Limitations and IAI Flashcards
Engine Alerts
RED: Max. and Min. limtations Amber: Caution range Green: Normal operating range
What are the limitations with the APU door not closed or the door position unknown? (2 Limitations)
- Airplane limited to 220 KIAS OR 2. APU must remain in operation
Max. Taxi and RW?
700: 75,250lbs. 900: 85,000lbs.
What is the APU Bleed Air Limitation for engine start during ground ops.?
Each engine may be started using the APU as a bleed air source.
Maximum negative DP
What’s the minimum oil psi for takeoff power?
45 PSI Min.
What’re the limitations of the Slats/Flaps? (2 Limitations)
1) Enroute use of slats/flaps is prohibited. 2) Maximum slats and/or flaps extended alt. is 15,000ft.
Wing and Cowl anti-ice TO?
Condition: Ground contamination or visible moisture Temp: 10-degrees Centigrade or below/ (5-degrees Centigrade or below) IAS: N/A Anti-ice: Cowl/ (Cowl & Wing)
What must happen to the engine after a cold start?
Engine must remain at idle until oil pressure returns to normal range.
Maximum airspeed for windshield operation?
250 KIAS
Do not hold in icing conditions with ______ extended.
Slats and/or flaps
Flaps 20 Speed?
220 KIAS
Max cruise Mach in RVSM Airspace:
When must continuous ignition be used? (5 total conditions)
TTFFF 1. TO and LD on contaminated runways 2. TO with high XW components (15kts. or greater) 3. Flight through moderate or heavier intensity rain 4. Flight through moderate or heavier intensity turbulence 5. Flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms
Max LD Weight?
700: 67,000lbs. 900: 75,100lbs.
A/P must be engaged on what type of approach?
CAT II Approach
What are the Engine Operating Limits due to wind direction?
- Within 30-degrees on either direction of the airplane nose (no windspeed limit) OR -Greater than 30-degrees in either direction of the airplane nose (Less than 5kts windspeed) Limitation: -No limitation -TOGA thrust may be applied before brakes released 2. Greater than 30-degrees in either direction of the nose (between 5-30kts windspeed) Limitation: -Apply a maximum of 75% N1 before brake release, then TOGA thrust 3. Greater than 30-degrees and greater than 30kts windspeed Limitation: Apply a maximum of idle/thrust before brake release, then TOGA thrust
Max. HW for landing from a CAT II Approach?
16 Knots
What are the APU Bleed Air Limitations for A/C?
Bleed air extraction from the APU is not permitted above: 25,000ft.
What do you do for an airplane cold soak?
Dry motor for 60 seconds/Stow cycles 2 seconds or less
What is the engine starter cranking limits for start 3 and subsequent?
90 seconds on followed by 5 minutes OFF
Minimum fuel quantity for go-around per wing tank (with the airplane level) and assuming a maximum airplane climb attitude of 10-degrees nose up_____LBS.
When should the taxi lights be switched OFF?
Stationary in excess of 10 Minutes.
Visible moisture definition?
-Visible Moisture or precip. in any form: (Such as fog with vis. of one mile or less, mist, rain, snow, sleet, and ice crystals or clouds inflight) NOTE: If visible moisture is present below 400’ AGL with OAT 10-degrees centigrade or below activate cowl for takeoff. If OAT 5-degrees centigrade or below activate Cowl & Wing AI for takeoff.
Max. Gear Extended Speed?
220 KIAS
What is the engine starter cranking limits for start 1?
90 seconds followed by 10 seconds OFF
IAI Braking Loss/Asymmetry
- Wheel Brakes_______ Release Momentarily 2. PM will select Anti-skid to OFF 3. Wheel Brakes______ Re-apply as req. 4. Reverse Thrust_____ Apply max. until stopping assured
Max Fuel Quantity for Gravity Refueling?
700: 14580lbs 900: 14810lbs
What’s prohibited for reduced thrust takeoff?
A- Anti Skid failed
B- Bleeds in use (wing/cowl)
C- Contaminated Runway
D- Deiced
E- Engine cannot achieve full rated thrust
F- Full thrust required by Dep. Procedure
G- Gust - wind shear and downdrafts
IAI Stab Trim Runaway
- Control Wheel_____ Assume manual control and override runaway 2. STAB TRIM DISC_____ Push, hold and release
Flaps 30 Speed?
