Limitations - ALL Flashcards
Limitations - ALL
Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits
Clean configuration
-1 g to +2.5 g
Limitations - ALL
Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits
Other configurations
0 g to +2g
Limitations - ALL
Nominal runway width
45 m
Limitations - ALL
Minimal runway width
30 m
Limitations - ALL
Takeoff limitations on contaminated runways
Takeoff is not recommended on the following runway conditions:
Wet Ice
Water on top of Compacted Snow
Dry Snow or Wet Snow over Ice
Limitations - ALL
Cockpit Window Open Maximum Speed
200 kts
Limitations - ALL
Maximum speed with the landing gear extended (VLE)
280 kt /M 0.67
Limitations - ALL
Maximum speed at which the landing gear may be extended (VLO extension)
250 kt /M 0.60
Limitations - ALL
Maximum speed at which the landing gear may be retracted (VLO retraction)
220 kt /M 0.54
Limitations - ALL
Maximum ground speed
195 kt
Limitations - ALL
Wipers maximum speed operating speed
230 kt
Limitations - ALL
Autopilot minimum height
At takeoff
100 ft AGL and at least 5s after liftoff
Limitations - ALL
Autopilot minimum height
In approach with F-G/s mode
200ft AGL
Limitations - ALL
Autopilot minimum height
In approach with FINAL APP, V/S or FPA mode
250 ft AGL
Limitations - ALL
Autopilot minimum height
In circling approach
500 ft AGL for aircraft category C (600ft AGL for aircraft category D)
Limitations - ALL
Autopilot minimum height
ILS/MLS approach when CAT1 is displayed on the FMA
160 ft AGL
Limitations - ALL
Autopilot minimum height
GLS approach when AUTOLAND is not displayed on the FMA
160 ft AGL
Limitations - ALL
Autopilot minimum height
ILS/MLS approach when CAT2 or CAT3 (single of dual is displayed on the FMA
0 ft AGL is autoland
Limitations - ALL
Autopilot minimum height
After a manual go-around
100ft AGL
Limitations - ALL
Minimum decision altitude
LTS Category I
relevant DA
Limitations - ALL
Minimum decision height
LTS Category II
100 ft
Limitations - ALL
Minimum decision height
Other than Standard CAT II (OTS CAT II)
100 ft
Limitations - ALL
Minimum decision height
ILS Category III Fail Passive (Single)
50 ft
Limitations - ALL
APU Start
After three consecutive APU start attempts, the flight crew must wait 60 mins before a new start attempt
Limitations - ALL
Rotor Speed
Maximum N Speed
107 %
Limitations - ALL
Minimum use height for GSM
Global System for Mobile Communication
approximately 10,000ft
Limitations - ALL
Minimum speed for use of maximum reverse thrust
70 kt
Limitations - ALL
Minimum speed for use of minimum reverse thrust
0 kt
Limitations - ALL
Maximum operating altitude with slats and/or flaps extended
20,000 ft
Limitations - ALL
Minimum fuel quantity for takeoff
1,500 kg
Limitations - ALL
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff (with brake fans off)
300 C
Limitations - ALL
Maximum Nosewheel steering angle
+/- 85 deg
Limitations - ALL
Maximum taxi speed if a maximum of one tire per gear is damaged or deflated
7 kt
Limitations - ALL
Maximum taxi speed if two tires are deflated on the same main gear (maximum one main gear)
3 kts
Limitations - ALL
Maximum NWS angle if a tire is damaged or deflated
30 deg
Limitations - ALL
Maximum wind for passenger door operation
65 kt
Limitations - ALL
Maximum wind for FWD and AFT cargo door operation
40 kt (50 kt if the aircraft nose is into the wind, or if the FWD and AFT cargo doors are on the leeward side)
Limitations - ALL
Maximum wind for FWD and AFT cargo doors to be open
65 kt