Eigenvectors and Diagonalizable Matrices Flashcards
A diagonalizable matrix is a special type of linear operator that only corresponds to a simultaneous scaling along d different directions
These d different directions are referred to as eigenvectors and the d scale factors are referred to as eigenvalues
Determinant: Geometric View
The determinant of a d×d matrix is the (signed) volume of the d-dimensional parallelepiped defined by its row (or column) vectors
The determinant of an orthogonal matrix is either +1 or −1
One can use this result to simplify the determinant computation of a matrix with various types of decompositions containing orthogonal matrices
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues - A d-dimensional column vector x is said to be an eigenvector of d×d matrix A, if the following relationship is satisfied for some scalar λ
The scalar λ is referred to as its eigenvalue.
The determinant of a diagonalizable matrix is equal to the product of its eigenvalues
Eigendecomposition in matrix form
- V is an invertible d × d matrix containing linearly independent eigenvectors
- Δ is a d × d diagonal matrix, whose diagonal elements contain the eigenvalues of A
- The matrix V is also referred to as a basis change matrix, because it tells us that the linear transformation A is a diagonal matrix Δ after changing the basis to the columns of V
The characteristic polynomial
The characteristic polynomial of a d×d matrix A is the degree-d polynomial in λ obtained by expanding det(A − λI).
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
Let A be any matrix with characteristic polynomial f(λ) = det(A − λI). Then, f(A) evaluates to the zero matrix
Similar matrices
Two matrices A and B are said to be similar when B = VAV−1
Jordan normal form
“almost” diagonalizes the matrix A with an upper-triangular matrix U
Spectral Theorem
Let A be a d × d symmetric matrix with real entries. Then, A is always diagonalizable with real eigenvalues and has orthonormal, real-valued eigenvectors. In other words, A can be diagonalized in the form A = VΔVT with orthogonal matrix V
Positive Semidefinite Matrices
A symmetric matrix is positive semidefinite if and only if all its eigenvalues are non-negative
Cholesky factorization
The Cholesky decomposition is a special case of LU decomposition, and it can be used only for positive definite matrices
Computing Ak
Similarity Matrix
Similarity matrix decomposition
Gaussian kernel
Here, σ is a parameter that controls the sensitivity of the similarity function to distances between points. Such a similarity function is referred to as a Gaussian kernel.
Covariance Matrix
Convex and concave functions definition
Semidefinite positive/negative matrix relation to convexity
- Functions in which A is positive semidefinite correspond to convex functions, which take the shape of a bowl with a minimum but no maximum.
- Functions in which A is negative semidefinite are concave, and they take on the shape of an inverted bowl.
Most general form of a quadratic function in multiple variables
f(x, y) relation to the vertex form

Additively Separable Functions