re the key features of a carnitine shuttle?
How are fatty acyl groups transported from the cytosol to the matrix?
What are the four reactions of one round of Bata-oxidation? (Know the structures)
How does a pair of electrons enter the mitochondrial electron transport chain from FADH2?
Is there a difference in the amount of ATP formed by even and odd-chain fatty acid oxidation?
Name the for important componenets of a lipid bilayer
- Glycerophopholipids
- Cholesterol
- Sphingolipids
- Proteins and carbohydrates