Linear Transformation And Linear System Flashcards
Affine transformation
An affine transform is a combination of a linear transform with a translation
Affine Transform - Formal Definition
Householder reflection matrix
When the scaling factors across different dimensions are different, the scaling is said to be anisotropic
All linear transformations defined by matrix multiplication can be expressed as a sequence of
Rotations/reflections, together with a single anisotropic scaling
Dimensionality of a vector space
The number of members in every possible basis set of a vector space V is always the same. This value is referred to as the dimensionality of the vector space.
Matrix Invertibility and Linear Independence
An n × n square matrix A has linearly independent columns/rows if and only if it is invertible
The normal equation
Left-inverse of the matrix A in the normal equation
Right-inverse of the matrix A in the normal equation
Converting coordinates from one system to another
- A is the original coordinates system
- B is the target coordinates system
- xb and xa and the vectors being transformed
The normal equation expressed as a change of coordinates system
Disjoint Vector Spaces
Two vector spaces U⊆Rn and W⊆Rn are disjoint if and only if the two spaces do not contain any vector in common other than the zero vector
Orthogonal Vector Spaces
Two vector spaces U⊆Rn and W ⊆ Rn are orthogonal if and only if for any pair of vectors u ∈ U and w ∈ W, the dot product of the two vectors is 0
Rectangular matrices are said to be of full rank when either the rows or the columns are linearly independent
The former is referred to as full row rank, whereas the latter is referred to as full column rank
Left Null Space
The left null space of an n × d matrix A is the subspace of Rn containing all column vectors x ∈ Rn, such that AT x = 0. The left null space of A is the orthogonal complementary subspace of the column space of A
The four fundamental subspaces of linear algebra
Linear Independence and Gram Matrix
The matrix AT A is said to be the Gram matrix of the column space of an n × d matrix A. The columns of the matrix A are linearly independent if and only if AT A is invertible
Orthogonality of Basis Vectors for the discrete cosine transform
The dot product of any pair of basis vectors bp and bq of the discrete cosine transform for p != q is 0
Regularized left and right inverse
Orthogonal projection of a point onto a line
Projection of a point onto a line
the Subspace goes in the Subscript
Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse