linking and grammatical cohesion Flashcards
cohesion in English
text and discourse
- any passage spoken or written, of whatever length, that does form a unified whole - a semantic unit, realized by or encoded in sentences
- language in use
a stretch of language beyond the sentence
- a culturally, institutionally and ideologically determined social practice
linguistic - language preceding and following a language item
situational - the participants, their roles and spatio-temporal setting
socio-cultural - knowledge of the general types of situations
cohesion and coherence
cohesion - semantic relations holding between textual components when the interpretation of one elect is dependent on that of another. I bought 3 apples. They are good
- the interpretative perception of the semantic unity and purposefulness of discourse
-enhanced by but independent textual cohesion
cohesion and co-text
TOWERS are the most striking survival for the 10th and 11th century CHURCH BUILDINGS. FOR EXAMPLE at DEERHUST
context-dependent coherence
A: The phone is ringing
B: I am in the bath
A: OK i will get it
cohesion realtions
- co-referentiality - identify of reference - I cannot find MY KEYS. I don’t know where THEY are.
- Co-classification - inclusion in the same class of things, processes or circumstances
I SPEAK ENGLISH and my friend DOES too - co-extention
- belonging to the same general field of meaning
The grass was covered with GOLDEN leaves and SILVER drops.
cohesive devices
grammatical - conjunctions, reference, substitution and ellipsis
lexical - reiteration and collocation
structural - parallelism, given- new information and theme-focus organization
cohesive link
provided by words and phrases which explicitly indicate type of logical relationship existing between clauses, sentences and utterances in discourse - additive, adversative, causal and temporal
experiential - representing meaning relations between experiences of there participants
First he finished the book. THEN he fell asleep
discoursal - representing meaning relations within discourse organization - First he was exhausted. THEN he was unable to decide what to do
conjunction- additive
- simple addition - and, and also, not, in addition
- enumeration - firstly, secondly, next, finally, to conclude
- discourse initiation or transition - now, well, incidentally, by the way
- reinforcement - besides anyway, furthermore, on top of that
- summation and generalization - in a word, in conclusion, in all
- appositive explanation and exemplification - for instance, thus, that is
Conjunctions adversative
- contrast and concession - yet, through, but, however, in fact, on the other hand, still, nevertheless
- reformulations and correction - rather, instead, by contrast, or better
Conjunction - causal
- cause - so, then, therefore, consequently, because of this
- reason - since, for this reason, on this basis, on account of this
- result - as a result, in consequence, arising out of this
- purpose - to this end, with this in mind, for this purpose
- condition - then, otherwise, so long as
conjunction - temporal
- sequence - then, next, after that, previously, finally, thereupon, originally, and
- simultaneity - at the same time, just, then, at this moment, meanwhile
cohesive devices - reference
- Anaphoric reference - the reference of referring expressions are recovered by looking back in the preceding text - Robert arrived late. He was exhausted
- cataphoric reference - the referents of referring expressions are recovered by looking forward in the text I haven’t seen him. Jon must be at home
- exophoric reference - situational, decoded by reference to the situational context, or shared cultural knowledge
personal reference
reference to the speaker and addressee - primarily exophoric
It is LIZ that stops ME phoning Laura all the time . SHE takes me to the sSHOP and gives ME. a good talking-to
Demonstrative reference
that - always anaphoric
this - may be cataphoric
What we are going to do is this. We ‘ll cake them and say we are sorry
comparative reference
anaphoric general reference - degree of likeness
Robert and John are har working. Such students do well
cataphoric particular reference - quantity/quality continuum
I have never spent a MORE enjoyable holiday THAN THE ONE last spring
- cohesive device - the replacement of on language item by another based on a grammatical relation, thus resulting in a change of wording rather than in meaning
- nominal substitution - on, the same
I bough apples. The green ones are good - Verbal substitution - do
Did you talk to him yesterday? No but I did today - clausal substitution - so, not
A. May I borrow you book?
B. I am afraid NOT, I will need it tonight
- cohesive devices
-omnission of elements normally required by grammatical structure which are precisely recoverable from the situational or verbal context
nominal ellipsis - Diana came home and …. went straight to bed.
Verbal ellipses - Did he come on Tim? no he didn’t
clausal ellipsis - How did you get there? by train
structural cohesion
parallelism - repetition of clause structure. She liked the deadly serious way he received any complain. She liked his dignity
tense and aspect - regular correlations between discourse types and the predominance of certain tense and aspect choices in the clause
theme - rheme/focus development