185 KIAS
Maximum positive differential pressure
How long should you operate engines at or near idle for prior to shutdown
2 Minutes
Max TO Weight?
700: 75,000lbs. 900: 84,500lbs.
What’s the required equipment for RVSM Airspace? (4 Items)
- A/P with alt. hold (Must be operational) 2. Alt. Alerting System (Must be operational) 3. Alt. Reporting XPDR (2x) (One (1) must be operational) 4. ADCs (2x) (Two (2) must be operational)
Turbulence Penetration Speed
280/.75 whichever is lower
Steady-state OIL PSI Min.?
25 PSI
Ground start ITT?
815-degrees Celsius
Min ambient temp. for TO?
-40-degrees Celsius
Max altitude for single pack operation:
What’s the wheel brake cooling limitations? (2 Limitations)
- Min. brake cool time: 15 Minutes 2. All BTMS indicators must be green and not increasing.
When is VNAV, Flight Director or autopilot coupled, not permitted?
During the climb.
Max DC electrical load on each TRU?
Operation with the A/P engaged is prohibited below 1)________, except when performing the following: (3 Conditions)
1) 600FT AGL Except: -For visual and non-precision approaches, the minimum height for A/P use is 400ft. AGL -For precision approaches (PAR/ILS), the minimum height for A/P use is 80ft. AGL unless: - <900> Single Engine Precision, or vert. guidance, the minimum height for A/P use with one engine operating is 110ft. AGL
Max. Gear Extension Speed?
220 KIAS
Max. Gear Retraction Speed?
200 KIAS
What’re the limitations for flight spoilers? (2 Limitations)
Min ALT: 1000ft. AGL Airspeed: Not extended inflight at airspeeds below the recommended ref. speed plus 10 KIAS
Takeoff with a fuel load in excess of 1)________ in the center tank is not permitted unless each wing tank is above 2)______. Powered crossflow and gravity crossflow must be 3)_____ for takeoff.
- 500lbs. 2. 4,400lbs. 3. OFF
If static/standing takeoff data is generated and wind limits prevent a static/standing takeoff:
A) Winds must be entered in ACARS OR B) ACARS Inop. Dispatch must manually insert winds into TLR data.
Do not exceed 75% N1 for how long after start?
2 minutes, or until all operating indications are in the normal range, whichever is longer
What must the ITT be below before attempting to ground start the engine?
120-degrees Centigrade
When can you initiate the thrust lever from SHUT OFF to IDLE?
- ITT must be 120-degrees centigrade or less for all ground starts 2. ITT must be 90-degrees centigrade or less for all air starts
In addition to a visual check, a tactile check of the leading edge, wing forward upper surface, and wing rear upper surface is required during the Exterior Inspection to determine that the wing is free from frost, ice, snow, or slush when:
- OAT is 10 centigrade or less 2. Bulk fuel temp is 0 centigrade or less, or 3. Conditions conducive to frost conditions 4. Ice and frost may continue to adhere to wing surfaces for some time even at OAT above 10 centigrade.
Wing and Cowl anti-ice with ICE Annuciated INFLIGHT?
Condition: ON Temp: N/A IAS: N/A Anti-ice: Cowl & Wing
What’s the maximum permissible fuel imbalance between the left and right tank for Takeoff, and all other phases of flight?
Takeoff: 300lbs. All other phases of flight: 800lbs.
Flaps 8 Speed?
230 KIAS
Ground Contaminations Def.?
Runways, ramps, or taxiways with surface snow, ice, slush, or standing water.
Flaps 45 Speed?
170 KIAS
What’re the thrust reverser limitations? (2 Limitations)
- Max reverse thrust prohibited below 75 KIAS 2. Reverse idle by 60 KIAS
IAI Smoke/Fumes
- Oxygen Masks (If req.)______ Don and 100% 2. Crew Communication______ Establish Act without associated CAS message
Maximum AC Electrical load on the Engine or APU driven gen.
When is SPEED MODE (DES or IAS), Flight Director or autopilot coupled, not permitted?
During approach.
What is the engine starter cranking limits for start 2?
90 seconds followed by 10 seconds OFF
Non-memory Checklists IAI
- Rudder System Jam 2. Aileron System Jam 3. Elevator System Jam 4. L (R) Engine Oil Press MSG or Oil Pressure Low 5. Uncommanded Yaw Motion 6. Unreliable Airspeed In-Flight
Takeoff Power OIL PSI Min.?
45 PSI
APU Max operating alt.
Wing and Cowl anti-ice during In-Flight?
Condition: Visible moisture Temp: From TAT 10-degrees Centigrade to SAT -39 degrees centigrade IAS: Greater than or equal to 230/ (Less than 230) Anti-ice: Cowl/ (Cowl & Wing)
Max Fuel Quantity for Pressure Refueling?
LT: 7492lbs RT: 7492lbs CT: 4610lbs Total: 19594lbs
What’s APR Power limited to?
10 Minutes
Flaps 1 Speed?
230 KIAS
Max ZFW?
700: 62,300lbs. 900: 70,750lbs.
Max. pressure diff. during gound maneuvering
APU Max starting alt.
Except in emergency, TO + LD will not be attempted whenever peak wind (Includes Gust Value) value exceeds?
50 Knots
Max. 90-degree XW for LD CAT II Approach?
15 Knots
What’s the maximum permissible time for ground ops with DC power to protect the flight compartment CRT displays?
5 Minutes
IAI Cabin ALT MSG or Emergency Descent Procedures
- Oxygen Masks______ Don and 100% 2. Crew Communication_____ Establish 3. Captain assumes PF NOTE: Cabin pressure uncontrollable, airplane structural integrity in doubt, maintain at or below the speed at which malfunction occurred and avoid high maneuvering loads.
Max ambient temp. for TO/LD?
ISA +40-degrees Celsius limited to Max OAT of 51-degrees Celsius
Maximum altitude for the main engine assist
Maximum 90-degree XW for TO and LD?
27 Knots
What must the ITT be below before attempting to airstart engine?
90-degrees Centigrade
Max. direct TW for TO and LD (including gusts)?
10 Knots
What’re the APU Starter limits?
The APU Starter motor duty cycle is limited to not more than three (3) starts/start attempts in one (1) hour within a two (2) minute delay between cranking attempts.
Flight must be within _______ minutes of a suitable airport if cargo is carried in either cargo compartment.
Wing and Cowl anti-ice while taxiing?
Condition: Ground contamination or visible moisture Temp: OAT 10-degrees Centigrade or below IAS: N/A Anti-ice: Cowl
When do you have to airplane cold soak?
FFD, -30-degrees Celsius below for 8 hours
What’s the benefit of FLEX thrust? (Anti-skid must be operative)
Helps to reduce wear and tear on the engine. Tricks the engine into being hot.
Max. Operating Altitude?
What braking action is required for a CAT II approach?
What classes of HAZMAT are allowed to be carried?
Class 8 and 9
What’s the limit to dry ice?
5.5lbs per passenger (lunchbox)
275lbs when not medical
APU or PACK Inop.: 50lbs.
*Current EFB STAR states no dry ice with Cargo Shipment (NOTOC)
FAF on ILS GS callout is verifying what?
Altimeters are within 75’
What does the thrust need to be within when full thrust is used?
+/- 1% of the N1 Carets of the ACARS or backup weight and balance data.
What does the thrust carets need to be when using FLEX thrust?
N1 carets need to be greater than the N1 % on ACARS or the Backup Weight and Balance Data.
When is it considered WET?
RVR less than 4000’ and 3/4 mile.
When is auto-flight required to remain coupled on a precision approach?
When weather is less than 4000’ and 3/4 mile.
When is autoflight required to be coupled on a non-precision approach?
When weather is less than 5000’ and one mile.
With the Anti-skid inoperative what can’t you do?
- Land contaminated runway.
- FLEX Thrust.
Stabilized Approach Criteria:
By 1000’ AFE:
Checklist Complete
On Flight Path 3/4 Scale deflection ILS/+/- 5*
Landing Configuration including Trim
Airspeed Proper No lower than Vref but no greater than Vref plus 10
Power Setting (Engines Spooled)
Sink Rate (1000 FPM or less)
What’s the steepest GS degree angle an FO can do?
Less than 3.5*
When above 80 kts what do you reject for?
- Engine Failure
- Fire Warning
- Unsafe to fly
- Loss of directional control